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Tonight’s Leo Moon activates your chart’s sex and romance sector, Aries, so expect the heat to turn up! It squares off with expansive Jupiter, in sexy Scorpio, and the tense energy it produces explains your amplified sexual appetite this weekend. Sunday’s Virgo Moon feels like a roadblock after such a fiery weekend, so live it up while you can! You’re suddenly compelled to problem-solve and you focus on everything that’s *not* running smoothly — especially your relationships.

Venus and Mars fall out of alignment this week, adding some wonkiness to your love life. You’re urged to make some decisions and answer some bigger questions regarding your relationships; How strong are they, overall? What’s working, and what’s not? Do you want to fix things, or break up?


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This weekend is perfect for getting cozy with someone, Taurus, and you can expect to pamper, and be pampered by, your partner under tonight’s sensual Leo Moon. With your planetary ruler, Venus, in Virgo, your chart’s romantic zone is activated and you’re looking at some emotional progress in your relationships in the next few weeks. On Sunday, when the Moon also enters Virgo, you’ll be able to connect even better with your partner as you’ll be more sensitive to their feelings.

With tension between Venus and Mars this week, you run the risk of being too assertive with how you want your relationships to develop. If you hold back on your famous Taurean stubbornness, there’s nothing to worry about and you can drive some great growth in your love life.


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This weekend will be a blast for you, Gemini, and the upbeat Leo Moon promises easy connections with others, encourages flirting and socializing, and amplifies your lovable wit. People will slide aaaaallll up into your DMs, especially when the Moon links up with chatty Mercury. If you’re partnered up, this energy promotes opening up to your S.O. more. If you’re single and mingling, Sunday’s Virgo Moon brings this energy to a standstill as it joins romantic Venus in your chart’s sector regarding your domestic life, intimacy, and comfort. This part of your chart being activated can indicate “settling down” with someone — are you ready for that?

Mars’ and Venus’ tensions this week highlight where you and your partner aren’t on the same page. Where do the two of you see your relationship heading? If your views aren’t aligned, how can you compromise?


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Take a load off, Cancer. Cancer season is nice and all, but being in the spotlight all the time can get exhausting! The Leo Moon this weekend is sensual AF and sets the mood for some smoldering sex. It squares off with Jupiter and further creates an atmosphere for indulgence. The mood is peaceful until Sunday, when the pace picks up under the Virgo Moon. You can communicate your feelings without a hitch, but some tough talks are headed your way.

Venus and Mars throw off your balance this week, highlighting some relationship woes. Issues with jealousy or feeling too controlled by your S.O. reach a breaking point and will require immediate resolution. If you can keep a level head and talk things out, Venus will help you find a resolution without feelings getting hurt in the process.


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With the Moon in your sign this weekend, expressing yourself and shining bright is a breeze, Leo. The mood is romantic and optimistic, and the grouchy vibes of Cancer season are barely even noticeable! As the Moon enters Virgo, your weekend of pleasure is amplified with a sexier mood.

Energetic Mars moves into an uncomfortable angle with Venus in Virgo this week, forcing your relationship issues to rise to the surface. Do you and your partner value your relationship equally? What do you want out of your relationship, and are your partner’s desires aligned with yours? This transition isn’t very fun, but it tests your ability to cooperate and solve problems, and ultimately strengthens your relationship in the end.


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You’re looking lovely, Virgo! Venus, ruler of love and beauty, is still in your sign, boosting your charisma and sex appeal despite the moody Leo Moon this weekend. If you’re up for going out, you’re sure to get all the attention you want.

This week, however, Mars places a damper on the fun Venusian energy and creates a harsh angle to the planet of love. You’re a workaholic and the biggest perfectionist of the zodiac, but Venus and Mars will bring out your productivity so much that it might mess with your love life for a bit. Endlessly critiquing your S.O. and working to “perfect” your relationship can really put a damper on things, even if you have the best intentions. Ease up a little!


