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mindful yoga,
shadow work, &
creative writing
to help you

shine your light.

as seen in

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If you've got an inner critic or are feeling stuck,
whether it comes to your spiritual growth or your sharing work in the world,  
 I'm here to help
through Mindful Yoga, Shadow Integration, Philosophy + Creative Writing

so you can overcome feeling overwhelmed, align with your purpose,
+ share your unique gifts with the world.



The 7 Writing

Your words are powerful. As a Yoga Teacher, Coach, or Wellness Professional, if you can share your stories and bring your words to life, you can create conversations that matter with the folks you most want to help.

Get the FREE 60-minute On-Demand Workshop now:

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Creative Writing, Reiki, & Yin Yoga Workshops 

Whether you want to deepen your yoga studies, unlock your creative energy, or experience energy work, there's an online workshop for you to feel inspired.

Pink Notebook

Your Mythic Journey Writing Series

If you want to change your life, change your story. This 4-week On-Demand Online Course takes you through a classic narrative journey to help you uncover insights about your spiritual path.

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FREE 90-Minute Workshop
Yin Energy + Your Shadow Self   

"Until you make the unconscious conscious, 

it will direct your life 

& you will call it fate."

- Carl Jung



the revolutionary course

to break through

your unconscious blocks

& shine your light in the world.




"SHADOW + LIGHT is liberating beyond words.

I've gained so much insight and acceptance of exactly who I am -- that's given me more confidence in my work and relationships. This course inspires honesty and compassionate introspection."

"WOW! THANK YOU! I've always had a stressful relationship with money, with spending. I just looked back at my journal from the course and I'm astonished.

This year I paid off my car and put a lot in savings.

I just put it all together because of Shadow Work with your course!" 

"Revelation after revelation with this course! I've untangled so many relationship patterns. My marriage has never been better, honestly. I have grown to genuinely love and accept my whole self through this journey. Grateful for this life-changing Shadow Work." 

Kaylee S.

Caroline B.

Julisa H.

Hi, I'm Melissa.

I help magical people make peace with their inner critic + transform their lives through Yoga, Shadow Integration, & Creative Writing.

In my past lives I wrote for Fortune 500 companies, taught college creative writing courses at USF & UT -- & many years ago I dressed as a fairy at the mall whilst selling all-natural products. 

I teach Yoga Teachers and wellness professionals  how to share their stories online through soulful social media, website copy, and content creation -- which turns readers into raving fans.

I also edited a book! It's called
Going OM: Real-Life Stories on + off the Yoga Mat (because I love puns).

Cosmic Sky

 Private Session Sale!

1 Hour Private Session on Zoom

You Can Book:

Private Yoga ~ with 16 Years Experience, specializing in mindfulness, alignment, & yin/restorative yoga, we will tailor these sessions to suit your unique needs. Reiki is sent during personalized Savasana for Extra Sweetness


Mentorship for Yoga Teachers /

Conscious Marketing ~

Whether you're a Yoga teacher, wellness practitioner, or healing guide, the Business Side of Sharing Your Heart's Work can Be Daunting.


As a professional marketing Writer for 18 years,

I can help You Craft/edit Your Website, Start Your Email MArketing, or Hone Your Ideas into Captivating Workshops.

Regularly $97

Now $77!

Mentorship & Conscious Marketing for Yoga Teachers

& Wellness Professionals


With 18 years' experience as an Editor & Marketing Copywriter,

I can help you craft a soulful marketing strategy that

DOESN'T feel pushy, cheesy, or stressful.

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What Can We Explore in Your Mentorship Session?

  • Clarifying Your Message & Whom You Most Want to Help

  • Workshop Ideas & How to Connect w Studios

  • Your Website: Copywriting that Connects with your Audience & Overall Flow/User Experience

  • Email Marketing & Setting Up 

  • Content Creation

  • Just Getting Started? Let's Clarify Your Audience & Niche, Plus Proven Strategies to Overcome Overwhelm

I will take a look at your existing website/marketing ahead of time to better prepare for our time together.


All sessions held on Zoom

Your Private Session Can Be Used Any Time in 2024

Once you book you'll receive an email from me & we can schedule your Zoom session.

Got questions? Email me at

Book 3 Sessions for $222!

Save even more!


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Pink and Purple Playful Sale Animated So

If you've ever wondered:

  • what the heck to post on social media

  • how to jazz up your website (or how to get started)

  • how to share your story, your voice, & your passions in a way that *actually gets you results*

Then this workshop is for you!

  • White Instagram Icon
  • YouTube - White Circle
  • Spotify
Fuel Your Creative Life
About Melissa

Writing has always been my first love.

Finding inner peace has always been my deepest wish.


Since 2007 I've dedicated my life to the study of yoga philosophy, Reiki, and the power of stories.

Through mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and writing, I fuse these practices to help others connect to their own creative spark and the peace that exists within.

I hold an MFA, am a former college instructor of creative writing, and am the editor of the essay collection Going OM:

Real-Life Stories on and off the Yoga Mat (Viva Editions 2014), featuring a foreword by Cheryl Strayed, and the author of two poetry chapbooks.


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