Fine art

Discover the beauty through our latest collection of captivating photos. Immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty
of our collection of captivating photographs. Ludwig Favre has a unique talent for transforming ordinary scenes into extraordinary visual stories. His beautiful prints offer an elegant way to enhance your home, adding a touch of sophistication and charm to any space.

edition art

Exclusive artworks museum quality.
Our fine art prints are limited to 30 artworks each, ensuring exclusivity and value for collectors. We offer worldwide delivery, bringing exceptional art to your doorstep no matter where you are.

Where prestige meets artistry

Discover why collectors of Ludwig Favre’s work include famous brands, designers, luxury hotels, architects, renowned singers and actors, celebrities, and prestigious private collections.


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Lightroom Presets.

Lightroom presets nostalgic
colors and retro style films.


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