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This weekend’s Leo Moon boosts your natural charm and provides the perfect atmosphere to socialize, Libra, opening up all kinds of options for fun with your friends. Later this week, however, Venus in Virgo and energetic Mars in Aquarius create an unharmonious mix of energies. Venus in Virgo compels you to be more introverted and for your love life to slow down, right as Mars is heating up the sex and romance sector of your chart.

Despite your enhanced desire for love, your romantic life is quieting down. This private energy may feel lonely for a bit, but you can satisfy your own needs in love with some self-care this week.


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Things have been on the up-and-up for you, Scorpio, and tonight’s Leo Moon brings additional positivity to your life. The mood is confident, you feel more popular, and it’s a good time for romance. Venus, ruler of love, is still in Virgo, activating the most social part of your chart, so any outings this weekend could end with you bringing someone home!

Enjoy it while you can; aggressive Mars clashes with Venus this week, and your relationship issues are highlighted. Do your desires for romance and sex match your partner’s? Do you want more sex, while they want more commitment, or vice versa? Where do you see your relationship headed? Circumstances this week are stressful and frustrating, but open up conversations with your S.O. to make sure you’re both on the same page.


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Tonight, the Moon is in Leo, a like-minded fire sign, and your natural optimism and charisma are amplified, Sagittarius. You feel bold as ever, and anything you do this weekend can feel like an adventure! Take advantage of this fun, fiery mood and live it up, because the rest of the week gets hectic.

Mars is energetic and passionate, and it’s in the busiest section of your chart that rules communications. It forms tension with romantic Venus, and you can feel very distracted from your love life this week. As much as you want to fulfill your ambitions and further develop your relationships, everything else has to come first for now.


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“Intense” doesn’t even begin to describe the mood you get into during this weekend’s Leo Moon, Capricorn. The emotions in every part of your life are seriously amplified. Hookups with your boo or someone new promise to be passionate. If you’re single and find your way into bed with someone, definitely watch out for catching feelings.

Starting Sunday, however, the Moon enters Virgo, which feels more pleasant and optimistic. Venus, the planet of love, is in your chart’s zone associated with new experiences, but struggles with an awkward blockage from stubborn, assertive Mars this week. Venus urges you to take new risks, but your rigid nature prevents you from easily doing so. Put yourself out there and you could find someone special who becomes someone very important in your life! Don’t miss out on something – or someone – exciting this week just because of your stubbornness!


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Your partnerships are definitely the focus of the week, Aquarius, and right off the bat, tonight’s Leo Moon activates your chart’s relationships sector. You’re sensitive and in-tune to your partner and their needs this weekend. Mars and Venus are the relationship planets, ruling sex and love respectively, and they enter a stressful angle with each other this week.

This is especially significant for you, as Mars is residing in your sign. Your Aquarian nature is intellectual and emotionally-detached. Because of this, you naturally feel “different” or like an outcast, and Mars is exaggerating these qualities. Venus in Virgo is dedicated to creating deep, soulful connections with others — which doesn’t easily happen for you. These constellations are compelling you to open up and allow yourself a more intimate partnership, which is difficult, but your relationship could be ready to advance to the next level!


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The planet of love, Venus, is highlighting your chart’s relationships zone, Pisces! Friendships, partnerships, and unions of all kinds run smoothly and you’re more engaged with your loved ones. This weekend’s Leo Moon focuses your mind on work and productivity, but on Sunday, it moves into Virgo to join Venus, further emphasizing your relationships. Shortly after, however, Venus and passionate Mars fall out of sync and create awkward energy together. Just as your relationships were starting to take priority, this astrological buzzkill prevents any real developments from occurring at the moment.

This week, Mars compels you to recede and reflect as it floats through the part of your chart relating to your private inner world, but Venus urges you to get out and meet new people, spread love, and have fun. Use this time to daydream, work on personal projects, and enjoy your own company. There’ll be plenty of time to enjoy Venus’ influence in your chart once this stressful transition ends.

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Jake Register

Jake Register (better known by his Instagram handle, @jakesastrology) is a Libra and the author of Cosmopolitan’s weekly Sexoscopes. He lives in southeastern North Carolina and loves making astrology content. Follow his IG or Twitter @jakesastrology, and to book a reading, go to