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I’m addicted to making people laugh –The Real Femi


Femi Owolabi

Femi Owolabi is popular on Instagram as The Real Femi for his distinct style of comedy. With a following of over 200,000 people, he entertains his fans by making impressions and parodies. He tells TIMILEYIN AKINKAHUNSI how his journey into the world of comedy started

You do comedy, impressions and parodies, how are you able to do all these things?

I think it has to do with my environment; I live in Namibia. I have friends who hail from different countries: South Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana. The fact that every country has their peculiar accent intrigues me.  I am always curious to learn different accents. As regards the impressions, I just try to mimic celebrities and famous people. I always try to mimic them in a perfect way.

How would you say comedy started for you; how did you know you were funny to the point of making skits and posting them on Instagram?

I was in my room one day, with my laptop and decided to use the webcam to record a random video. I didn’t plan to do any funny video. I recorded the video, speaking with a British accent; I was telling people how I got the accent. I just created an Instagram account for the purpose of posting pictures in 2014. I posted the video on my page and the reaction I got was overwhelming. I decided to do a follow-up to the video; and I still got interesting reactions. I just continued but I didn’t even know the direction that these videos were going. As time went on, one of the major blogs on Instagram reposted my video and I saw a lot of nice comments and likes. I was encouraged. Along the line, I started fine-tuning my videos by giving them more direction. I became very intentional about my contents. I started building my brand. Towards the end of 2015, I became consistent with my videos.

Prior to this time, did you know you were funny?

I used to crack jokes amongst my siblings and friends and they would laugh but I never saw myself as a funny person. Jokes have always been a part of me.

Does your childhood have any influence on your contents?

My childhood doesn’t influence my contents. I grew up in Canada and Nigeria. I used to be a very reserved and shy child. I like to observe a lot but I don’t talk much. I still like to play a lot but I do a lot of research and reading.

You seem to do a lot of parodies about Amala, any reason for this?

Contrary to popular belief, I am not a fan of Amala. I like it but it’s not my favourite food. In 2016, I did a parody of a song called Panda by Designer.  I grew up watching some types of American comedy shows where they would do a series of parody and mimics. Those are the type of things I enjoy. I decided to do something related to Nigeria and I discovered Amala rhymed with Panda, so I built a song around it. I posted it and it gained a lot of attention and views. That was how the whole relationship with Amala started; it just goes with many flows and parodies.

What inspires the contents of your videos?

My environment influences the contents of my videos; I always study my environment. I did a video recently about how females hate being seen without their wigs. Before I did that video, I had been observing how some ladies would hide their face when they are without their wigs. I noticed it was like a ‘phobia’; and that was why I decided to make a documentary about it. Interestingly, after I posted that video many women were able to relate with it. It is always good to have contents related to what is in the news every time.

How do you say your funny lines and still keep a straight face?

I don’t laugh at my jokes or videos; that is just me being natural.

How do your parents and siblings react when they see your videos?

They laugh over them and show me love.

Some people say your jokes only appeal to rational and analytical people; are you aware of this?

Yes, I am aware of it; I see a lot of comments like that on my videos; I try to be structural about my skits; I make sure the idea flows from the beginning to the end. If my viewers don’t listen carefully; it is very easy for them to miss the message in the video. I don’t set out to make people rack their brains intentionally. The only way it is easy to get the message in my videos is when I am doing a parody or an impression. I always hope people get my jokes; the satisfactory thing is that a good number of people get my jokes.

With the knowledge that your jokes are very analytical; have you ever thought of reducing your standards?

I like the audience I appeal to; I do videos where I’m just fooling around so I think that strikes a balance.

You do impressions about popular people in entertainment and in government; have you ever received backlash from any of them?

Yes, I have been called out by a popular cross-dresser after I did an impression about him. There was a day he made a comment about me not being funny. He went further to post my picture on his page and wrote that I wasn’t funny. I guess he wasn’t happy about a skit I made about him. Also, recently, I mimicked a popular blogger and she didn’t find it funny. She threatened to take down my page. I was scared initially, so I talked to a few people about it. Some people said I should ignore her while others advised me to apologise. It was a tough one for me; I was caught in-between. I didn’t know what to do. Eventually, I didn’t reply her; I just let it slide by paying less attention to it. I wasn’t expecting that type of backlash on a big scale.

You are based in Namibia presently, where do you have most of your fans?


You get insulted a lot; do you ever take them personally sometimes?

I am used to it; I understand that they don’t mean what they say.

Would you say you’ve made impact on people’s lives through your videos?

People have told me in person and online (that I’ve made impact on them). It is very fulfilling when people say my videos made them happy after a bad day. It is surreal and overwhelming.

How did you come about your call centre agent videos?

The idea just came to me spontaneously.

Since you always make jokes about different accents; have any of their citizens ever attacked you for doing that?

All the time, I always prepare myself for attacks when I do a joke about a country’s accent. The key thing is that I am not making fun of them, I am just mimicking them. For example, if a Ghanaian is talking to Briton or an American citizen, there is definitely going to be some issues with them communicating because of their accents? It can be very comical. I think people don’t understand that, so they just think I am making fun of the citizens. I am used to it; I try to make them understand that it is just a joke but they don’t want to understand. I don’t focus on only one country; I spread it across.

Which of your videos put you in the limelight?

It was the first video where I used an accent. I was telling a story of someone who bought an accent in traffic. The accent disappeared while he was talking and he felt embarrassed when it ‘expired’. The video went viral.

Have you ever been a victim of online bullying?

There was a man who constantly came to my page to tell me I wasn’t funny and that he didn’t like me. Also there were times when people told me to quit comedy. It wasn’t consistent.

Have you had any reason to block anyone?

Yes, I block people who try to discourage me. I just delete (their messages) and block them. When I started, I used to fight them and take it personally, but not anymore. Some people just insult others online for no apparent reason. I thank God for the delete and block feature online, it comes in handy.

At what point would you say you started making money from your page?

It started in 2016, when I signed a major deal with a brand on a long-term basis.

What efforts do you put into making your skits?

I write my scripts, visualise them and make the skits myself. I make sure I do it to my taste so sometimes I have to re-shoot my scenes because sometimes I forget my lines even though I was the one that wrote the scripts.

Do you get funny requests from female fans?

Yes, some of them say I should marry them; I don’t know if they are joking or serious about it.

Aside from making skits; do you have a day job?

Yes, I work as a systems analyst for a mobile operator.

How do you strike a balance with going to work and making skits?

I am consistent with my videos because it has become a good addiction for me. I am addicted to making people laugh and putting a smile on their faces. I enjoy the feeling of good feedback when I hear they enjoy my videos; it is more fulfilling than the money I make from it. It is more like a hobby; making money from it is a bonus for me.

How has fame on social media affected you?

People expect me to conduct myself in a certain way. Everybody thinks that I have money, so I can’t even take part in giveaways anymore. When I am in Nigeria, it is difficult to just be myself because my fans may see me and want to take a picture. I always have to be ready to take pictures and it never used to be so. There was a time someone said he was shocked to see me on a bike because of my celebrity status. It is a challenge but it has its good sides. I don’t think I will ever get used to the fame part of it. I always try to prepare myself, but I still get caught off-guard sometimes.

Do you think social media is a viable way for youths in Nigeria to make money?

Yes, it is a great platform to showcase what you have to the world. It shouldn’t be rushed. It is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It requires a lot of patience. If anybody wants to do Instagram skits just to make money; that may be a miscalculation. It is a good platform, but it is advisable to have a backup plan just in case.

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