Line Love

6 Women Show Off Their Stretch Marks in Striking Portraits

stretch mark interviews

Stretch marks are normal and common for every shape, size, and gender. Yet people, particularly women, are still taught that stretch marks are flaws or marks of failure and encouraged to cover them up. But there’s another approach to the lines that is on the rise: celebrating them.

Stretch marks are simply lines on skin that develop when skin stretches — whether because of a growth spurt, weight gain, or pregnancy — and elastic fibers under the skin weaken or break. Pretty much anything that pulls on the skin can create them and people of all sizes get them. The lengths, widths, colors, and patterns stretch marks can take are as varied as bodies themselves. Women have been sold countless treatments to reduce the appearance of their marks, and it’s an individual choice whether to do so or not. Laser treatments, moisturizers, and topical treatments that stimulate collagen production may all minimize their appearance.

But stretch marks can also be a source of pride as more and more people are realizing. As the fashion industry has started to embrace a more inclusive vision of beauty, it’s finally possible to see models with stretch marks in ad campaigns.

Celebrities including Chrissy Teigen, Amber Rose, and Barbie Ferreira have all posted photos unapologetically flaunting their lines. In recent years, the #LoveYourLines social media campaign has encouraged people to share the stories behind their marks. With a focus on changes in the fashion industry, Allure interviewed six models of different shapes and sizes about their stretch marks and how they’ve grown to view them.

Victoria, 23

When I first noticed my stretch marks, I was surprised and a little scared. I was around 12 or 13 when I had a major growth spurt (from five foot four inches to five foot eleven) and the [stretch marks] on my knees appeared. I was super insecure about them because I had never seen stretch marks on anyone's kneecaps before. Then I remember waking up one day and looking at my butt covered in stretch marks.

I grew up in a West Indian household that tends to be on the judgmental side [when it comes to] outward appearances, so unintentionally my mind was trained into thinking that stretch marks could never be a positive thing. In the media, they were always Photoshopped out or covered up. I remember looking at magazines, wondering how [the] women [had] absolutely no flaws on their skin, asking myself what in the world I was doing wrong.

I have learned to embrace my stretch marks and I absolutely love them now. They tell a beautiful story of my growth. I'm proud of my stripes. I look at them like art wrapped around my knee caps and bum. I learned to appreciate the things that set me apart from others.

I would like stretch marks to be seen as a completely normal part of your body. Everyone has them. They are not an indicator of health and they shouldn't be viewed as flaws. Those stripes etched into your skin are a part of who you are. I'm glad to see society finally coming to terms with stretch marks, belly rolls, cellulite, and everything else that makes us human.

Molly, 24

I noticed my stretch marks when I was around 18 or 19. I lost about 30 pounds [from] my freshman [to] sophomore year of college. I was happy about losing weight, but I remember being annoyed at these new stretch marks. They were on my inner thighs, waist, and breasts. I never really knew exactly what they were when I was a kid, but I knew they were supposed to be unattractive. I was always on the bigger side throughout my adolescence and my body-image issues were more wrapped up in that.

I actually really like my stretch marks. I think they’re kind of cool. I’m really pale, so they kind of blend in with my skin, except they’re shinier. I feel like they are battle scars — they show where I’ve been. They show how hard I worked to lose the weight I lost and how strong my body is now. They’re a part of who I am. Honestly, if it weren’t a cultural stigma that stretch marks are ugly, I feel like people would love them on their bodies. They’re like these beautiful paint strokes on your skin that show the journey of your life. It’s pretty badass.

I’m very lucky in my experience in the modeling industry. I’ve never been criticized for having stretch marks, but I know that for [straight-size] models, it can be a challenge. Also, the modeling industry has been changing so rapidly lately. Obviously, it still has a long way to go, but the fact that major brands are using girls with stretch marks and specifically showcasing it instead of Photoshopping it away is huge. I’m blessed that I came into the business at this time.

I would love it if men would shut up about every aspect of women’s bodies forever. Seriously, just shut your mouths! On a purely objective level, women’s bodies are incredible, magical, strong, life-creating vessels, and no one should ever make us feel bad about a couple of lines or rolls or curves. The modeling industry should keep making strides in the direction of inclusivity and body positivity so that little girls reading magazines will know that it’s OK to love themselves for who they are.

Nouri, 19

Today, my stretch marks signify my womanhood. However, seven years ago, I only had intrusive thoughts about them. Granted, they weren’t as apparent as they are today, but I knew they were there. Changing in the girls’ locker room was a nightmare for me. I felt like everyone was staring at the stretch marks on my butt. I’d take my gym clothes into the bathroom and change there to avoid my imagined humiliation.

