Neil Kohney

creating The Other End Comics

  • 563 paid members
  • 789 posts

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Pay annually (Save 16%)
Extra Monthly Comic + Early comics + Q&A
 / month

You get a Patreon exclusive comic each month, early comics, bonus panels, and can take part in the monthly Q&A

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ANOTHER Extra Comic
 / month
You get to check out a second Patreon-exclusive comic each month
Interactive Comic Series
 / month

Patrons of this tier and higher will get to vote on where the comic goes, like a chose your own adventure story.

Season 1 - "Bad Dog" will begin January 2, 2024.

Patrons also have access to x2 extra monthly comics, early comics, and monthly Q&As

The Other End Plus Max Signature Tier
 / month

This is the tier if you want maximum comics. Benefits include early comics, extra comics, interactive comics, and this tier’s signature benefit: 3 Panel Movies.

3 Panel Movies is a new comic series where we recount a famous movie in just 3 panels.

 / month
Recent posts by Neil Kohney
Neil Kohney

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