The For Example

“No matter how, but we all want to live young, wild and free.”   Dear Readers! Living our dreams, playing with colours, weaving with glitters, creating a life of own and happily succeeding. This brand is all about dreams of a mermaid, who managed to come so far with spirit of doing what she always … More The For Example

Miss Chase

Hey there, fashionistas! I was on a sabbatical — some of you might be knowing the reason; for those who don’t: my graduation’s final project kept me secluded. And yeah, I’m finally, a Graduate – Woot! Woot! Though, obviously, I missed conceiving new looks for y’all, and writing my blog — which makes me very excited about … More Miss Chase

A Pinch Of Pastel

One is never over-dressed or underdressed with a little black dress. -Karl Lagerfeld   After a long time my friends! Monochrome is magic. Don’t you think so? This magic has always worked for me when in doubt. Combining neutrals like black and whites have always been on top of my list. Be it a dress … More A Pinch Of Pastel

One Equal To Ten

Being a college student aint easy; actually, nothing in life is. Specially in a fashion college, surrounded by vogue and sparkle all the effing time. It looks penny plain and glamourous but honestly, it’s way beyond that. My mind is constantly fighting through the dreams. I am day dreaming most of the times and when … More One Equal To Ten