Berrylicious Belters 

Super Duper Berry Smoothie:

With the mercury steadily rising and the longer evenings making an appearance, it seems rather fitting to complement lazy afternoons (or evenings) in the balmy sunshine with a delicious and referring smoothie blend. 

Zingy, hydrating and energy-boosting, this very special mix of super-duper ingredients is the perfect combo of sweet, zesty and creamy! 

 Berries are crammed with a treasure-trove of micronutrients which work their magic on a cellular level to renew, rejuvenate and revive! Bingo! So sit back, take a load off and de-stress! 
To make this delicious, berry-packed smoothie, you will need:
1 x punnet of fresh strawberries, 1 x punnet of fresh raspberries, 1 x frozen banana, 1 x tsp maca powder, 3 x tbsp coconut milk, 3 x tbsp coconut nectar, 100g almonds, 300ml coconut water, juice of 1 lime, ice

Blend until creamy and smooth and serve over ice.

Strawberry, Mint & Blueberry Ice Delights:

Feeling hot, hot, hot?!? Then look no further than these mighty ice nuggets packed with nutritional wonders! 
Fresh mint has a cooling and calming effect on the body and when mixed with potassium-rich coconut water, they’re absolutely guaranteed to hydrate after a busy day whilst replenishing lost electrolytes – it’s amazing how much more fluid we need when it’s hot!
Simply freeze some fresh fruit with mint and coconut water in an ice tray and use either as a smoothie base or as a cheeky addition to any cold beverage!

Watermelon, Lime & Pomegranate Granita:

I think I’m in love! This new kid on the block is the latest addition to my repertoire and I can’t get another of it! I am absolutely certain that you will love it too! 
Granita sits midway between an all-out slushie and an ice pop and it looks as beautiful as it tastes. The combo of zingy, fresh lime, sweet watermelon and the slight tartness of pomegranate syrup is a match made in heaven.
I embellish each of my chalices with fresh mint, a wedge of watermelon and an extra twist of fresh lime.
To make this summer, garden party winner, you will need:
Half a watermelon (cubed and de-seeded), the juice of 3 limes, 3 tbsp pomegranate syrup, 3 tbsp coconut nectar, fresh mint garnish
Place all ingredients in a food processor • purée until smooth • pour in to wide, shallow tray and freeze • rake mixture with a fork and pop back in freezer for 1 hr • repeat • repeat & serve! 

Sip & enjoy! 

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