
Robotics and Automation Startup in India

Technology had been changing the lifestyle from the past few decades. It shows the great impact on the growth of the human race in many aspects. New technology always brings new career opportunities for students all over the world. It’s not just about getting a job in the multi-millionaire company but making one. Many students and professionals are taking initiative to deliver better technology aspect to the world. India is one of the countries where technology is growing every day, and Robotics and Automation is the Favorite topic of many youngsters and professional to work with. The following are the startups from India which show their outstanding performance while working with this technology.


Robosapiens is an Educational based Startup in the field of Robotics and Automation founded by the Pradeep Kumar Sharma and Toshendra Kumar Sharma in 2007. They arrange the workshop of robotics, Animation, Mechanical, app development, aero modeling and many more in the various school and colleges across the country. The company also the organizer of the Robotic Championship in the IIT-Bombay, IIT-Rookery, IIT-Guwahati, and IIT-Delhi. The startup is also actively working in the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), Broadcast Automation via the cloud, Home Automation, Indian Humanoid Robot Development, Cost-effective DIY robotic kit under their research and development department.

Robosapiens Robotic Kit
Robosapiens Robotic Kit


GreyOrange was founded by the Akash Gupta in 2011. It is the fastest-growing manufacturer of AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle) in India. Their headquarters are placed more than 5+ countries in the world making vast networks across the world. The company provides robots for the Automated warehouse & industry. Their robots are used to move shelves stacked with numerous products from one place to another. Also, robots which move the product to the packaging stage. Even it’s a new company but because of their innovative idea, they are working with the many e-commerce giants like Flipkart, Ekart, Myntra, Jbong, Peprefry and many more. Also, they provide an automated robot to the automotive industry like Mahindra.

GreyOrange Founders and Robots
GreyOrange Founders and Robots

Sastra Robotics

Sastra Robotics is a multi-field startup serving many robotics and Automation application according to customer needs. It was founded in 2012 by Achu Wilson. Sastra Robotics manufactures the robot used for the repetitive task such as 3D printing, moving, placing, milling, testing and many more. Also, they are work with robot interfacing and simulation software for the robot API and Prosthetic arm. The startup wins the “Most promising Startup of 2012” in the startup village event. There touchscreen tester robot is used by the BoschLockheed Martin is also using their robots for the testing and Automation purpose.

Sastra Robotics
Sastra Robotics

Omnipresent Robot Tech

Omnipresent Robot Tech startup is serving all the modern application of the robotics. It was founded by the Akash Gupta in 2011. They have developed UAV’s, River cleaning robots, robots for the home and health care services. Company is also making their growth in the manufacturing of the drones according to the customer application. Besides that, they have also developed software for the drones, 3D Modelling, surveillance system using Artificial Intelligence, virtual reality. Their robots are widely used in the defense and industries. Their robots are used by the Tata, Jabong, Isro, Lockheed Martin and many more.

Omnipresent Drone
Omnipresent Drone

Ark Robot

Ark Robot is an automation startup founded in 2008 by Rajesh Manpat. The startup won the Qprize in make in India contest. The startup wants to solve the complex problem of automation in the industry and automation. It was founded with the in-house team of Mechanical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Computer Engineering. Their robots are serving in the many automated Warehouse and the industry.

Ark Robot Team
Ark Robot Team

Asimov Robotics

Asimov Robotics is a service providing startup founded by Jayakrishnan T in 2012, which provides all types of robotics and automation services according to customer needs. They also provide consultancy to solve complex automation problems and provide a better solution. The company provides services in the machine vision, training, virtual reality, robotic simulation, robotic kit, prosthetics, robotic Dexter finger and navigation applications. There inhouse research and development department is a partner with the many robotics companies across the world for the continuous improvement in the technology.

Asimov Robotics
Asimov Robotics

DiFacto Robotics

DiFacto Robotics and Automation startup offer turnkey industrial Automation systems and solutions with Industrial Robots. It was founded in 2007. It provides the services in the consumer goods, transportation, energy, defense, food and beverages, health, automotive, pharmaceutical, aerospace and many more. They are the leading manufacturer of the OEM’s (Original Equipment Manufacturer) suppliers of the automation equipment. Besides that, they are also providing the consultancy to give automation solution to the customer.

