Every movement is a different experience

Helping people have a healthier life through movement

Are you?

  • A Beginner Keen to Learn

    Anyone who wants to learn and reconnect with their body through movement.

  • A New Mom

    For mums who are in post-partum recovery and are looking to strengthen their core.

  • A Pilates Enthusiast

    People who already love Pilates who want to continue and improve their practice.

When all your muscles are properly developed, you will, as a matter of course, perform your work with minimum effort and maximum pleasure


  • Fernanda Santana

    I really enjoyed the whole program, it helped a lot with my postpartum recovery. Every week I could notice the improvement of my muscles and getting it stronger after week 5.

  • Mari Custódio

    The live online exercises were so clearly explained while Talita observed all my movements to ensure I was working the correct muscles.

  • Katia Almeida

    This program was wisely designed to meet new mom's needs within the crazy availability with a new baby at home.

  • Jean Woestemeier

    What I really like about is that the program is personalised to my needs, and fits in my training routine.