EXCLUSIVE: Dominique Crenn with Foodie Chap on The Battle of Her Life

Chef Dominique Crenn
SAN FRANCISCO (KCBS RADIO) — Chef Dominique Crenn is on a mission, a "WAKE UP" mission and is inspiring people around the world to partake.

Chef Dominique Crenn and Liam
At a recent Basque Culinary Conference featuring the world’s BEST CHEFS, the three Michelin starred chef (Atelier Crenn) led the charge.

"I want everyone listening to wake up and do something to save the planet. In twelve years it may be too late so what are you going to do?" The audience responded with a chorus of "wake up". As moderator of the panel, it was a powerful moment to witness. Chef Crenn says her next project will be a zero-waste restaurant.

Set on the first-floor of Salesforce Tower in San Francisco. The new spot "Boutique Crenn" will be a cafe and bakery where beverage seeking guests will be required to bring their own coffee mugs if they order a drink and depart the premises. No plastic or paper bags here either so bring your own shopping bags to load up instead. This is all part of CRENN’s plan for her zero-waste Cafe and mission to save the planet.

Meanwhile #wakeup. I took Chef ---- Crenn’s "WAKE UP" campaign & challenge to the @whitehouse and landmarks around Washington over the weekend.  Per Crenn, "What are you choosing to do to #wakeup and SAVE THE PLANET"? She asked that you have one thing you are planning to do. I am agreeing to never ever use a plastic bottle again!! I can do this! You too can change the world #wakeup #incrennible

Chef Dominique Crenn and Liam

Finally Chef Crenn also recently revealed another battle, a fierce one - a few months in, a battle to beat breast cancer. She is a fighter and is going full throttle on two fronts: against Cancer and a mission to save the planet. I know she can do both. As a friend, I am rooting for her every hour of every single day. Go CHEF - you are INCRENNIBLE!!

#wakeup ☀️ We took Chef --‍-- Crenn’s “WAKE UP” campaign @whitehouse & landmarks around Washington.What R you choosing to do to #wakeup & SAVE THE PLANET.* please share & repost with a friend + include #wakeup #incrennible hast tags.Change the world ⁦@dominiquecrennpic.twitter.com/KkYJnOPLNx

— Liam Mayclem-- (@liammayclem) July 28, 2019

More here in my recent conversation with beloved Chef Dominique Crenn 0wner of Atelier Crenn, Bar Crenn, Petit Crenn and soon to open Boutique Crenn.

P.S. Follow Chef @dominiquecrenn and partake in the "WAKE UP" campaign.

Cheers, Liam!