When I entered the modeling industry at 14 years old, I had to create an Instagram. This was the beginning of the end of my confidence. The models I followed posted photos showing off their clear skin and toned bodies with no imperfections to be seen. I didn’t think I’d be able to survive this long in an industry full of women who were more experienced and more beautiful than I was.

I’ve come to love my stretch marks and body image overall. Thankfully, the modeling industry is rapidly changing and growing more appreciative of body positivity. Last year, I signed with We Speak, a modeling agency that specializes in representing health-conscious models of all sizes. After four years, I finally feel accepted in the modeling industry. I finally feel like I don’t have to be five foot nine and a size zero with a flawless complexion to be successful.

I was [recently] asked to attend a casting for Gap Body campaign at Milk Studios, and this was the biggest opportunity I’d ever been brought in for. When I got to Milk, I was surrounded by girls repped by the biggest and the best: Wilhelmina, IMG, Elite, Major. I was overwhelmed and felt discouraged until I realized something: I was in that room for a reason. The client saw me in the same light as other girls from top agencies. I was just as likely to book this job as the next girl despite my insecurities and flaws, including my stretch marks.

Nadia, 24

My stretch marks are on my thighs and on my butt. The first time I noticed them was when I was around 13 or 14 [and] began inspecting my nude body and trying to appreciate it. I had a really unfortunate bike accident when I was younger, which led to the stretch marks on my butt.

Growing up, I always saw and heard about products to help you get rid of stretch marks. I think things like that contributed to me feeling like I should hide them. When it came to the media and peers, there was definitely always a negative narrative around them until more recently. They were often considered “ugly,” it seemed. It was actually when I started dating and also when I started being in front of the camera that I started to receive positive feedback about my stretch marks.

Today, I’m able to see and appreciate my stretch marks as part of what makes me beautiful. They’re my signature stripes, and they are part of my story and growth. I look at my stretch marks and the rest of my body as a physical reflection of my existence so far. I’ve taken a much more natural and holistic stance with body image.

I would like for folks to try not to discuss stretch marks as things to be ashamed of as if they’re not a natural part of having skin. Men and women alike have stretch marks and yet women are left to feel like it’s something they should feel ashamed about. For far too long, women’s bodies have been analyzed through [an] unrealistic and unnatural lens. I think it’s about time for the stories to be told for women, by women.

Dolci, 26

I first noticed my own stretch marks when I was about 16. They appeared all over my boobs. This might have been because the night before, I could have sworn I didn’t have them, but the next morning: bam. I didn’t really know what the little lines all over my skin were, but I cannot remember being worried about them. They turned silvery after a while.

It wasn’t until my mom and I went bra shopping that she pointed to them and told me something along the lines of, “You’ve got stretch marks and [they happen] when your skin doesn’t have enough elastin to grow.” As I continued to get taller, I also found them on my back and later near my hips. As far as I knew, they weren’t unhealthy. [My mom] said most people got them from growing and that they would fade in color over time.

To me, they were always more [like] the idea of tiger stripes. You grew, and you earned them. It was surprising to me that so many women are worried about them, but almost all of us have them. I think the feeling of worry, especially in terms of feeling inadequate, comes from comparing each other to those ultra-retouched, magazine editorial spreads where the girl’s skin is basically radiating off the page.

Especially in America, absolute perfection is worshipped. Any physical feature that could sidetrack your quest for it is made out to be criminal when, in fact, I truly feel these little imperfections make us more interesting, more beautiful, and more unique. I think the body-diversity movement is essential to this cause as it breaks the barriers down and allows for open conversations like this to happen. It’s disheartening that we have to keep reiterating to the fashion and beauty community that it is OK to be real and empowered. It’s 2018. Being human is beautiful. End of story. Real is greater than perfection. Own it. You are already golden.

Erin, 33

I have stretch marks on my butt and upper thighs. I remember seeing them once I hit puberty around 14 because of a growth spurt. I never really thought much of them because my older sister had them in the same place and I thought she was still so beautiful and all the boys still liked her. That's what I worried about at that age.

I remember reading in magazines that they weren't desirable and about different creams you could try to get rid of them. I tried a few, but they never really worked. I sometimes have moments where I get obsessed over different flaws in myself, so stretch marks had their moment [when I worried about them]. But I always end up talking myself down and reminding myself to accept myself and just try to be healthy. That's all that matters.

Now that I'm older, I've come to realize how much the media and companies control our ideals [of] beauty. Who really decided in the first place that stretch marks are a feature that's undesirable?

Whether you're the most petite person or plus-size, it’s likely you'll have them. I try to tell myself it's more important to just try to be healthy because if someone is trying to tell you to change something about yourself, they're probably selling something.

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