{Cleanse No1}

Winter Cleanse

Select ingredients to reveal more about its qualities

{Cleanse No1}

Winter Cleanse

Winter Cleanse

Select number of cleanse days—

{ 6 juices }
{ 18 juices }
{ 30 juices }




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Right By The Earth {}

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Customer Reviews

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Customer Reviews

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Cleanse Benefits

One bottle at a time

One bottle at a time

Our juice cleanses provide a natural and gentle opportunity to cleanse, energise and return to radiant wellness delicately supporting your body’s inherent ability to cleanse through nature’s potent botanical offerings. Over the course of a day 6 bottles containing over 5kg total of organic, cold pressed plant matter flood the body with deeply nourishing and purifying nourishing greens, botanicals, herbs and adaptogens. The organs of detoxification are supported to do their natural job of deep cleansing, while the digestive system takes this opportunity to rest and heal.

The Response

The Response

We’ve supported and uplifted literally thousands of people in our over 10 years of operation; each and every one of them reaping the benefits of our offerings and attuning to the profound nutrient rich bounty that nature has to offer them.
Our cleansers commonly feel;
- A deep sense of mental clarity and the eradication of brain-fog that many learn to live with.
- A vital, life-force and bountiful natural energy.
- Waking up refreshed, no longer needing the caffeine fueled energy to stimulate their day.
- The tummy troubles, bloating, gas and digestive discomfort many become resigned to have disappeared.
- Crystal clear focus, concentration and a deeper sense of clarity in all areas of their life.
- A deeper awareness of food and what it feels like to be truly nourished by what we ingest.
- Clear, glowing, radiating skin that skincare can’t buy.
- Intense cravings for external daily stimulants such as coffee, sugar, alcohol seem to dissipate.
- An enriched sense of flow in spiritual endeavours, spiritual practice, meditation and creative outlets. The sense of connectivity is strengthened.

We refuse to contribute to the ever growing plastic island. We use biodegradable products wherever possible, and all attempts have been made to keep our carbon footprint low.


Unfortunately there aren’t any biodegradable cooler bags on the market, so we use insulating straw wool inside recycled corrugated cardboard boxes. Use these boxes to store your empties if you want to return them to us.


The use of glass packaging is better for you (avoiding BPA laden plastic) and the environment. There is enough plastic in our environment without contributing an additional 6 bottles daily!

Once you have finished turning your house into a mini florist, please consider recycling the bottles appropriately. Glass is 100% recyclable and can be endlessly recycled with no loss of quality.


These enviro friendly lined jute bags made in a fair trade community in India are perfect for carrying your bottles out and about. Slip your ice pack inbetween them to keep them nice and cool, just make sure you pop your bottles back into a fridge as soon as possible.


You’ll find a brass straw in your bag. Straws are a good way to keep natural sugars and acidic fruits away from your precious fangs, and also encourage you to sip a little slower. You will however miss out on an attractive green moustache.


Please return any unwanted packaging and we will either re-use it or pop it into the recycling. If you could give bottles a quick rinse after use, we’d appreciate it.

Should you want to dispose of anything, aim for the yellow bins.

Right By The Earth

We refuse to contribute to the ever growing plastic island. We use biodegradable products wherever possible, and all attempts have been made to keep our carbon footprint low.



Unfortunately there aren’t any biodegradable cooler bags on the market, so we use insulating straw wool inside recycled corrugated cardboard boxes. Use these boxes to store your empties if you want to return them to us.



The use of glass packaging is better for you (avoiding BPA laden plastic) and the environment. There is enough plastic in our environment without contributing an additional 6 bottles daily!

Once you have finished turning your house into a mini florist, please consider recycling the bottles appropriately. Glass is 100% recyclable and can be endlessly recycled with no loss of quality.



These enviro friendly lined jute bags made in a fair trade community in India are perfect for carrying your bottles out and about. Slip your ice pack inbetween them to keep them nice and cool, just make sure you pop your bottles back into a fridge as soon as possible.



You’ll find a brass straw in your bag. Straws are a good way to keep natural sugars and acidic fruits away from your precious fangs, and also encourage you to sip a little slower. You will however miss out on an attractive green moustache.



Please return any unwanted packaging and we will either re-use it or pop it into the recycling. If you could give bottles a quick rinse after use, we’d appreciate it.

Should you want to dispose of anything, aim for the yellow bins.


Will I lose weight?

Many of our customers do find that they shed some weight, but as our bodies are genetically so different, this is dependent on many factors. If weight-loss is your ultimate goal, perhaps allow this process to be a time of inward reflection on your prior dietary habits and routine, instead allowing your juice cleanse to open the doors to a mindful approach to self-care and wellness.

Can I drink coffee?

We suggest during times of detoxification to eliminate coffee. Although coffee has many redeeming qualities, both as a daily ritual and nutritionally there is no doubt that it places your body under a state of stress during a time when you should be focused on rest and restoration. However, you can incorporate some caffeine through green tea varieties, our Energy Tea as well as elevating your energy naturally through our Vitality and Bliss Elixir Powders.

Can I exercise?

Yes, just take it easy. Strenuous exercise can sometimes put the body under undue stress. We suggest slow, gentle forms of movement such as hatha, kundalini and yin yoga, gentle dance, walking, swimming. Tai chi and Qi gong encourage energy flow through the body and will support your cleanse and your endeavours.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

While juice and smoothies contain a bounty of nutrients, being unpasteurised we must advice against consuming them while pregnant. This is a precious time to focus on deep, gentle nourishment for yourself and the life you are growing. Any detoxification program, including juice cleanses, are not recommended until at least 6 months after birth, and then only with the support of your health professional. It is safe however, to consume unpasteurised products such as juice while breastfeeding.

How do my friend and I qualify for $25 off each cleanse?

Order two of our 3 or 5 day cleanses to the same delivery address, and get $25 off each cleanse with the code 'CLEANSEFRIENDS' at checkout. Embrace the challenge with a friend or lover!


Wondering if we can deliver to your area? See our local cleanse delivery map.

We can deliver to almost any address in Sydney; home, office or hotel. During this time we can unfortunately not ship outside of Sydney, hopefully we can resume these again soon.

We have reduced our cleanse delivery fees ~ spend as little as $10 depending on your location to get juices to your door. You can also pick up your cleanse in one of our stores instead, free of charge.

Ordering your cleanse

Ordering your cleanse

1. Orders must be placed at least two days before you intend to begin.

2. Once you have made your order we'll send you a confirmation email. Please ensure start date, delivery address and any special requirements are correct.

3. Please provide a delivery address where you will be present during our hours of delivery or ensure that someone will be there to receive it on your behalf. 

4. Picking up your cleanse in store? Please ensure you pick it up on the day of your cleanse - as it will not be ready for pickup until then.



1. Local cleanses are delivered between 3pm & 9pm the evening before your start date.

2. If you are not present at the delivery location, please leave clear instructions, such as a door code for a locked apartment building.

3. If we have to leave the delivery behind, we'll text you once drop off has been made.

4. For freshness, 5-day cleanses will be delivered in two drops; the first will contain three boxes and the second delivery the final two boxes.

Cleanse Returns & Cancellations

Cleanse Returns & Cancellations

If you wish to cancel or postpone a juice cleanse, please let us know at least 24 hours before the delivery date (two days prior to the cleanse start date) and we'll do our best to accommodate.

We're here.

We're here.

Any concerns, please email us at gday@orchardstreet.com.au or call (02) 9389 5151 and we will find a solution for you.


See other cleanse — The Purist

See other cleanse — Power Cleanse

See other cleanse — Beauty Cleanse