
Intro of Journey

This is the post excerpt.


Why do you wake up every day and what makes it hard to wake up? When you think about where you are and what you long to do what stirs inside you? It’s a wonder how we go through life practically settling because we convince ourselves we’re happy. Are we doing what we love or are we doing something so long that nothing puts us into a position to take chances. There is a lot of reasons we say we can’t do something, and the reason we can isn’t something we usually feel to accept. Some may have that life they are happy with and we may not be able to tell if they love what they do or not. Living a certain way compared to others isn’t being ungrateful. If we don’t live being happy every day, then we cannot come close to being happy with anything else we have around us due to our income we are provided. Think about where you are, right now at this moment. How do you feel and what is stopping you from being happy.


I’m becoming more aware of myself and realizing that seeing purpose in others can be toxic. The affect of what we take onto when being on social media is often unnoticed. There is a certain strike of uncanny feelings that overwhelm your soul. The feeling of self evidence; what stirs within, lies a deep swarm of heavy emotions and then you are invoked by your senses to your surroundings. Handling purpose while lost in yourself is rather intrusive. 

Within my artistic mind and purpose.

My life is hard to figure out.

  • Debt is a huge fast hold on me investing in my future. 
  • Seeing too much happiness when I’m far from where I should be exhausts me.
  • It is crucial to disconnect from the social media food chain to focus on yourself. 
  • Being artistically designed makes it hard to decide where to get when you cannot invest or put time into it. 
  • The environment we are in sometimes truly has a devastating impact on our mind frame. You can truly feel lost within yourself if you don’t have a place you feel at peace. 

    Survival of your intention in life can and will be truly weary as you have a naturally expansive mindset. Those around you a lot of times will find you more so overwhelming. Usually you find yourself beside yourself. It’s not where to fit but how to reinvent your personal happiness despite how much you feel. This is a conjectural standpoint not assumed to be how we all feel. But.. some of us feel as we’re looking down on a snow globe with a microscope in this life while aloft below through the telescope. We want to be relevant and at the same time stay away from conformity. It’s hard to handle passion when we don’t know where to go with it and what to do with it. We can’t sit still much and want to wander for an experience divine. 

    So long..