Mother’s Day 2021

This evening, we went for what was initially a damp walk into our woods. By the time we made it back to the house we found ourselves in a dreching and cold, yet refreshing downpour. Upon our entering our woods, we were greeted by a patch of ferns – some of which to be relocated as they have overgrown their original plot. And thankfully the number of Jack-in-the-pulpits sprouting along the pathway into the woods is also increasing. There is a certain charm in the rarity of this native perennial, but I wouldn’t mind seeing a few more pop up each year. Jack is both humble and a stand out in the woods, when you can find him.

One native plant that is easy to spot is the mayapple. They are fairly easy to notice as they crowd together over time, looking almost as if a bunch of small woodland animals have put up green leafy umbrellas to protect themelves from the sun or the rain. I’ve never seen them flower before, but Tiffany taught the kids and me that the mayapple doesn’t flower every year. But when it does flower, it gives off a lovely apple-blossom fragrance. You can’t smell it from a distance, but up close the mayapple flower is a real treat. After plucking one of the plants from the ground to give it a closer inspection, I reassured the kids that no gnomes, fairies or rabbits lost their cover from the rain.

The ramp remains elusive for Tiffany. I would be pleased if I could trade all of the chives growing on the property for a few ramps. We cook almost daily with our asparagus this time of year. The idea of working with ramps on a regular basis excites me. The hunt continues. What we lack in the ramp department we more than make up with raspberries. Though we are more than a few weeks away from picking our first raspberry, seeing the plants leaf out and sprawl across the woodland floor this time of year brings a promise of warmer and sweeter days ahead. In the meantime, if I could convince Wyatt that he cannot walk through a patch of raspberry plants in the woods would be a solid win for Dad.

We have been very lucky with the weather so far this early spring. Nights have remained fairly mild and we haven’t had to scramble to protect any starts, newly planted plugs or flowering fruit trees. Some of the day time temperatures have been stubbornly cold recently, but all in all I think we have done okay. Hundreds of four inch pots have been emptied with their contents planted into the big garden and various side beds around the house. Though we have a cold Wednesday night coming, the baby plants look to be safely in place for the season with thousands more to be planted over the next few weeks. Though the walk was on the chilly side today, I can’t stop thinking of all of my winemaker friends throughout Europe that have lost much of their harvest due to frost this spring. Though not uncommon, the recent frosts came after a highly unusual warm March which forced vines to bud out, leaving themselves vulnerable to cold snaps. The idea of losing an entire crop for the year gives me pause every time I think about it.

I am not sure if annual task of installing bamboo in the tomato garden is an accurate measurement of the effects of climate change but it is a task that I once undertook with a deep sense of dread. For the first couple of years on the farm, I used a mallet and rebar to make holes deep enough to hold bamboo stakes in the tomato garden. The soil was rock hard, dry and seemingly impermeable. The process took hours over the course of a few days. Thankfully I haven’t had to use the mallet in this fashion for a few years now. I started inserting new bamboo into our clay based soil yesterday and once again it was soft enough for me to push the bamboo the requisite 8-12 inches into the ground. Short of a tropical storm whipping the tomato garden for the second year in a row, our heirlooms should stay upright through harvest.

One of the first perennial flowers to be harvested each year is the peony. We have a number of peonies that have reached the age required to push a good quantity of flowers. However, we have hundreds of peonies that were planted last fall. On our walk in the rain today we looked in on the peony field and upon noticing the first flower buds from the freshman crop, Tiffany remarked, “How in the world am I supposed to sacfrice something so beautiful?” I didn’t know much about peonies until I saw my first flower up close in the garden a few years ago. I concur – the flowers are nothing short of breathtaking. The question is, do we wait another year or two to let these plants take our breath away?

