Welcome to Soul Tribe Studio



$49 for 10 days of unlimited classes

Great value to see if Soul Tribe is Your Tribe!



$42 per week for unlimited online & in studio classes.



35 yoga & pilates classes per week via the Mind Body App.

We cant wait to see you!



A free gathering for yoga teachers every Tuesday and Sunday 7-8pm on Zoom.

Find out more here.



Head to FAQ’s or contact Clare for all enquiries:
0447 617 619

Or email us!


View Our Timetable



tell me, what is it YOU plan to do with this one WILD & PRECIOUS life?
— Mary Oliver


Soul Tribe Studio gather, love and share on the land of Walbunja people of the Yuin Nation. We acknowledge that their sovereignty was never ceded and pay respect to their Elders -- past, present and emerging.

Our lifes mission is to create a safe space where YOU can realise your full potential through the practices of yoga. Encompassing movement, breath, meditation, self-acceptance and self-realisation. We believe in respecting and honouring the traditional teachings of yoga, whilst appreciating the need to question everything. 

Our vision is a world that values kindness and connection over economic growth. We are working towards a future where everyone is free to follow their own Dharma (or life path) and has the tools to connect to their own loving, peaceful nature. We are passionate about protecting the natural environment and our ecosystems as we realise we are not separate from nature, we ARE nature.


  • Inclusivity

  • Self-expression

  • Sustainability

  • Connection

  • Love for the Earth

  • Kindness

  • Empathy

  • Intuition

  • Equality