DiFacto Robots
DiFacto Robots

I2U2 Robot

I2U2 Robot is a communication and telepresence based startup founded by Dr. Myshkin Ingawale in 2015. The company offers a simple and affordable solution for the telepresence robot. Their robots can be used for telepresence and can be controlled from any devices like Ios, android, and Windows their robots find the wide application in the overseas corporate meeting, seminars as well as webinars. The robot can maneuver in the field gives the feeling of the actual presence of the human.

I2U2 Robots
I2U2 Robots

Robots Alive

Robots Alive is a Banglore based startup found in the year 2008 works in the industry robot application. It provides the consultancy, design of the industrial robot to increase the industry output and the quality of the product. The aim of the company to design and provide the industry robot and machine without the need of the skilled worker to operate the machine and robots. The company also designs and manufactures the robot according to the customer requirements.

Robots Alive
Robots Alive


Gridbots is an innovative and young startup founded by Mr. Pulkit Gaur on August 2007. The company is actively working in the field of machine learning, machine vision, and many other technologies. It is a growing startup having headquartered in Ahmedabad and a support office in Jaipur, Meerut, and Faridabad. It is growing exponentially day by day in the field of technology and robotics and automation.




Leading topics of Robotics and Automation

Dynamic world changing every day brings new technology with it. The world needs more knowledge and skill for people to cope with this new evolving technology. Robotics and Automation is the fastest growing field which almost covers every aspect of the engineering as well as the scientist. It is the fastest growing career in the Future Technology. Many universities are introducing a special design Undergraduate and graduate course for the students. As being a future civilization, it is necessary to keep an eye on what coming next to stand in the world.

Robotics and Automation play a vital role in manufacturing but there is various field in which Robotics and Automation plays a key role

RPA-Robotic Process Automation

RPA stands for Robotic Process Automation. It is not a physical robot with actuators, it is a software that helps the many businesses to manage and corporate. Many industries have their offices in different countries RPA helps to access and corporate with the overseas branches with ease. It is a growing field in business to provide a secure and reliable process that leads to an increase in company efficiency.

Data Science

It is a vastly growing and most challenging field in the IT industry. Many IT giants like Google, Amazon, IBM are working on Big Data technology. It is never ending field as the new technology introduces it brings data with it and that’s where Data Science comes into the picture. Data Science helps to manage, store, Retrieve and filter the data to provide more comprehensive information to the user. Professionals are now planning to introduce the Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning in data science.

Warehouse and Logistics

Due to highly automated machines companies now can produce thousands of products every day. Companies require reliable and sophisticated storing systems. Not only companies but many of the E-commerce giants like Amazon, Flipkart, Walmart are looking for the Automated Warehouse. Amazon plans to introduce a fully automated warehouse in the next 10 years. AVG (Automated Guided vehicle) has prime importance in this field. Also, the RPA introduction in the automated warehouse and logistics system helps to make reliable and secure supply management.

Amazon Automated Guided Vehicle
Amazon Automated Guided Vehicle


Blockchain becomes a hot topic for the past few years. It is performing a remarkable role in CryptoCurrency. Engineers and Scientists are planning to introduce this cutting-edge technology into the Robotics and Automation Engineering. World’s biggest retailer Walmart is planning to bring the blockchain in the food industry. Many projects are carrying out to use the blockchain on the Swarm robotics. Blockchain introduction into the RPA and Robotics facility a more secure and fast transaction and communication system.


As I said earlier the Robotics and Automation plays a vital role in the manufacturing sector. Not only the big industry but small industries are also welcoming automation to fulfill the increasing demands. Robots are being used in the industry from the Raw material to the finished products. Automobile giant Mercedes 56 Factory is the perfect example of future factories. The introduction of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Automation help to minimize the energy and time used to produce more products. Soft robotics is a very new technology going to be introduced in the manufacturing and medical field.

mercedes factory 56
Mercedes 56 Factory

Space and Exploration

Robots are not new for space exploration we are all familiar with the various Robotic space exploration carried by NASA on the Moon, Mars and other planets of our solar system. ISRO is also going to launch its second moon exploration in the next month. NASA is working on a project to use robots to build the colonies on the mars for humans. Not only space but robots are being used for sea exploration as well as in the mines where humans can’t reach.


