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Sacred Divine Balance
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"To keep the body in good health is a duty...
Otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear"


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Mission Statement

My goal is to provide a judgment-free environment, to come and be your own unique self, unapologetically Authentic. My purpose is to help you as an individual, to activate the God-given natural ability your body has to heal itself, with a healthy alternative, so you too, can carry out your life’s mission and purpose. I encourage everyone to find new levels of possibilities in their bodies, mind & spirit, to maximize their potential and maintain health by removing interference and freeing the power within.


Jacquie McCloud

Certified Reiki Master, Meditation Practitioner, Certified Level 1 Qigong, Certified Yin & Hatha Yoga Teacher RYT200 & Ayurveda Therapist, Life Coach


The thing I love most about life, is we create our own reality; I get to share my knowledge with my clients whether it be with Yoga, Ayurveda or Reiki, as everything is connected, us humans need more balance in our lives. With Yoga, it helps bring strength and flexibility, but most importantly, to help you become more aware of yourself; and with the energetics of yoga, you understand how our bodies are made up to move with each pose. This is the physical practice of science, where Ayurveda being a sister medicine to Yoga, these two combined can be a powerful healing tool for the mind, body and soul. Self-care practices and Ayurveda yoga tips, promote and nourish a better mind-body connection. With Reiki, which is a spiritually life force energy that balances our human chakras, can create benefits as well as cause of problems and illness.

While I already completing my Usui Reiki Masters back in July 2017 & working full time, I was able to find a school that was able to accommodate around my schedule; with this, I was able to become a certified Yin Yoga Teacher in October 2017, RYT200 Hatha Yoga Teacher in December 2017 and also to become an Ayurveda Therapist. Following my inner guidance and a passion to give back to help heal those in need, whether it being mentally or physically; My initial target was children as they are the future and with today`s technology, we are losing our core values as to what life is all about. But that for me, just meant even their parents too need a daily practice so I decided to have a variety and welcome anyone.


I come with Authenticity & a judgmental-free mindset, as with this, it gives everyone the freedom to be themselves and to go within to discover their freedom of just being, with today’s society, there is a lot of judgement, stress, anxiety & depression that Reiki, Yoga & Ayurveda combined as an alternative holistic approach, can help relieve these.

With these aspects to me, they bring awareness to oneself, mindfulness, passion to ones being, a sense of calm to the mind, energy within, but the most important is to you, it brings you to discover yourself and feeling of oneness with all. Balance is the key to the unfolding of the journey that we humans need to have, to obtain a healthy lifestyle in this world.


If I had to describe myself, I guess I would start off by my big heart, I am a highly Sensitive Empathic person that knows my purpose (dharma) in life, I am here to heal and assist in any way possible, whether it with Yoga, Reiki or Ayurveda. I like to say I am positive person or try to be every day and share that with others my experiences and knowledge on my Facebook or Instagram, as with today, there is a lot of negativity in the world and more positivity can help change that.

Om Namah Shivaya – Let your light shine.


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