Radical Manifesto

Radical Manifesto

Radical Network (From radical leftists to radical leftists)

I) Manifesto to build a sustainable and empathic civilization

Union of anti-capitalists, anarchists (anarcho-communists, eco-anarchists, veganarchists, etc.), autonomists, communists (libertarian Marxists, etc.), socialists (ecosocialists, libertarian socialists, etc.), cooperatives, defenders of the Resource Based Economy and other left-wing ideologies.

We organize ourselves to build an alternative to market and state capitalisms, acting with Proactive Pacifism. We aim for a sustainable and empathic civilization, so we reject violence, trying to be consistent. We try to "be the change we want to see in the world."

We reject all hate speech (including leftists) and will only undertake a revolution acting strictly in the terms of Proactive Pacifism. When something is based on noble principles, on high values, it endures like a seed that can sprout when the medium is propitious.

Proactive Pacifism: "To defend yourself and all sentient beings and species, using force only when indispensable, but always do not exceeding what is strictly necessary for defense, that is, without revenge or punishment, both physical and psychic, during or after the defense attempt. Physical force should always be the last recourse, gradually applied according to the progression of the violence undertaken by the aggressor." According to the original Aikido.

We are convinced of the imperative need to replace hierarchy for hierodulia, verticality for horizontality, competition for cooperation, personalism for collectivism, selfishness for solidarity. That is why we act together, unified, to overcome capitalism and all other forms of exploitation between human beings and these to other sentient beings.

Each one can work in parallel projects in their own political line or, as he deems it convenient, renounce their participation in our collective work.

Our proposal is based on anarchist principles, more specifically we rely on anarcho-communism and the lessons of specifist anarchism. We understand that a profound transformation of society into a society of sharing and voluntarism, a communist society, post-scarcity, can only happen if individual people values align with this new model, that is, if they improve their quality first. The means to promote this change is to establish a social movement where our principles are exercised from day zero on a day to day basis, educating people and solving the most impeding problems they already have, such as giving job opportunities and professionalization, facilitating access to culture, and other things equally sensitive to the needs of individuals, so that they have good conditions of life.

That is why our modus operandi is to promote progressive reforms in the present system while we do a strong base work looking for the future. We believe in direct democracy, personal responsibility and community self-management, collaborative economics, the balance between cooperation and healthy competition, waste reduction and ecology, human dignity and science/technology as our allies.

II) Guidelines and Rules regarding our public groups on the internet (for discussion and information sharing)

1) We accept educational or politically provocative humor, which stimulates reflections or instigates action peacefully proactively.

2) We ask to avoid memes, stickers that leads to pure irony, ridicule, gall, offense or any dubious emotional expression.

3) Do not promote anything, ask admins first.

4) Right-wingers (including extremists: ancaps, fascists, nazis and others):

We do not give space or a platform to those who come to defend monstrosities such as trading of human beings, and other proposals that defy any ethical or empathic ideals. Political ideas can be debated; ideas that seek the common good, even if mistakenly. But diseases must be contained. We do not accept sociopaths, racists, slavers, LGBTQphobes, other bigots, and the whole range of people in whom selfishness crystallized as values of conduct and political ideal.

We are tolerant, but not conniving. Therefore, your presence will be allowed (except for nazis and fascists) as long as you limit yourself to observing or making rare, brief and educated comments for clarification, in case you find obvious fake news, slanderous or slang. We do not allow: rude or offensive language; fake, distorted or ill-founded news; spam; flood; trolling; and right-wing proselytizing, in other words: do not try to convert us, whether by posting material that advocates ideas, practices and rightist people, or by attacking the lefts. Insistent questions and any practice that results in maintaining a right-wing agenda will also cause its author to be banned.

5) As for moderation:

5.1) At each ban, there shall be a public notification of its cause.

5.2) The ban will generally be temporary, depending on the seriousness of the violation committed, but there are no fixed deadlines. Whoever is unbanned will not be notified about that.

Created by Esquerdas Unidas, a brazilian leftist network (https://t.me/esquerdasunidas). This material may be freely distributed under the terms of CC-by-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode).

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