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May 3rd, 2021

Autumn olive. When traveling north on 519 above our farm, it is easy to overlook the waves of autumn olives dancing from side to side throughout the hay fields. If you know what you are looking at out in the fields, it becomes apparent there are hundreds, if not thousands of these incredibly fragrant bushes scattered along wood lines and unsown marshy fields of Kingwood. On a run along the Delaware River today, I was in constant contact with the unmistakable aroma eminating from the tiny white flowers of the autumn olives nestled beneath the sycamores, viburnum, oaks, maples and dying ash trees.

We have a number of autumn olive bushes throughout our acre or so of woods. For the first few years we didn’t realize what we were experiencing. Honeysuckle? Not yet. Lilacs? Not in the woods. Wysteria? Not enough of them to notice. Even this year we took the kids through the trails in our woods and Tiffany remarked, “oh that’s what it is. The autumn olive.” We always forget about its humble beauty.

Up until a couple of years ago there was a lonely autumn olive located on the southwestern corner of our property. Standing next to a wide swath of irrepressible mugwort, the lone lime leafed bush needed to go. We didn’t know at the time what we were going to plant in its place, but the olive just didn’t fit in. And its roots seemed to agree. After clipping the base of the bush with the tractor a few times, one day I came out to walk the property line and the autumn olive was on its side, roots barely attached to the soil. With a short tug, the bush came out and I deposited it into the woods.

Today, at the base of the property where the olive once stood, the lower portion of the our peony garden begins. With over one hundred and fifty peonies planted from north to the south in three rows, I don’t miss the autumn olive that much. A few of our garden friends don’t like autumn olive that much. I can’t blame them. It’s invasive and becomes a bit gnarly in appearance. However, this being a time of year when spring fragrances are starting to wane, catching a deep whiff of the flowers of the autumn olive might allow one to forgive its shortcomings.

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May 1st, 2021

Hyssop. I know two things about hyssop – we have it planted in the third bed from center in the middle garden and the aromatics of this unassuming perennial remind of the northern Rhone Valley; most notably the unparalled interpretation of Viognier found in Condrieu. Menthol, vanilla and anise radiate from the purplish green leaves of hyssop. In just a few weeks, our hyssop will once again be all grown up and will be pushing out its flowers, ready to be used in the summer bouquets. But today, the plant is just a small burst of tender leaves.

As are some of the other flowering trees and shrubs around the property. We are coming to the end of flowering tree season, but there remains the lacey white flower of viburnum and the always triumphant return of lilacs. Is there a spring flower that can carry its scent with the delicate patience of a lilac? My first introduction to lilacs was at my grandmother’s house many years ago. I can still remember burying my nose in the bunches of purple flowers in her backyard. Today as we ended our day in the garden, I thought of her house and her small garden as wafts of lilacs from below our fruit trees followed us as we walked up to the house for the night.

What was missing today that was the assertiveness of chokecherry flower. For a few days this past week, our lone chokecherry has been filling the back yard nearest the house with strong lemon and vanilla aromas. I believe our tree is four years old. I might be off by a year either way. I look forward to its leaves changing from green to purple each year, but each year I forget how lovely of a fragrance that the tree gives off as April turns to May.

It was an all out effort today. Every Saturday this time year is. Young plants went in the ground, the grass in the gardens was cut, persimmon trees were planted and the farmstand was as busy as could be for the first weekend in May. With any luck Violet and Wyatt sleep gentle into the night and a few innings of baseball can be enjoyed before we start again tomorrow.


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April 30th, 2021

It has been some time since I have written for our website. My wife Tiffany works tirelessly to keep you all updated via Instagram. So, I figured that it is time for me to get back to work via the written form. I still write every day in my personal farm journal. And I must admit, I will always love using pen to paper to record the weather, notable events and all things Pretty Bird Farm. Scritch, scratch, crossing out, rewrite. Write more neatly next time so the kids can actually read my handwriting one day. Some of those personal thoughts regarding the farm might never make it here – and vice versa. But let us see where this digital adventure takes us.

