Get To Know [Ep.6]: Monique Kidd

We made it! So, I have bad news and I have good news. The bad news is, this is the final episode in the visual artist series. The good news is, Season 2 is a thing. Stay tuned! Cyaa feel nuh way when music start play!

This series has been a lot of fun. I really stepped out of my shell with this blog and I’m glad that I did. It’s a new year and I have met some really cool and talented people. I’m looking forward to meeting much more. When it comes to the Arts, Jamaica is filled with so much talent! It’s a bit overwhelming at times but it just makes me feel proud to be Jamaican. Talented and cool are definitely two words that I would use to describe our guest this week. Meet Monique Kidd.

Take us back to that time in your life when you realized that you had this amazing artistic talent.

Monique: I started drawing because I used to give nuff trouble when I was younger (she still does) So, when I would misbehave my parents would take everything from me. If is TV dem lock it off, if is book dem tek it up but they couldn’t exactly stop me from drawing. So, that’s where I found my likkle enjoyment inna life. From there, it was just a hobby then I started to take it seriously in 2016.


Art by: Monique Kidd

I was first introduced to your artwork when you made an appearance on popular morning television show, Smile Jamaica. What was that experience like for you?

It was overall nerve-racking. I remember I was just in the house and then I received a DM from one of the producers from TvJ (Television Jamaica) out of nowhere! Asking if I would like to present my art. I wasn’t even following TvJ on any social media platform. When I got there, in front of the cameras, I was just shaking. Mi did frighten because this was my first time displaying art on TV. I even forgot the name of one of my pieces but it was a nice experience. I think that was one of the reasons why I started to take my art seriously. 

I think it’s safe to say that your piece ‘Universe’ is a fan favourite. How long did it take you to complete it?

It took me about a week to finish it. Simply because, when I just started it, it neva look too right and I was ready to give up on it. It was just an idle piece for myself. After showing Leno, that’s when he decided that he wanted to use it as the cover art for his song, ‘Universe’.


Art by: Monique Kidd

Some of your work is filled with unapologetic sexual innuendos. Why do you make it your point of duty to include this in your work?

I don’t know if it’s my face or overall appearance but people always went around saying that I look like a Christian or just one of those people that don’t know anything about sex. I didn’t appreciate being labelled as such and I guess, having sexual references in my work was a way of lashing out. Also, people often times view sex as a taboo topic. In the way where, if you find somebody talking about sex publicly, people would probably ask why are they so “brawling”. They always view this person as being too bold or speaking their mind too much. I mean, sex happens everyday, the taboo perspective is played out. 

Give me a list of things people should consider when it comes on to pricing for your art?

  1. Labour
  2. Art supplies needed to get the job done
  3. Time
  4. Size
  5. Intricacy

Some people see your hair and immediately assume that you’re a Rastafarian. Well, are you?

No, I’m not a Rasta. I wanted to go natural so I loc’d my hair. My natural hair is very thick and hard to comb so I decided to loc it and call it a day because I could not manage. That’s it, I just couldn’t be bothered. I do listen to a lot of Reggae, which is just based on how I’m feeling. I think Reggae is a powerful type of music. It is not for everybody but for me, it did conneck! It assisted me when I was in a very dark place in my life. I don’t eat meat but this is not based on being a Rasta, it’s really a decision I made for my health. When it comes to the Rastafarian teachings, I pick from them and really learn some things which would be beneficial in life. I definitely don’t follow everything from them but I have some respect for them.


Art by: Monique Kidd  

Put your playlist on shuffle and give me the first five selections. Let’s see what you got.

  1. Lifted – Riki
  2. Can’t You See – Kiyanne
  3. Skywalker – Miguel ft. Travis Scott
  4. Garden – SZA
  5. Changes – H.E.R

In closing, is there anything that you would like to leave with the people?

For persons who are in my field, doing what you love comes first. Don’t think about how people are going to react to it. Eventually, you will have to consider it when it comes on to sales but if you’re making your art to please people, chances are you’re going to lose yourself as an artist. Furthermore, you will be very unhappy with the work you create.

Give thanks for reading! This is the end of Season 1 in the “Get To Know” series. No worries though, other visual artists will be featured in the future. For those who have been keeping up with the series from Episoode 1, BIG UP YOURSELF. I really appreciate the love and support. Stay tuned for Season 2! Nuff niceness is in store.

Keep up with Monique online and check out more of her amazing work.

Instagram: @kidding_art

Twitter: @kimmmon



Author: Shawnello

Hey! I'm Shawn and I love art. I'm also slightly obsessed with music. Jamaican music especially.

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