13: end of the year


  1. Song of the year?
    - Willow by Taylor Swift
  2. Album of the year?
    - Evermore by Taylor Swift
  3. Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year?
    - I didn’t start listening to all of this artists music, but an artist I found this year was Jake Miller.
  4. Movie of the year?
    - Technically a movie: Hamilton broadway 
  5. TV show of the year?
    - Didn’t watch many tv shows this year, but I was watching one season of Virgin River
  6. Episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you?
    - Don’t think there was one. (Sorry these answers suck omg)
  7. Favorite actor of the year?
    - Goodness, I don’t know. I don’t really pay attention to actors, but an actor I’ve been really liking lately Anya Taylor-Joy
  8. Game of the year?
    - Animal Crossing: New Horizons
  9. Best month for you this year?
    - April (I don’t want to be tone deaf because of the people who had covid or were working hard because of covid, but I was quarantined with my mom through the lock down and didn’t go back to work until the end of May and it was a really nice break.) 
  10. Something that made you cry this year?
    - My life lmao
  11. Something you want to do again next year?
    - I couldn’t do much this year because of covid so literally anything.
  12. Talk about a new friend you made this year
    - I made a friend at work who loved Taylor Swift as much as I do hahaha. I don’t work with her anymore so I wouldn’t classify us as friends, but it was the first time I met someone who legit loved Taylor like me so that was pretty cool.
  13. How was your birthday this year?
    - I actually don’t remember. It was right when covid started happening (two weeks before my work closed) so I think we stayed home and had ice cream cake, but I don’t think we did anything else.
  14. Favorite book you read this year?
    - SO MANY. Probably “A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire” by Jennifer L Armentrout, The Bone Season series by Samantha Shannon, or The Brightest Night by Jennifer L Armentrout
  15. What’s a bad habit you picked up this year?
    - I’ve literally at my peak laziness this year. I can’t even make myself a meal. I felt really functional mid to end of 2019, but after quarantine I’ve just picked up really lazy habits.
  16. Post a picture from the beginning of the year
    - N/A
  17. Post a picture from the end of the year
    - N/A
  18. A memorable meal this year?
    - We tried this new Chinese restaurant for my sisters birthday and it was so good.
  19. What’re you excited about for next year?
    - SO many things!! Three books I’ve been anticipating come out in the new year as well as the Jurassic World 3 movie which I’ve wanted to see since the second one came out lol. Also looking forward to hearing Taylor’s re-recorded music!
  20. What’s something you learned this year?
    - I’ve done a lot of self-reflecting and I wouldn’t say there was a big lesson, but I’ve come to realize how much I struggle with imposter’s syndrome/perfectionism and trying to learn ways to combat it.
  21. What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year?
    - We got new stools for our raised counter in our kitchen.
  22. Favorite place you visited this year?
    - We didn’t get to go anywhere this year :(
  23. If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?
    - Taylor’s going to release two studio albums this year within months of each other as well as two movies: one doc and one acoustic concert.
  24. Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions?
    - Not really. 
  25. Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one
    - I did!! He was pretty recent too and I’m still getting to know him, but his name is Declan Darkwood and he’s part of the royal family in a book I’ve been planning for a couple years. He’s kind of an enigma because he’s kind of like a villain in the story but not because he’s evil, but because he’s hurt/a victim of his own circumstance. I think there’s going to be a spin-off about him too! I wrote a little piece on him that I was really proud of, but other than that I don’t know much about him other than he’s a royal, he was best friends with my other character Becca as a child and growing up, and that I’m in love with him. I picture him to be taller, a little on the serious side, dark hair and dark blue (navy, almost black) eyes.


Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the single best thing that happened in the past year?
  2. What is the most challenging thing that happened to you in 2015?
  3. What thing did you learn the most from this year?
  4. What is the kindest thing you did this year?
  5. Did you lose anyone close family member this year?
  6. Pick three words to describe 2015.
  7. What did you do in 2015 that you never did before?
  8. Did you keep last year’s resolutions? What were they?
  9. Did you travel to any interesting places in 2015?
  10. What would you like to have in 2016 that you lacked in 2015?
  11. Do you even believe in new year’s resolutions? Why or why not?
  12. Do you believe that 2015 had an occurring theme for you? If so, which theme and why?
  13. Do you feel like 2015 went by too fast?
  14. Did you fall in love with any new artists during the year 2015? List them.
  15. Brag about two of your accomplishments in 2015.
  16. What is the best book you read this past year?
  17. What was your favorite movie this year?
  18. Fill in the blank: In 2016 I will ____________.
  19. If you could fly anywhere in the world in 2016, where would you go?
  20. What was your biggest regret of 2015?
  21. Do you think you’ll be having a better 2016 than 2015?
  22. Did you make any new friends this year? Lose any friends?
  23. What was the biggest adventure of last year?
  24. Did you get cake on your birthday? Presents? What you wanted?
  25. How much did you change this year? What’s different about you?

Bold the statements that are true.

In the year 2015 I confess that I….

Kissed someone I never kissed before.
Did something I regret.
Painted a picture.
Dyed my hair.
Got a new haircut I thought I’d never get before.
Wrote a poem.
Graduated from High School.
Graduated from College.
Applied for Graduate School.
Ran a mile.
Ate much healthier.
Ended toxic friendships.
Gained a new friend.
Gained a new best friend.
Visited a foreign country.
Had a fight with my parents.
Had a secret/kept a secret.
Realized my homosexuality.
Realized my bisexuality.
Realized my pansexuality.
Realized my asexuality.
Broke a promise.
Slept under the stars.
Stayed up until sunrise.
Pushed someone away.
Got in a fight.
Slept with someone other than my significant other.
Finally allowed myself to let go of my first love.
Actually allowed myself to fall in love.
Attended a party.
Got dumped.
Got a new piercing/tattoo.
Learned that I wasn’t cis gender.
Drank underage/used illegal substances.
Attended a concert.
Attended a musical.
Traveled to another city.
Broke someone’s heart.
Hiding something from someone.
Made someone’s day.
Cheated on a test/homework.
Physically cheated on my significant other.
Emotionally cheated on my significant other.
Found love.
Quit a job.
Got a new job.
Learned to hate someone I thought I never would.
Learned to be more patient. 
Saw the supermoon.
Saw the meteor shower.


2019 :

- don’t accept shit from people that treat you like shit

- be kind to yourself and everyone around you

- surround yourself with people you know are good for you

- take time for yourself once in a while

- run twice a week (at least), drink lots of water and eat healthier

- spend more time with people you love and less time on social media

- !! most importantly, spread love everywhere you go !! love everyone, all of the time with all of your heart !!