Help HOPE in reaching US | Milaap
Help HOPE in reaching US
  • Anonymous

    Created by

    Sonakshi Arora
  • Sa

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Sonakshi arora

    from Mumbai, Maharashtra

Hope was born on the streets of mumbai. With hope in his eyes and his mother by his side,  he started taking little steps in this world. Little did he know, the world was very cruel for animals and he found himself in a dumpster with his other siblings when he was just 2 months old. After a lot of fight and drama, a kind human took them out from the garbage bin.
But hope's ordeal began from there.
He suddenly fell very sick. Upon multiple vet visits and treatment for more than a month, he could not heal completely. He got a deformity in his hind legs, which means his back legs are bend inside making him difficult to stand and walk. Hope's one brother has already been crushed to death by a school van despite being normal. Keeping Hope's speed in mind, there's a fear of losing hope in an unfortunate accident.
Hope doesn't stand a chance on streets. Please help us in reaching US and finding him a safe home. 

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