Friday Favorites

planner, organize, must have planner, friday favorites, get organized

Happy Friday, Loves! It’s our last Friday of 2017; can you believe it?! I have been enjoying my time off of MRI and spending time with my loved ones as it’s been much needed, however it’s almost time to get back to that grind. I am starting to plan out my 2018 and in order to do that I need a great planner! I believe that it’s important for a busy bee to have a great planner to help organize items, tasks, appointments and to be honest, it helps organize your life. I know it helps me tremendously.

In my family, with my busy work schedule, Maddox’s extra activities and homeschooling, Nick’s work schedule, and appointments it is important for us to communicate, organize and plan thoroughly. Every Sunday evening, I take time for myself for at least an hour to plan out mine and my family’s week ahead. It really helps me stay on task and keeps my stress levels down knowing I’m not forgetting to do something. I begin by scheduling Maddox’s homeschooling schedule with all his curriculum each day and any activities he has for each day. Then Nick and I sit down and plan out his schedule to help organize who can help out with Maddox since he works from home and I have to leave occasionally to handle MRI projects. Any appointments are then set if not already scheduled for the day. I usually plan out MRI’s schedule throughout the week by project progress. I’ll think about and jot down any contractors I need to meet with , deadlines I have, and the progress of each open project, and what task needs to be done for each project to have more progress upon completion. Color coordinating also helps tremendously. I use colored pens for each person/item. For example: anything that has to do with Maddox including homeschooling and extra activities is in blue, Nick’s schedule and appointments are green, Clients and projects are purple, contractors and appointments/progress is pink, and any other items and tasks I have to do I use black ink. I use this for my grocery shopping, remembering to buy or take vitamins, birthdays, etc.

I swear this has helped me stay on task and complete my days. I currently have a start planner, but have found some other planners as well that I think will be super helpful to have and use. Each planner have monthly and daily pages. Check them out below!

Black Start Planner / Mint Blue Day Designer Planner / Black and White Marble Stil Planner 

A5 Customized Refill Planners:

You can find inserts here, here, and here.

Navy Day Designer Planner / Brown Leather Fancy Pants Planner / Black Peony Planner

Colored pens can be found here. Let me know what planner you use and how you schedule your tasks! I’d love to hear new ideas and ways to plan my life out!

Until next year, xoxo 😉