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Behind the Scenes with Angelique Pereira

Meet the newest member of the FOREO family! At a young age, Angelique Pereira left her native Guyana and moved with her family to the United States. She spent her childhood in New Jersey and New York before switching coasts to pursue a career in modeling and acting. You might recognize her from her breakout role as Caroline Waters in the 2016 film, Only For One Night, or you may have caught her uh-mazing performance in the FOREO lip sync challenge:   https://www.instagram.com/p/BnvCTl8hLZ1/?taken-by=angeliquepereira   A long-time FOREO fan, we sat down with Angelique on the set of her newest project to talk all things Hollywood.  

After a few years in the industry, what would you say is the most important lesson you’ve learned?

“That you definitely have to have an outer protective shell because it comes with a lot of rejection. No matter how amazing you are an as actor, how famous you are, or successful...all of us have to go through not getting the job we really wanted at one point or another. Being an actor is an everyday hustle, we’re critiqued nonstop.”  

That sounds challenging - any advice for aspiring actors/actresses out there?

“Have faith, never give up, and continue to practice your craft in order to know yourself more. Once you get the hang of it and really put your all into it, the rewards are out of this world. So moral of this story is....NEVER GIVE UP! You can do anything you put your mind to.”

The FOREO Family

We’re so proud to have such a strong, beautiful soul as a member of our brand new ambassador program! Check out her Instagram feed, and stay tuned for all the new and exciting things to come from our fab little family!



MYSA user avatar
expertbells 01/10/2021

I read your fully story. It's Very motivation topic. Thanks for sharing.


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