The wind storm today has been persistent and at times, fierce. More than a handful of dead ash trees came down on the old Rosemont Tree Farm to our west. My former neighbor would have thanked the wind for the free tree removal. We lost some limbs on the silver maples and ashes, but no major damage as of yet.

Pretty Bird and I have been busy potting up and planting tender starts. Today it was Silver Dollar Eucalyptus and a few other things that I cannot remember the name of. If I had a crystal ball, I would start planting the tomatoes. The advanced forecast claims that middle spring will remain warm and cooperative. But if I had that crystal ball I’d be a full time farmer with a retirement plan in place. With that alternate reality aside, here I am, writing to you. And I do so with joy. Tired, end of the night, joy. And a full day of work begins in the morning. The weather will be warm and the garden is ready to be planted.

The kids are asleep and the Blaufrankish is open. More on some of these topics tomorrow.

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Garden Conservancy Open Days at Pretty Bird Farm June 15th Recap


Pretty Bird Farm is participating in The Garden Conservancy’s Open Days program two Saturdays this year.  We opened June 15th earlier this summer and I wrote a blog about it about a month ago, and here it is.  As I look at the photos I am including here from that day, I am blown away at how much our garden has grown in the last 7 weeks.  If you came to our June Open Day, you will not recognize our garden.  Our cool season crops have been pulled, our summer crops are over grown and our tomato season is in full swing.  John is pulling 100+ pounds every couple days.  We hope to see you this coming Saturday, August 10th.  Here is a recap of our June opening.

June 15, 2019

It was delightful to be surrounded by so many people that love gardening and we are truly grateful for all of our family and friends that came out to volunteer their time and make the day a great success!  Thank you for the car parking, the checking in, the garden answers, the plant sales, and most of all the kid entertaining!


If you like gardening and you have never heard of The Garden Conservancy, I encourage you to visit their website at and sign up for their emails to be alerted of events in your area.  I promise they will only email when there is something interesting going on!  We have now visited 5 other gardens on their open days and every single one was worth it!

What is a Garden Conservancy Open Day?

“The mission of the Garden Conservancy is to save and share outstanding American gardens for the education and inspiration of the public.”  The Garden Conservancy helps build, restore and maintain public gardens all over the country.  They raise funds for this through their Open Days programs as well as many other garden seminars and events throughout the year. An Open Day is a self-guided tour in a private garden to educate and inspire garden lovers of all ages (kids too!).  Every garden you visit will be so different from the next as each garden reflects the owner’s personal interests, limitations and goals for their space.

The Garden Conservancy organizes exceptional gardens in regions to make it easy for garden enthusiasts to see several locations in one day.  Opening June 15th was ambitious and risky for us since it was only a month after our last frost date in our zone 6B garden. Somehow the stars aligned and there was so much more in bloom than we were expecting!  The cool-weather loving flowers like snapdragons, dianthus, orlaya and so many more that we planted in the fall were still in bloom; and many of our early spring plantings literally came into bloom over night!  Here are a few photos from our day. I hope they inspire you to visit us as well as the other open gardens in your community!


We will be opening our garden on Saturday August 10th, 2019 and have a lot of friends joining us this time. We will have butterfly expert and conservationist Kathy Klink on site to talk about Monarch lifecycles with live caterpillars and chrysalises! The River Rats, a Plein Air Painting Group of Artsbridge will be in our gardens in the morning and I cannot wait to see what they capture. And our neighbor, Matt Baldwin who you can usually find at Sergeantsville Farmers’ Market has agreed to fill the garden with music. Hope to see you there!


We will be opening our garden on Saturday August 10th, 2019 and have a lot of friends joining us this time.  We will have butterfly expert and conservationist Kathy Klink on site to talk about Monarch lifecycles with live caterpillars and chrysalises!  The River Rats, a Plein Air Painting Group of Artsbridge will be in our gardens in the morning and I cannot wait to see what they capture.  And our neighbor Matt Baldwin who you can usually find at Sergeantsville Farmers’ Market has agreed to fill the garden with music.  Hope to see you there!

