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Get involved in our Year of Action! Projects you can do this month and year round

No matter where you live, there are plenty of projects to get involved in our Year of Action. What's more, getting out and about in nature has far-reaching benefits on our mental wellbeing and physical health! Projects for December are listed below.

Things you can do this month and year round

Projects you can do all year round

Here are some citizen science projects you can get involved in across the year

The Springwatch team will update this page every month giving you opportunities to try something new and really make a difference to wildlife where you live and further afield. Thank you for being a true nature lover, it's never been more important to take action than right now. Simply follow the links above to get started.

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What our presenters say...

"The only way we can really help our British wildlife, is if we have as much information as we can about it's needs, it's current status and it's environment. To achieve that we need as many people as possible to take action. Citizen science is a powerful tool and getting involved makes you feel empowered." Watches presenter, Michaela Strachan

"When it comes to wildlife, caring is no longer enough, we’ve got to take action. Getting out, getting connected and getting involved in good citizen science is one great way of doing this." Watches presenter, Chris Packham

"Get outdoors and get involved. Take your partner out, take your nan out, take your kids out and above all else, have FUN! (Psst! You'll also be making a REAL difference for wildlife, one data point at a time...)." Watches presenter, Gillian Burke

"It’s so important that all of us do everything in our power to help wildlife. So many species are suffering catastrophic declines that every little bit helps. The more we do, the more of an impact we can have so let’s get a huge army of green volunteers changing our country for the better." Watches presenter, Iolo Williams

Do your bit at home

  • Have you seen any wild mammals in green spaces near your home? If so, the People's Trust for Endangered Species want to know about it, take part in the Living with Mammals survey to let them know.

  • Log your hedgehog sightings on the Hedgehog Street website so we can build a clearer picture of where these animals are.

  • These videos are simple guides on how to help wildlife in your garden. Like building a pond or bug hotel which will help entice birds, plants and wildlife into your backyards.