No More 2a Infringments!

No More 2a Infringments!

September 13, 2019
Petition to
Walmart and
Signatures: 869Next Goal: 1,000
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Why this petition matters

Started by Adam C


The 2nd Amendment is VERY Important. Lots of politicians and Americans ignore that, or don't realise it. The 2nd Amendment was written so we have a right to fight bsck against tyrannical government. The 2nd Amednment protected all types of firearms, and even war ships. Citizens owned gatling guns, warships, rifles, and cannons!

Theres been several mass shootings in the U.S., but theres things ignored, and why these shootings keep occuring.So heres some FACTS for you to read and hopefully understand the reasoning why gun control won't and doesn't work;

-90% of guns criminals owned were illegally obtained

- 95% of mass shootings occured in gun free zones

Heres some links for more info on these topics:

Heres one of the other real reasons why I made this petition:

#1 You must be 18 to be a rifle, but he 21 to buy a handgun and concesled carry permit. That is BS. Why can't we be 18 to have both?

#2 Gun Licensing. Another 2a infringment. The 2nd Amendment is our gun license. We shouldn't have to purchase one, or have to wait to get something so we can legally protect our selves and our rights

#3 $200 to legally have a barrel shorter then 16" on your ar15s. That is tyranny. And just unconstitutional. Thats like saying "Pay $200 to get a shorter popsicle stick for your popsicle

#4 Bumpstock and Redflag laws. Yes you may not need a bumpstock, but bumpstocks arent the reason why gun owners are pissed, its the reason that its just the first step before gun confiscation

#5 criminals wont give up their guns, so why should I? Criminals and Government want us to be disarmed cause we'll be vulnerable to their evilness.

#6 Finally, the only way to stop mass shootings is for someone to shoot back. Defend your selves. And others. Buy a gun.

Please share this petition with your friends so we can BAN GUN CONTROL!

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Signatures: 869Next Goal: 1,000
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