From past decades Robotics got a big leap in the Medical field. Robotics is being used in the medical field from critical surgery to caring for the patient. Also, robotics prosthetics help handicap people to live a normal life. The scientist is now able to print the complex internal humans’ organs with the help of the 3d printer in their lab. Robotics showing a big future in the medical field provides more secure and reliable medical care.

Robotics and Automation are involved in every technology directly or indirectly. We cannot deny the fact the 15 days work for the humans is equal to 1-day work for the robots. Robots allow us to see and explore new things every day. Robots help us to expand our capacity and construct a better world for us as well for others.


A phone for hackers and makers-WiPhone!!!!

6c9f480649b89ebe2c2ed5701eac316f_originalImage Credits: WiPhone Project on Kickstarter.

This blog is about innovative gadget looks like mobile but does many more things than ordinary mobile. Wiphone is not like an ordinary smartphone it is something more techie and fun gadget that you can use. It is open source, modular and cheap. The phone was invented by Benjamin Wilson from HackEDA, especially for hackers. According to him “Hackers always excited for the powerful programmable system with a rechargeable battery, durable case, button controls, wireless capability and LED screen”. Wi phone gives this freedom to its users.

As I said earlier it’s not like your ordinary smartphone where you can only use the design of the sophisticated app by the corporate third party and allow by the government bodies. It does not give you the freedom to try out new things instead it hampers our privacy like continuous tracking, serving unwanted ads, etc. it’s like you are not owning a phone but phones own you. The Wi phone is a completely different and very interesting approach to use, create, play and invent new things.

Wi phone comes with so many exciting features that you can’t imagine in ordinary smartphone one of them is free calling. Wi phone uses the Wi-Fi to make HD video and voice calls. It is compatible with most of the home Wi-Fi broadband without any service contract. Phone hardware comes with the i/o ports that enable us to add the hardware of your choice. You can also remove existing hardware and install completely new to get the feature that does not come with the phone. It’s not just limited with the hardware you can even repurpose its firmware to create and invent new applications of the mobile.

It’s not mobile for playing virtual games as we play in a smartphone. It’s more like to invent, create and play. As the phone comes with the Arduino development platform you can make a various project that you can do on the Arduino board. Some of the projects are listed below:

  • RC car
  • Sparklepony (RGB Array)
  • Breakout Board-: It allows to connect the own sensors, input device, and other custom services.  Programmable NFC+RFID
  • Barcode and QR Scanner
  • Weather Monitor: Make your own weather station using different sensors.

725b922e3013bb3a34f7a47a698de795_originalImage Credits: WiPhone Project on Kickstarter.

This is only a sample project, you can do even more interesting and complex projects. Wi phone specification is suitable to handle such projects. It has 4MB RAM, 16MB flash, 720mAh battery, and ESP32 Dual-core running at 240MHz. though its specification is not suitable for playing big games but suitable for creating new and practical games.

Due to its uniqueness, it targets unique customers. This mobile is made for those who are always ready to try new things and play with gadgets. Also who always has a Wi-Fi connection as the phone use Wi-Fi to make calls. Mobile contains many things which make it unique I personally like its Arduino feature also it allows to program in C++ and Python. They have recently registered to the Kickstarter to raise funding for this amazing idea. The project is still under development, according to their team “current prototype looks and feels like production unit”.



Israeli Scientist print Heart using 3D printer!!!!

AFE16B65-4BEE-4133-B323-559FC71EB882_w1597_n_r1_stA 3D printer prints a heart with human tissue during a presentation at the University of Tel Aviv, in Tel Aviv.

In medical field 3d printing is not new thing it has been extensively used to print the human organs before surgery to practice the complex operations. But Israeli scientist print first ever 3d printed heart patient own cell that can replace the damage heart of the patient.

Team of Scientist from the Tel Aviv University publish a paper on this research clamming the “Major breakthrough in Medical Field.” Lead of the project professor Tal Dvir said “It is first time that human cells are directly used to print the functional organ.”

