
A Little Bit of Salt


Sometimes adding a little bit of salt improves the taste of things.

To move, to breath, to fly, to float, to gain all while you give, to roam the roads of lands remote, to travel is to live.

... they had grown into women with the odd ability to see their native land through foreign eyes. They were home, and yet at some deep level they would never cease to be homesick.

Daughters of Samuari 

The reason it's difficult to learn something new is that it will change you into someone who disagrees with the person you used to be. And we're not organized for that. The filter bubble and our lack of curiosity about the unknown are forms of self defense. We're defending the self, keeping everything "ok" because that's a safe, low maintenance place to be. The alternative is to sign up for a lifetime of challenging what the self believes. A journey to find more effectiveness, not more stability.

Seth Godin

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