Luminary Artist Spotlight: Summer Edition ft. Lizzie Rose


Choosing this next Luminary Artist Spotlight wasn’t difficult at all - Lizzie Rose was the obvious choice!

Lizzie is an insanely talented alternative fashion photographer - she razzles ’n dazzles with her electric colors, psychedelic vision and heart of pure gold.  She’s all about empowering people through her art and she’s not afraid to be simultaneously bold, playful and vulnerable in order to do so! For those of you interested in exploring creative realms of photography or exploring the outward & inward radical expression of self - read on because Lizzie is your babe!! She is on the rise and I hope you find her message as enlightening, inspiring, an activating as I know her to be!

Name: Lizzie Rose

Age: 27 (Today!)

Sun/Moon/Rising: Leo, Leo, Sagittarius

Current Location: San Francisco



What is your artistic background?

I took a few journalism and photography courses in college, but really got started once I figured out I could cover festivals as press. These festivals were where I was feeling drawn to, so I began covering as many as I could. From there it really grew into a focus on the vendors and my preference for fashion and lifestyle photography had the opportunity to blossom. On a broader scale, I’ve felt like a performer for most of my life. Growing up I was in all of the plays, musicals, improv troupes, and beyond... constantly doing something centered around expression of the self. How very Leo of me.

What are your main art mediums?

I mostly operate as a photographer and videographer behind the camera, but I believe that art comes in many forms. John Lennon and Yoko Ono once said that everything you do is art, from how you dress to the way in which you act at the grocery store. I am inspired by putting together outfits, dancing, comedy, and so much more. When you see all of life as art, it gets so much juicier and way more exciting.


At what point in your life did you claim your identity as an "Artist"?

I never used to identify as an artist. I grew up thinking that being an artist was very specific- it was a word reserved for those with divine talents in drawing or singing. I’d say after I graduated college and started really hustling on my photography career was when I first started to feel comfortable with the word. Deciding I was an artist was the act of deciding I was worthy of producing and being paid for my craft. I wake up and decide that I am an artist every day of my life. It is a way of life, and if the word feels right to you- I believe you should use it.

What are your biggest influences?

Color... laughter, hugs, crying, being nervous before big opportunities, things that intimidate me, good lighting, being around friends and family that I love, music that makes me feel all the things, cultural differences, confidence, femininity, the embodiment of the goddess. I am incredibly sensitive and moved by the energies around me.

Who are your favorite artists?

I take a constant flow of inspiration from the artists around me. There are so many that it’s hard to pick my favorites. I listen to music literally all day and night so many artists are a huge inspiration to my work. I’m incredibly inspired by the individual artist, designer, photographer, and beyond.


What does your work aim to say overall?

You look good on you. Be empowered, feel sexy, celebrate yourself! Life is too short to not radiate that ooey gooey divine essence baby! Love yourself, love others... because this all ends.

What are your struggles as an artist?

I’d say one of my main struggles is to stay organized and efficient- sometimes I get so inspired and passionate that hundreds of ideas swirl through my existence. Most of them are really good ideas- but more often than not they will stay a mere thought of what could be. As an artist you really need that follow through... either a team member or a part of your dynamic personality that steps up and says, “Okay Lizzie... here are the steps you need to take to make that magical idea happen and you need to have these deliverables completed to do so.” Sometimes that part of me isn’t as vocal as I need her to be.

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What is your favorite part about the creation process?

My favorite part of the creation process is that moment where everything clicks and you realize that you’re part of something magical - the model and I sort of slip into a flow state where they are anticipating exactly how I need them to move- I often say that modeling for me is a lot like dancing - the best part of the process is when the muse enters the room.

What is your favorite piece of artwork you've created?

This is like being asked to name my favorite child! I’d likely name any of the work I’ve created with my muse Paris Sinclair. Also I think any experience that is emotional and meaningful to the subject reminds me why I do this in the first place. Also anything I’ve created abroad over the past year in London, Berlin, and Tokyo. Okay I can’t pick a favorite! Life is my favorite!

Name a big dream of yours that you hope to come true in your lifetime:

I hope to travel for extended periods of time exploring the world and empowering artist communities by bringing opportunity and resources to different areas.

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What characteristics do you envision your higher self to have (physical and non-physical)?

I envision her to be connected and powerful. She’s empathetic and intuitive and acts with passion and conviction. Wherever she goes she leaves behind clouds of purple smoke and inspiration. That would be rad.

A quote/quotes that you deeply resonate with/inspire you:

“Fortune favors the bold” and “For if the muse exists, she does not whisper to the untalented.” Also, “A pity party is still a party” No matter what happens, you can find humor in reality.

What advice can you give to those just starting out in their craft?

Get out there and do it as much as you can! Work with as many people that inspire you as possible. Reach out to potential mentors and people doing what you want to do. Understand that failure and rejection are just part of the path and fearlessly make your art baby! Decide every day you are worthy of your path and follow it with relentless passion. Figure out what true self care looks like for you specifically and learn to practice it regularly.

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Thank you, Lizzie and Happy Birthday Beautiful!! xoxo