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Texas @texas
# 8965

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Gotta have a fiddle in the band

2019-09-09 17:23

6223 62


Gotta have a fiddle in the band

On a scale of 1-10 how Texan are you? @french

2019-09-05 17:34

11317 206


On a scale of 1-10 how Texan are you @french

Tag a true Texan! 
Links in our bio!

2019-08-30 14:49

2018 26


Tag a true Texan! Links in our bio! TexasIG.com

So what beer will it be?

2019-08-25 23:59

12835 509


So what beer will it be

Tag a true Texan! 
Links in our bio!

2019-08-25 05:40

2220 28


Tag a true Texan! Links in our bio! TexasIG.com

If you know you know. đŸ”„

2019-08-21 17:12

4179 69


If you know you know. đŸ”„

It can melt, anything.

2019-08-19 17:19

17779 294


It can melt, anything.

Tag someone who needs a flag this big!

2019-08-17 22:33

13726 131


Tag someone who needs a flag this big!

Came across this on Facebook. Too many “do-gooders” out there have only a skewed 1 sided idea of hunting. Hunters aren’t sport killers like we’re made out to be. This is what coyotes do to farm animals, and it’s common. Hogs do the same, but to the land & they’re invasive. This is why we do what we do. I promise I could go through our pages DMs and find thousands of messages from people telling us we’re going to hell for killing hogs & coyotes. Even though we do not need to argue with you to defend our actions, I hope this helps clear it up for you.
If you have a Coyote or a Hog problem in Texas, shoot me a DM!

2019-08-16 04:13

14783 633


Came across this on Facebook. Too many “do-gooders” out there have only a skewed 1 sided idea of hunting. Hunters aren’t sport killers like we’re made out to be. This is what coyotes do to farm animals, and it’s common. Hogs do the same, but to the land & they’re invasive. This is why we do what we do. I promise I could go through our pages DMs and find thousands of messages from people telling us we’re going to hell for killing hogs & coyotes. Even though we do not need to argue with you to defend our actions, I hope this helps clear it up for you. - If you have a Coyote or a Hog problem in Texas, shoot me a DM! - @hogoholics

Who else brings their babies to the saloon?

2019-08-12 02:07

6420 44


Who else brings their babies to the saloon


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