Beyond unexpressed feelings!!!


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Ever since Adam & Eve’s century, people kept telling us that Love is in the Air. Love – This word has a million definitions. I would like to begin with the definition that Google states and then elaborate on the same. This time it’s all about Love.

So I asked Google for the definition of LOVE. It said “Love is an intense feeling of deep affection” That is quite accurate to what we all have understood from this term. When you feel an intense depth of attraction/affection towards something, someone or something you do then it’s definitely called Love and then there’s February 14 which is exclusively dedicated for Love. Celebrating Love is the basic concept of this day while understanding the real meaning of Love and its purpose is yet another mandatory thing to be done on the same day. With a small pinch of hope to explain this from my point of view I continue.

Basically, when two people fall in love with each other it all begins from some of the most random things. A smile, A text, A small hello, An eye contact, A deep conversation, An argument etc. So how do you realize that you are in love with someone? This is where most of us fail and end up getting our hearts broke. To figure out that you are in love with that someone special you just need to observe yourself more than being lost in the other person’s random cuteness.

So when do you realize you are in love with that person? When their smile is your happiness and you are ready to go an extra mile to make them smile, You are in Love. When their mood affects yours instantly and you can’t fake a smile to them, You are in Love. When in the middle of a busy day, you pause for a minute or two and all that you think about is them. When you watch a movie and get reminded of that someone special in any particular scene that touches your heart, You are in Love. When you are traveling alone and think about being accompanied by someone they pop out inside your head, then You are in Love. When seeing them cry breaks your heart and makes you feel so lost, You are surely in Love. When you feel so comfortable even in your worst when they are around, You are in Love. When something good, bad or important happens you grab your phone to text/call them right away to share it with them, You are in Love. I can go on for hours together with this topic but finally, if you already have someone in your mind when you’re reading this, then Yes, It’s them. You are in love with them!

So, when you are all set, You start loving them more each day and make sure they are happy with you. You do little things to make them smile, starting from good morning texts to random “I love you, you are so special” texts. You put in your 200% to make sure they feel the same towards you and succeed doing it too. It’s all sugary sweet, until the day the Fairy tale Love story deviates and takes a huge U-turn. Little Disappointments, Little misunderstandings, Arguments starts coming up to test the level of tolerance and maturity you guys got. The reason behind the issue might seem like it isn’t a big deal to you while for your significant other, it might mean the world and when you fail to sort it out right there it means, You tripped down the ladder a little. Good news is that you can pick it up back from where you guys left and take it forward. But for that, a lot of patience, sacrificing skill and maturity is needed. You would’ve expected to lead a fairy tale love story while your better half might hate the thought of unicorns, mermaids, luck & dreams.

In reality, that is how it is. Opposite poles do attract.

No two individual has the same taste, opinions or lives the same life. Each of us is unique in our own ways and all that we crave for is someone who could compliment us in a way that we are complete together. Love brings in all these emotions together and makes you realize how beautiful Life can be, it all depends on us and how we deal with the little insecurities that come up now and then to puzzle the relationship. The solution always remains in our hands. A relationship without a hard phase is completely impossible. A healthy relationship has fights but it all depends on how fast you guys resolve and get back together again. And remember, At some point of time if you are letting your partner go to bed upset, then you’re doing it wrong my mate. Because you see, at the end of the day it’s You both together and not Just You and her/him. Life becomes beautiful when you accept your partner the way they actually are. You start enjoying every little moment you spend with them. Never stop appreciating their efforts, because you never know what they undergo to make you happy.

Deciding and planning for the future is fun but when you start investing all your time planning up until your future, you are unfortunately losing the present which is the only happiness left in your hands. So live Life as it comes, because one day when you look back at the memories you made with your loved one you’d obviously not want to look at those days when you both sat together calculating how much to save and how much to spend. Yes, Little things in a relationship matter the most. A small gesture to let your love know that you’re always going to be there for them in their thin and thick is much more worth than presenting them expensive gifts on anniversaries, Valentine’s day and other special days. After all this, your love can’t be measured in dollars, rupees or currencies. They’re just another way to express how much you love them, but definitely, not everything that a relationship needs.

