Commemorating one year of Assembly with a special print edition

Tess Thomas  | 

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Browse the issue and find out how you can get a copy for yourself (and some extras to share with your friends)!

A Pakistani illustrator using her art to challenge stereotypes about Muslim women. Photos of a 16-year-old student from Nepal rowing across a lake to get to school every day. Diary entries from a week in the life of a 15-year-old in Lebanon. 

Filled with articles, essays, stories, photos and illustrations published during our first year, Assembly’s print edition shows what makes this platform truly unique. It’s a place where girls from Brazil, Ethiopia, Iraq, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saint Kitts and beyond can talk about their accomplishments, struggles and hopes for the future. 

Assembly is built on the strength and passion of this community. Which is why we’re giving you the opportunity to share your love for Assembly with friends, classmates, team members or whoever else you think would be inspired by the stories we publish. 

Tell us why you’re one of Assembly’s most dedicated readers and you could be selected to receive your very own copy of the print issue — plus a few extras to share with friends and classmates.

We hope you enjoy the print issue!

Meet the Author
Meet the Author
Tess Thomas

is the former editor of Assembly. She loves books, cats and french fries.