France’s First “Mister Congo” Has Head-Turning Style

Kevin “Kreezy” Nioka is today better known as “Mister Congo.” In 2016, the 25-year-old won the first edition of a pageant created to unite Congolese youth in France. Nioka, raised in Paris with Congolese parents, joined the competition after his cousin saw an advertisement for a casting. “At first, I didn’t see myself doing it,” writes Nioka. “But then I asked my family and friends if I should participate, and they encouraged and convinced me, so I changed my mind.” Ever since he won the title—out of many contestants and after partaking in rounds of traditional dance tests and interviews—Nioka has looked at his Congolese style as not just a fashion choice, but also what he refers to as: “a duty to my nation.”

Expressing one’s culture in present-day France is not always easy. A surge of nationalism and xenophobia has left some minorities feeling increasingly marginalized, and this sometimes results in clashes over clothing (as in the case of the burkini). But Nioka takes heart in the diversity of the French capital and maintains a positive outlook about the changing climate of his country. “Paris is cosmopolitan and rich in cultures, so we learn from each other,” he said.

Typically, Nioka wears African wax print shirts, a colorful batik pattern commonly hailing from West Africa. “I used to wear African wax when I was a kid. They were like clothes that you wore at home to get comfortable or at events like African weddings,” writes Nioka. “But back in the day, it wasn’t so trendy. It was more traditional clothes than an outfit.” Now, African wax prints are gaining popularity and brands specializing in the pattern are becoming more common. “Young African folks want to pull their culture up,” says Nioka.

As for his personal style, Nioka considers his wardrobe relatively basic but polished. “In my [culture], clothes are really important. You have what we call “La Sapologie,” writes Nioka, referring to the Congolese subculture of dandies called sapeurs. “I like to be well-dressed but I am not a ‘Sapologue.’ ” Instead of opting for the more dapper style, Nioka prefers to wear a colorful wax fabric specific to Congo called liputa with his everyday look. He’s often given the shirts by designers in France, and for the shoot, he wore a custom piece by young designer Rudy Sergius. His friend, Jordy Odimba, the second place winner in the Mister Congo competition, joined Nioka, also wearing an African wax shirt.

“Today, the world is more open. You can bring your style, share your culture and traditions through music, films or fashion,” writes Nioka. “The wax is one of the main African fabrics. I can show where I come from through my clothes and I’m proud of that.”