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Canning Tomato Sauce at Pretty Bird Farm

Hey! It has been too long since we have updated the blog, but we are still here! We have been living life instead of writing about it! We are still growing the farm, still growing our little Violet and we added a new baby to the family! Wyatt William Kafarski was born on December 20, 2017!


Burping the baby!

If you want regular updates, check out our Instagram feed! But without further ado, we bring you a new blog post from the Kitchen at Pretty Bird Farm:

How to Can Tomato Sauce

When we got married (long ago) in 2010, we gave away jars of tomato sauce that we canned ourselves in our sweltering hot Highland Park apartment. We used to hang a sheet between the kitchen and the living room when the stove was going all day, just to give the window unit AC in the living room a fighting chance.


Since then, our sauce and our techniques have evolved to become more efficient and create a better end product. And, now we are all grown up with central air in our little ranch on Pretty Bird Farm.

We get asked often how we can tomato sauce so I thought I’d put it down in writing so we can look back at our antique methods another 8 years from now and share what we are doing then!


  1. Gather all your tools:
    • Canning jars
    • New lids and rings
    • Ladle
    • Big soup pot
    • Lemon juice
    • Tongs or jar lifter
    • Jar funnel
    • Tomatoes!!!
  2. Peel and clean your tomatoes: While peeling isn’t necessary I think it makes a nicer sauce. We have done this a couple ways and here they are ranked from slowest and cheapest to fastest and more expensive:
    • We first started making sauce peeling the old fashioned way by blanching our tomatoes and then dropping them into a pot of ice water. This gets the job done, but it takes a lot of time, and you will go through a lot of ice.
    • Then we upgraded to a hand crank food mill using a salsa blade. This works too, but hand cranking is a lot of work, and you have to find a place in your kitchen where you can attach the mill somewhere to your counters with a vice.
    • We recently purchased the vegetable strainer attachment that goes with our Kitchenaid Mixer and this has revolutionized sauce making for us! This strainer is surely the fastest method for squeezing out all of the pulp from your tomatoes and removing the skins. It also now gives us the option to remove seeds from our sauce!
  3. Cook down your sauce: Cook to the consistency that you would want it for a quick pasta dinner in the middle of winter. For us, this means cooking the sauce until it reduces by about half. We typically use a mix of paste and heirloom tomatoes and this is what works for us. If you are using exclusively paste tomatoes, your cook down process will be much faster! This process for us takes anywhere from 4-10 hours depending on how juicy our tomatoes are and how big of a pot we are starting with.
  4. Seal in canning jars :
    • Start off with clean jars by boiling to sterilize-even if they are brand new. Do not boil the lids. Jars can be used from year to year if they are undamaged, but you will want to buy new rings and lids each time you can.
    • Fill jars with sauce leaving one inch of headspace from the top of the sauce to the top of the jar. Add one tbsp of lemon juice for pints, two tbsp for quarts. Dip lids and rings into boiling water and seal your jars.
    • Process pints for 35 minutes, quarts for 45 minutes in boiling water. And ta-da you did it!
    • Pro Tip: Often canning projects in our house run over more than one day. When processing in a water bath, make sure you are not putting ice cold tomato sauce into a recently boiled jar. You risk the jar cracking, losing all your hard work and making a bigger mess to clean up.


If you burn the sauce: Hey it happens! If you notice some burnt bits from the bottom float up when you are stirring, don’t keep stirring them into your sauce! If you catch it soon enough, you might be able to save it. Sometimes it is just burnt on the bottom. Pour your sauce into a new pot leaving the burnt bits in the old one and get back to work.

If your jars don’t seal: Did you cook them long enough? Is the lid on straight? Try a new lid and reprocess!