Apart from just the two of them in a relationship, now a days we have ‘People in our Society’, When two people with extreme tastes, nature, characteristics, appearances etc fall in Love, Our society gets ready to stand tall smirking at them throughout the entire period of their relationship. No matter how many days, weeks, months, years they might travel together. It drives them crazy with its criticisms, negative opinions, sarcasm, and destructive vibe. Those are the situations where a couple has to stand hand in hand. Because letting people judge your story without even them knowing everything from the beginning is pointless. One thing that could help you’ll stay away from all this is to stay lowkey about your relationship and everything related to it because not everyone in this society is ready to embrace your flaws and negatives.

Every happy Instagram couple has a side which they don’t want to share. Every ideal #couple_goal people have their own negatives and fight for little things just like all other couples. Not everyone in Social media posts their sadder side of Life, it’s just one phase of their lives that we adore, be fascinated about and crave to live. It might or might not be true. So just live your own story, put in all of your efforts into it to make it better each day, never let your partner doubt your relationship. Live, laugh and love without any limits.

Just like Every coin has two sides, Every story has two points of view, Every happy relationship has its negatives too. I’m going to discuss about few qualities that has immense impacts on us.

PRIORITIES: You definitely know what your priorities are, so it all depends on your decision to put your relationship on top of it or just have it hanging out there somewhere between a list of things you have in your Life. Setting your priorities straight and making sure you do whatever is needed to keep it going calm is important. Hustling hard to settle down your future and losing a big time of your ‘today’ is not a wise thing to do. PRIORITIES, yes they matter.

POSSESSION: You can’t take possession over a person you Love. There are many other ways to prove your love for them. Believing in “what is yours, will be yours” is very much important to take the relationship forward, and when you lack in that you pave way for trust issues followed by a lot of fights. At times, just sending your loved one a ‘take care’ and ‘reach home safe’ text means a lot more than “where are you?” “why are hanging you out so late?” messages. There are different ways to communicate your care towards them. Try being gentle with it.

OBSESSION: This has recently become the most experienced feeling among the youth who are head over heel in Love. Obsession is basically an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person’s mind. It’s indeed an amazing feeling to think about the person you love, and about the life that you are both going to live together and a lot more beyond all this. But, there’s going to be a lot of trouble if “you’re doing only this ALL DAY LONG”. Being obsessed over a person you love might seem pleasant in the beginning, but it’s definitely not fun as days pass by. It’s all about giving them their space and letting them be. Care, Crave and Love them more every day but don’t let obsession take over you.

All these positive and negative components blend to form a most beautiful relationship. A relationship where both of them don’t give up on each other, A relationship which has sacrifices, smiles and happy moments. A relationship worth the distance and wait. A relationship which has Love, Love and a lot of Love.

With that note, I wish each of you so much of happiness in whatever you do with Love, in whatever you wish for and whatever you’ve been craving for all these days in Life. Just hold on and be a little more patient, who knows you are just one lapse away from it. So it’s definitely worth the wait.

PS: I randomly wrote whatever came into my mind when I decided to write about Love, and as I already said People and opinions differ, so if your opinions are different from mine and you want to clarify it, The comment box is always open 🙂 Feel free to share your thoughts.


10 responses to “L.O.V.E”

  1. Sreejith Avatar

    Spectacular ♥️


    1. Wordsonrow Avatar

      Thank you LOVE ❤ 🙂


  2. Amrith Avatar

    A Dream with a touch of reality. That’s all it takes (:


    1. Wordsonrow Avatar

      True that 🙂 Totally agreed!


  3. Swapna Anand Avatar
    Swapna Anand

    Awesome Chinnu ma… You are becoming a great writer now… Hoping for more… God bless 😘


    1. Wordsonrow Avatar

      Thank you Chechii 🙂 Means a lot!


  4. Ze Avatar

    Beautiful 🌹


    1. Wordsonrow Avatar

      Thank you so much Ze☺️


  5. Hena Avatar

    Great sushmi😘😘


    1. Wordsonrow Avatar

      Thank you so much Hena❤️


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