01 June 2024

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Patter finds beauty and pleasure in the everyday - for a life less cluttered and more thoughtful.

Creative director Veronica Ditting shares her useful recommendation for everyday – an Olla irrigation pot. This simple self-watering system for plants is particularly helpful as she prepares to travel to Japan for her new exhibition at the kyoto ddd gallery.

Great Buy — Rendez-Vous Store


A shop that feels far away from the fashion industry noise, with a steadier pace that lends itself to real life. The buy leans to an artistic point of view - there’s loose fits, off-beat details and colours that feel considered.

Patter Places — Ammos Hotel


A low-key Greek hotel, with everything you need and nothing more.

neoNutritions — For Whole, Radiant Health


A simplified and energising once-a-day nutritional supplement that prioritises quality, ancient wisdom, and scientific rigour.

Open House — A Modernist Belgian Bungalow


The first in a new series of articles that surface amazing homes and studios around the world that are open to the public, conveying the intimacy of these spaces and bringing to life the stories of those who lived there.

Rhubarb Custard Pot with Blood Orange Syrup


The excitement for rhubarb, is nothing but pure joy; an earthy and wild pinkesque glimmer of hope, a reminder that after a sturdy and sour season, with a little effort and patience, things can get sweet again.

Get to Know — Yona Kohen


Yona Kohen is an artist from Istanbul who makes jewellery that is an enchanting spectacle of her meticulous handcraft, creative expression, and raw sentimentality.

Things to Go See — Woven Histories at LACMA


An exciting exhibition which looks at the role textiles have played in modern abstraction over the past 100 years.  

Patter Playlist 22 — Use My Body


Our playlists are celebrations of important female artists, and selections of their music that feels good for right now.