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A Secret Garden Birthday Party

A Secret Garden Birthday Party

If you’ve been following along on Instagram or Facebook, you know our little Violet just turned 1!


The last year has been the fastest one of our lives, packed full of learning new skill sets and making new memories all with our beautiful baby on board!

Since Violet couldn’t pick her own 1st birthday theme yet, we picked a Secret Garden Birthday Party theme for her!  We scoured Pinterest for ideas and came up with a few of our own!  Here are some pretty pictures to remember this beautiful day!



I knew I wanted flowers – flowers everywhere!! But it was important not to break the budget!  We made a few small cut flower arrangements in Ball Jars and I am especially proud of the living room window which may stay adorned for a long time!



I loved the idea of sending our friends and family home with a little piece of Violet’s Secret Garden.  Our party favors included potted ranunculus, gerbera daisies, grape hyacinths and tête à tête daffodils.


Every kid birthday party needs helium balloons!  If you are throwing a party for kids, just double the amount of balloons you think you need!  They really liven up a room and there isn’t a kid around that doesn’t love carrying a balloon around the house.  The crepe paper streamers are inexpensive and really went a long way!  We surprised Violet with a streamers in her door way and a few of her other favorite places on her birthday morning and she loves being flown through them like an airplane.  Big thank yous go out to my mom and Aunt Lisa for adding the final touches to all the thresholds around the house!



In keeping with the Secret Garden theme, I opted for foods that might have come from the garden: veggie dip, spanakopita, ghost chili cornbread, tomato jam, pepper jelly and a cheese plate.  Ok I know that last one is a bit of a stretch to tie back to the garden, but hey, it’s March!  Friends and family also contributed to our spread adding deviled eggs and Irish soda bread (thanks Aunt Lisa!), fruit salad and spinach dip (Thanks Jackie!) and Stromboli (thanks Erica!)


Smash Cake

My Mom made cupcakes for dessert and adorned them with gummy butterflies and worms, and she has the cutest recipe for making acorns out of Oreos, Hershey Kisses and chocolate chips.  The grand finale was this beautiful Smash Cake crafted by our local bakery, Factory Girl Bakes.  This was Violet’s first experience with cake.  She was very dainty in the beginning, licking a little bit of chocolate off her fingers here and there and feeding her daddy and grandma.  It wasn’t long before she had had enough and she decided that it was time to pound that cake into oblivion.   She grabbed and threw, and smashed that cake until there were no crumbs left!  And a big thank you to everyone that contributed in cleaning up the highchair, floor and walls as we gave Violet a quick shower and changed her into birthday outfit #2!



Violet was showered with so many thoughtful gifts!  I was surprised and delighted when many of our guests continued the party theme in their gift giving!  Violet received garden themed clothing, a birdhouse to paint, a water table, a Lego Duplo Farm and SO many garden themed books!  Who knew that there were so many children’s books centered around gardening!  If you are looking to inspire a little one to get out and love nature, here are just a few from Violet’s bookshelf:

The Curious Garden by Peter Brown

Big Red Barn by Margaret Wise Brown

Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert

The Tree Lady by H. Joseph Hopkins

Plant the Tiny Seed by Christie Matheson

The Little Gardener by Jab Gerardi

The Night Gardener by Teri and Eric Fan

The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle

The Puddle Garden by Jared and Laura Rosenbaum

And don’t forget The Secret Garden by Francis Hodgson Burnett-now available in a picture board book by Jennifer Adams!

Thank you to all that shared and celebrated with our little Violet on this very special day!   Love Tiffany, John & Violet


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Sunday Flurries

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It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

Let’s be honest, it’s been looking a lot like Christmas at Pretty Bird Farm since the week before Thanksgiving!  I took three days off work in November to make garland, decorate our tree and sew Luffa sponges (what?).  John reminded me this morning that it’s Winter Solstice, so what better time to do the winter update I have been planning all month!