For this breakthrough work, Scientist took the fatty tissue from the patient which then converted into the steam cell. These cells are use in form of the “bio-ink” with the help of hydrogel. First, they print the patches of cell then use the same process to print the whole heart layers by layer.

It is not first time that someone print the heart using 3d printer, but it is first time to print the heart with the blood vessels, cells, chambers and other structures of heart needs to function like real heart. Current printed heart is size of Rabbit heart. According to Tal Dvir, “In upcoming year they are looking forward to transplanting the heart in animal.”

800-10A Process on cells before it use in a 3d printer published in the paper.

The first challenge to print the human size heart by exploring the new technology to expand the cells to produce enough tissue require printing human size heart. As the heart is printed from patients own cells there are fewer chances to reject the heart by body. This is breakthrough as it can obsolete organ donation which is more likely to reject by body.

Even with the all functional part, heart is not capable to pump the blood. The next big challenge is to teach the cells to work together to contract and pump the blood like real one. Further, engineering challenge is to build the 3d printer with high resolution to print tiny blood vessels and chambers which are difficult with current 3d printers.

Tal Dvir and their team expecting, “maybe in ten years hospitals can print the fully functional human heart using patients own cell capable to transplant into human bodies.” Even It’s not fully functional heart but its excellent process to print the heart with all blood vessels which keep the artificial heart alive.

Still, there are so many hurdles in Engineering and medical field to print the organs this step is major breakthrough in process of producing artificial organ.

The study and experiment are published in the journal “Advanced Science.”


Nuclear Battery that last long for 100 years without charging!!!

Nuclear Energy is not new for the world, it has been greatly evolved from the century. We are very familiar with fission and fusion technology.

Now Researchers from Russia coined another nuclear technology in the form of nuclear battery which gives the 10 times more power than a conventional battery and lasts long for the 100 years. It uses nickel-63 as radioactive isotopes and Diamond as a semiconducting diode.

Nuclear Battery faces many up and down in its past it was first discovered by the Henry Moseley in 1913. His nuclear battery generates electricity from the decay of radium isotopes which produce the voltage difference between the electrode and metal. But this battery is not much effective that it will wipe out an electrochemical battery of that time. Even its not useful for any practical application due to its high voltage (about ten kilowatts) and very low current. It was further connected with the accumulator the same as the capacitor but it makes the device bulky.

Since then this technology gets evolve and in 1953, Paul Rappaport proposes a beta particle along with superconducting material which generates enough energy to run the pacemaker. This battery name as Betavoltaic battery.  Even in 1970, there was a cardiac pacemaker run on nuclear energy. This by then phases out by the lithium-ion battery as it is safer and cheaper.


(V. Bormashov et al./Diamond and Related Materials)

Russian researcher optimizes the Betavoltaic battery by using the nickel-63 as radioactive isotope sandwiched between the diamond semiconducting diodes as shown in fig. called Schottky barrier. Diode helps the current to flow in one direction. This barrier thickness is optimizing to the 2 micrometers. Prototype generates power of 3300 milliwatts-hours per gram, which is 10 times more powerful than the conventional battery. It has a power density of 10 microwatts per cubic centimeter with an output power of 10 microwatts enough to run the pacemaker.

The life of the radioactive material is depending on their reactivity but on the half-life of its decay. Nickel-63 half-life is over 100 years without significant loss of output power. It means it can power cardiac pacemaker for 100 years without the need for surgery for battery replacement, its bit sounds like Arc Reactor from Iron Man Movie. This can improve the quality of the cardiac pacemaker and also the quality of life of patients.

This battery also can be used in the spacecraft for the long journey. NASA is already using nuclear power to power its mars curiosity rover and new horizon probe but its principle is based on the radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTG’s). Thermal energy is produced by radioactive decay to generate electricity with the help of a thermocouple. This produces enormous heat and not suitable to work with humans. Also, it adds weight to the spacecraft. The betavoltaic battery is a better solution as its low density and somehow safer than the RTG.

The researcher is still optimizing battery and identified some ways to increase its power.

  • Enriching the Nickel-63 source to increase its output power.
  • Diamond p-i-n structure with a controlled doping profile would boost voltage and could increase the output power of the battery by a factor of three.
  • Increase the surface area of the converter would increase the number of nickel-63 atoms on each converter.

