But there is some peace in the sky when there is no Sun.

I hope this post doesn’t remind you of someone.
I hope you find peace in the darkness because I know, how can someone’s thought just take away your sleep. I hope you accept the truth you have been denying since last year. I hope you find a sense of relief when you stand in front of the mirror and smile. I hope the past doesn’t haunt you and future excites you. I hope you are not waiting for your last love to come back. I hope you are not looking for new love just because you feel lonely. I hope your hands do not linger on the empty side of your bed to find someone’s presence. I hope you do not avoid eye contact with the ones you once had a good connection. I hope you do not lock yourself in the washroom and cover your mouth so that the noise doesn’t come out. I hope the moon doesn’t remind you of him/her anymore. I hope you are taking good care of your heart and keep your body hydrated. I hope you don’t wish for his name on your screen every time your phone rings. I hope you don’t make 11:11 wishes for him. I hope you are okay with the fact that they are okay with your absence. I hope when you cross paths in the future, you look at them with smile, bright eyes and they realise what they lost. I hope you clean your room clean and life less messy. I hope you don’t need the reminder from someone to call you lovely and pretty. I hope you are not being harsh on yourself and skipping meals intentionally. Now this is the time to show who are you without them and how good things you are doing in life without them. What matter the most is how you accept yourself and how happy you are. You were never a broken heart, you are a blooming heart. Let your fragrance go inside every nerve, cells of you. Sprinkle the dew of kindness on your body before giving it to others. It is okay to walk away from someone you really care for. But it is not okay to keep yourself hurting, if they are ready to contain the love you are pouring by emptying yourself. I hope you are not constantly thinking about the same person while reading this. I hope you focus on yourself rather than hoping for someone else’s attention on you. I hope you feel good after reading this. I hope you smile. SMILE 🙂

Reflection of my heart.

We all are broken, in some way or the other.
We keep waiting for that someone who could just come and complete us. And here we start making mistakes. Mistakes, we realize when it’s too late, or it’s not late, but we are not ready to accept it. One such thing happened with me.
For each empty space of my heart, that yells me out your name. I kept searching for you in every next person’s soul. But guess what, I failed. That’s because I realised it is late that you were the only one, who was fated to come only once and change every fucking thing of my life, my aims, my dreams, myself. Mistakes I made by choosing you for my all lifetime, too early, very early, unknowingly of what love was supposed to be! I was trapped in your sweetness which later you made me drink like shots of venom. Slowly, slowly my happiness changed its color, into blue. My whole body started shivering with the brutal effect of your love that was later converted into venom by you.
I still wonder when did it all went wrong. Perhaps, the promises I made were too early for it. For those promises you called me a liar. Yes, I lied to you when I realised that my life is worth more than pages of your rulebook. The rulebook, you kept turning pages and prompted the words scribbled on it and wanted me to do so.
And when I realised I had become your puppet. It was too late. And if it wasn’t late, I hadn’t realized it earlier. Either of the two sides, It was all my fault. Now, because I’m caught up in your trap successfully, even I don’t know the way out of it. Tell me what to do!