And now we have Violet in our lives, it’s the best Christmas yet at Pretty Bird Farm!  We have been living every weekend to the fullest – walking the local river towns, baking cookies with family and friends, and learning how to sit on Santa’s lap for the first time!

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I love Christmas.  I start living and breathing it, planning Christmas cards, shopping and thinking about decorating right around Halloween.  This year I started dreaming of the holidays much earlier when this behemoth started growing in the garden:


Not every experiment in the garden turns out so successfully.  Growing luffa was a lot of fun, and I really enjoyed making my own luffa sponges to hand out as party favors.

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Most Christmases we put up a spruce tree because I am always attracted to the shape and promise of the strong branches holding our heavy ornaments.  This year a Canaan Fir at Rosemont Tree Farm caught our eye.  We have never had a tree drink so much water and drop so few needles.  I think fir is our new Christmas standard!

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Christmas wouldn’t be complete without a countdown.  A few years ago I saw this beautiful Advent Calendar in a store that was literally $99.  I thought to myself, I could totally make that for $20. So I did! I gathered felt, embroidery thread, paint and some Martha Stewart stencils and got to work. Each year I wind up a garland with greens from the yard.  This year’s garland is made of yew and cedar.


We hung our stockings by the chimney with care, and decorated the mantle with more greens from the yard, a few paperwhites (I love these!!!), some leftovers from our Thanksgiving mantle (apple gourds: I could totally grow these), a few lemon cypress I hope to keep alive and some good old fashioned gold glitter pinecones:


The farm stand is also still in service, but not quite as full as it is in the summer time.  We have been making wreaths and swags all month, and selling a few of the birdhouse gourds we grew last year.  The chickens have really slowed down their egg production. We are only getting 2-4 eggs per day from twenty ladies. However, when we have eggs to share we put those out on the farm stand as well.


So, it’s four sleeps until Christmas and you would think we are all set right?  Well, we are mostly.  The gifts are wrapped, Christmas dinner is planned, the house is decorated and clean (shhh the baby is still sleeping!) but I have one last Christmas craft on my to-do list: Christmas Crackers.

I bought Christmas crackers years ago and I remember thinking they were a lot of fun.  I feel like every retailer is selling them this year, but I am not that excited about the contents.  Apparently a tissue paper crown, cheap plastic toy and cheesy joke is tradition!

Anyway, I have decided to make my own for Christmas dinner and as the winter solstice sun rose this morning, I did some inspirational web browsing.  I thought they were just made from a tube and some wrapping paper, but there is also a small stick called a cracker snap that is only sold outside the US that adds a popping sound when the cracker is pulled a part.  I tried searching for how to make my own but that just lead down a rabbit hole to making your own fireworks and other things we aren’t going to blog about.  So, we will have to make our own enthusiastic popping sounds at Christmas dinner this year!  Photos coming soon-wish us luck!

We hope Santa treats you well, and that you have a Very Merry Christmas!

Tiffany, John & Violet

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Holy Moly!

A Mole Sauce Recipe

What an election this has been.  This post isn’t about politics though, there is enough read about that right now.  This blog post is about the delightful mole sauce we made to upgrade our Taco Tuesday dinner last night!


We did rock the vote though.

Mole is a chocolate pepper sauce used in Mexican cooking.  You don’t find it at just any Mexican restaurant though. Because there are quite a number of ingredients and a fair amount of time goes into creating it, you don’t see it that often.  It isn’t common like tomato sauce or pesto; I don’t think I have ever seen a can of it in the store!

I have been feeding my mole obsession lately at a little Mexican restaurant called Viva Mexico that we accidentally stumbled on in Flemington.  The food is excellent, more than reasonably price and the staff is super friendly.  We went there this past weekend with Violet. And of course I had the cheese enchiladas with the house made mole sauce.  We ordered a plate of sliced avocado on the side for Miss Violet to snack on.


And, she tried her first lime!

