
New Jerusalem Creations

Creating beautiful visual concepts and out of this world images . Njcworks


Hey guys, okay so it's been a while I've been here, I've been quite incognito lately, forgive me please but just like your grandmother coming from the village/country side to see you in the city, i didn't come back empty-handed.... Continue Reading →


I've come to learn a lot about myself recently and about who I'm meant to be. Everyone knows they're meant to be different but do we really know what different is? Honestly, I can't tell you what different is supposed... Continue Reading →

Project RISE

Portraits Of A Kind: FASHION INFLUENCERS part I

Ever since I can remember, I've been interested in the fashion industry. I've always wanted to be a part of it, always wanted to be part of the people influencing it and somehow I was able to dig my way... Continue Reading →


3 days ago was my one year "camiversary" (a year since I bought my camera) I was actually pretty excited because a lot has happened within this one year, so many amazing things, so many not so amazing things and... Continue Reading →

My Runway Story

As a photographer, my job isn't just to take pictures but to interpret stories, capture moments and well, create beautiful visual concepts. Being able to take beautiful pictures, As hard as it may be is still easier than being able... Continue Reading →


The first edition of the Gtbank fashion Weekend was very interesting. The environment was very different from LFDW 2016, bigger space, less photographers but the style of the people in attendance was just as riveting and sophisticated as LFDW 2016.... Continue Reading →

LFDW 2016. Backstage

At a fashion show, backstage is a completely different environment from the street and the runway. To be honest, I think it's calmer backstage (some may strongly disagree) but it also has it's hectic moments. Backstage gives you a quick... Continue Reading →

LFDW 2016. NJC Faces

I always tell people that as a photographer what I love to do is to connect to people's personalities and visually interpret that. At Lagos fashion and design week there was so many faces and so many personalities to connect... Continue Reading →

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