January 17, 2019

Five Easy Skincare Tips that cost $0.00

By Green Tree Beauty Staff
Photo: Cory Morhart Photography  Hair: Darci Ash/ Enigma Salon  Makeup: Jennilee Cardinal-Schultz, Green Tree Beauty  Model: Danielle Pingert Butterfly Fairy biodegradable Glitter

As we begin a new year, you may have made a resolution to take better care of yourself. (Good for you! Know that we are over here cheering you on, high kick and all!)

If you lived your best life this holiday season, you may not have all the $$$$$$ right now to invest into your New Year Resolutions. Don't worry, we got you!

Here are easy skincare tips that cost no money.  Now we definitely are not saying you should quit your serums and cleansers but these tips are are easy-peasy to add to your self care ritual and will help keep your skin glowing:

1. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

Did we mention hydrate? We know you've heard this before, and that's because it's so true and important. Drink plenty of water every day and you will notice your skin looking plumper and brighter in no time. 

2. Cover up

Protecting yourself from the sun is just as important in the winter as it is in the summer. Not to mention, the havoc that the harsh winter winds can wreak on your face. Be sure to bundle up before heading out. 

3. Get that blood flowing

Gently massaging your face each night increases blood flow to the face which then increases collagen production! It also helps to tone your face muscles as well as reducing redness and puffiness. Win. Win. Win. 

4. Take that makeup off before you hit the zzzzzzzzz

Don't ever sleep in your makeup. You're probably thinking "Is it really that big of deal?" IT IS. While you sleep, your body is working on repairing your skin. Not removing your makeup, debris and pollutants just clogs your pores and makes your body work harder than necessary. 

5. Speaking of zzzzzzs, get some!

If you need it, this your permission to have a nap or many naps but what is best for your mind, body and skin is trying to get a solid eight hours each night so put that phone down, turn off Netflix and get some rest!

Photo: Cory Morhart Photography

Hair: Darci Ash/ Enigma Salon

Makeup: Jennilee Cardinal-Schultz, Green Tree Beauty

Model: Danielle Pingert