With all the election drama yesterday I was craving comfort food.  It was Taco Tuesday for us, and the addition of mole sauce on top really dressed it up.  I searched around on the web for a recipe, but everyone seemed to have a different take on it.  Who knew there were so many ways to make a mole?  Below is the Pretty Bird Farm take on mole, using up ingredients we already had on hand, and allowing our final tomato and pepper harvests to really go out with a bang!

This is a huge batch of mole that is going to complement at least a dozen dinners this winter for us.  You can cut it in half or quarters, but with all the love that goes into creating it, I think it is best made in mass.  We froze our extra batches in freezer safe containers and ice cubes for easy add-ons to the next Taco Tuesday, Eggs & Potatoes Night or Pasta Dinner.

Makes 3-3.5 quarts of mole:

  • 6 Cups Vegetable Broth
  • 6 Cups Sweet & Hot Peppers (cored but not chopped)
  • 2 Tortillas
  • 6 Cups Quartered Tomatoes
  • 1 Large Onion
  • 2 Cinnamon Sticks
  • 1 Garlic Bulb
  • 6 Allspice Berries
  • 2 Cups Hazlenuts
  • 2 Tbsp Cumin
  • 10 oz. Chocolate
  • ¼ Cup Sugar
  • 1 Tbsp Salt


Core peppers and heat in a dry pan searing them until they become heated and aromatic:


A handful of Anchos, a handful of Sweet Bells, a few Cayennetta, a few Lemon Dream

Then blend them with 2 cups of vegetable broth.  Work in batches if your food processor or blender only fits small quantities.  This is all going into one pot to be mixed together, so don’t worry about each element mixing perfectly together as you go.  As my food processor filled up, I emptied it out half way storing what was blended already in a bowl on the side.

Chop up and toast 2 tortillas in the pan you used for the peppers. Throw them in the food processor, mixing them in with the pepper broth mixture.  Roughly chop your tomatoes and heat them up in your same frying pan. Cook them for about 15 minutes.


Go ahead and be daring and throw a few green tomatoes in there!

You want to bring out a roasting flavor but not completely cook them down to sauce.  Then put them in the food processor mixing them in with the peppers and broth.  Heat up some olive oil in your frying pan.  Roughly chop your onion and cook it down roasting the nuts, roughly chopped garlic, cinnamon sticks, allspice and cumin.


Sizzle Sizzle Sizzle-By the way, these hazelnuts are special: they were grown, picked, shelled and flown back to the US by our neighbor Irene all the way from Italy!  Thanks Irene!

Add more olive oil as necessary so nothing sticks or burns.  When the onions begin to caramelize and nuts start toasting, remove the cinnamon sticks and allspice and discard them.  Blend the onions and nuts and mix in to your tomato pepper mixture.

In a large soup pot (at least 5 Quart size) heat 4 cups of vegetable broth, 10 oz chocolate, (treat yourself to something nice like the baking chocolate we picked up from Sciascaia Confections at the Stockton Market) ¼ Cup Sugar and 1 Tbsp of salt until the chocolate melts and everything mixes together. Then transfer all of the other blended ingredients into the big pot and mix well.


It might not look pretty, but this sauce is a little bit of heaven!

Allow this to heat and thicken up a bit and mix thoroughly.  If you are happy with the consistency of your mix, go ahead and enjoy it like it is.  You can also transfer it all back to your blender in batches.  I used an immersion blender and just mixed everything up a bit more in the pot that it was in.20161108_184301

Top off your Tuesday Taco bowl and enjoy!


Mashed Avocado, Quinoa, Mexican Cheese, Refried Beans, Lime, Cornbread and One Pretty Bird Farm Egg Over Easy

Want to learn more about Mole?  Check out the wiki-there is a ton of history and folklore about this beautiful sauce!


And don’t forget to make the kids do the dishes!

Love Mole?  Let us know!   We would love to hear if you give our recipe a go or put your own spin on it!  Tiffany

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