"It has always played an important role...


... in the social life of those who practiced it, and throughout history it has appeared in many guises: as a distinguishing mark of royalty; a symbol of religious devotion;
a decoration for bravery in battle; a sexual lure; a pledge of love;
a symbol of group identification; a sign of individuality; a punishment;
and a means of marking and identifying slaves, outcasts and convicts.

But behind these many uses of tattooing there lurks a mystery. Why tattoo?
All of these roles could have been filled by other means. There seems to be another motive beneath the surface: a pimitive, profound and inexplicable fascination with the process of puncturing the skin, letting blood, and consenting to change the body for life."

Aus dem Buch Tattoo History von Steve Gilbert, Toronto 2000.

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