A Monstress Conversation with Marjorie Liu & Sana Takeda – Audience Q&A Form
Thursday, October 3rd, 12:30-1:15 PM ET
NYPL Stephen A. Schwarzman Building, Bartos Forrum, 476 5th Ave

Image Comics and the New York Public Library are proud to present a conversation with the powerhouse creative team behind the acclaimed epic fantasy series, MONSTRESS. Join author Marjorie Liu and artist Sana Takeda as they chat about their multiple award-winning title, their journey as two women of color creating and excelling in a traditionally male-dominated space, and the importance of making room for every reader in genre fiction. The audience is encouraged to join the conversation by sending in their own questions via this Google Form!
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Planning to attend this discussion? We encourage you to join the conversation by sending in your own questions for these two acclaimed comic book creators! Select questions will be addressed onstage by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda. Deadline to submit is September 23rd, 2019.
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