Finding my Voice

It’s not an easy thing to let down your walls and decide to be vulnerable.  Fear is something that holds us back.  It cripples us and keeps us from saying things that fill our heart and soul.

Being vulnerable, expressing your thoughts and beliefs…those things make us authentic.  I am no where perfect and have  along list of flaws that I work on everyday. Some of the days I am more successful at being the person I want my daughters to be proud of.  Other days I fail, but I remind myself that it is the failures that will make me stronger.  The failures will help me learn.  The failures will help me grow.  I myself am not a failure and I am not weak.  We all must give ourselves a little grace and continue on.

In my life, I have been afraid to use my voice.  To speak up when there is passion running through my veins.  Fear of failure, fear of judgement, fear that I will not be accepted…those things have held me back.  Of course there are the people in my my life that I feel safe with and can let down those walls, but most of my life I have avoided being the one to make waves.  I am tired of being silent.

“Even the nicest people have their limits”

I pledge to myself to put my fears aside and stand up for what I believe in.  I pledge to believe in myself.  I will fight for my family.  I will fight for those who don’t feel they have a voice.  I will live passionately.  I will not allow individuals to bring me down to their depths and try to silence me.  I will surround myself with the believers and doers…the champions for good.  I will eliminate hate from my soul.  I will love my life.