Even it can be the ideal technology to power the battery power equipment it has a barrier to the people thoughts of radioactivity since World War 2. Due to the extensive research in this field of radioactive radiation shielding would make this technology safe for humankind and all living beings.

However, This great technology of the tiny battery would be the future power source to invest in it.

This research was published in Diamond and Related Materials.


Electric Car get power from air and water to charge its battery!!!


Whenever I coin this question of car runs on water to the people, they get amaze and think it’s a part of the once imagination. But startup name log 9 dragging this imagination into the real world. This startup invents “Metal Air Battery” to run car like Mahindra E2O. Students of IIT Roorkee Akshay V. Singhal and Kartik Hajela founded a company name log 9 where they are working on this innovative concept.

This MAB (Metal Air Battery) uses a simple component like Air (oxygen as cathode), Water (as an electrolyte) and Aluminum (as a anode) in the battery. As compare to the normal battery this needs a refueling after 300kms which is only changing a water without need of distilled water (Normal water is enough to give you more 300kms drive). Aluminum electrode has to be change after 1000 km as the aluminum is converted into the aluminum hydroxide which takes only 15 minutes.

Its much better than conventional batteries which require 4-5 hours after every 100-150kms. Batteries has no danger of explosion as in case of lithium-ion batteries. It produces no pollution to the environment as Aluminum electrodes can be recycle.

This battery helpful for eliminating the use of heavy metal like cobalt which is use in the lithium ion batteries. As it does not require long lengthy charging it eliminates the huge investment require for the charging stations and their infrastructure. In the developing country like India where most part of the electricity is produced by coal and fossil fuels will decrease the need of electricity for charging car batteries which again helpful to reduce pollution.

Even its an innovative idea its still in its developing stage. They tested this battery with the Mahindra E2O car. Current challenges are its Big size and the power density. Now Battery is consuming rear seating space, so the efforts are puts to smaller the size of battery which can fit below the rear seating and provides more space.

Also, power density (Power per unit Volume) of this battery is low as compare to the conventional batteries. Kartik said that current battery is performing way better than they expected, in next stage battery will be optimize to stand in the market. Company target the first commercial version of this is expected in 2020.


Is Mumbai-Ahmadabad Bullet Train cost Efficient???

btBullet train show remarkable performance in most of the country is now knocking a door of India but the country which handles 12617 trains with 23 million passengers (nearly Australia’s entire population) needs bullet train which only can carry few thousands of people, is this cost efficient?

Indian railway is one of the huge government sectors in the world has a 67,368 kilometers of rail track but only less than half of it is fully electrified. Indian railway suffers for its late schedule, passenger service and unhygienic of the coaches and stations. Most of the passengers can’t even afford reserve train tickets for most of the long-distance train. Bullet train fare is Rs 250 from BKC-Thane (25-kilometer, the current fare for this route is not more than Rs. 50) and as high as 3000 Rs from Mumbai to Ahmadabad equal to the one-hour flight tickets on the same route.

The Bullet train budget is Rs. 1,10,000 crores are nearly equal to the total revenue of Indian rail in 2017, from which Japan gives Rs. 88,000 crores loan at “virtually” interest free (0.1% interest rate). But this money is given when Japan economy has not fully overcome deflation. This negative interest rate is adopted in 2016 to increase the consumer price, still japans struggling economy get Rs. 80000 crores from the Indian government.

According to the IIM Ahmadabad report, Bullet train will need to carry 88,000-118,000 passengers per day from Ahmadabad-Mumbai to be economically stable this figure is well above the total number of passengers traveling between the two cities in one day, but high budget bullet train can only handle 1323 passenger for one-way trip, this means train has to make 100 trips daily for the 500 km (one way trip distance) track this will require a huge amount of electricity for operating train as well as for 12 stations on its route.

According to a study by the National High-Speed Rail Corporation Limited (NHSRCL), which is executing the project; high-speed bullet train will consume 40% more electricity than the Delhi metro, which serving eight lines spanning over 350 kilometers and operating 236 stations.

At the end of this, it may be a big technology milestone for India but unless it is economically stable it will be just a big white elephant for India.


The Journey Begins

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Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton
