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Featured designer

Lihi Hod


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At SPINA Bride, we are redefining the bridal shopping experience.

An expertly curated selection of exceptional wedding dresses from emerging international designers, showcased in an intimate setting designed exclusively for our brides.

Our dedicated stylists provide a highly tailored experience, attending to your every need, from expert styling advice to personal attention to detail. SPINA Bride offers an inimitable, one-on-one bridal shopping experience.

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Spina boutique

We offer emerging international wedding dress designers showcased in our New York City High Line boutique. Designers include :

Liz Martinez, Lihi Hod, Daalarna, A La Robe, Dan Jones, Chana Marelus, Daphne Newman, Francesca Miranda, Santos Costura, Samuelle Couture and J Andreatta

Wedding dresses displayed at Spina Bride Boutique

SPINA Real Brides

Loved and adored my experience at Spina. I visited salons all over NYC and Spina by far had the best selection of wedding dresses and kind staff
— elle sloboda