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If you're on the merry-go-round, you have to go round.

2019-09-06 16:51

536 71


If you're on the merry-go-round, you have to go round.

Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.

2019-08-30 16:01

618 76


Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.

I’m not crazy. My reality is just different than yours.

2019-08-23 18:38

806 98


I’m not crazy. My reality is just different than yours.

Play is the absence of stress.

2019-08-16 16:02

654 49


Play is the absence of stress.

I always thought that by 2013 we would have flying cars. Instead, we have blankets with sleeves 😅

2019-08-09 20:29

796 63


I always thought that by 2013 we would have flying cars. Instead, we have blankets with sleeves 😅

Help each other. Love everyone. Every leaf. Every ray of light. Forgive.

2019-08-02 16:35

625 42


Help each other. Love everyone. Every leaf. Every ray of light. Forgive.

Don’t judge my path if you haven’t walked my journey.

2019-07-26 16:29

634 52


Don’t judge my path if you haven’t walked my journey.

Travel makes a wise man better, and a fool worse.

2019-07-19 15:31

1257 108


Travel makes a wise man better, and a fool worse.

There is this girl who stole my heart and she calls me Daddy.

2019-07-12 16:55

588 56


There is this girl who stole my heart and she calls me Daddy.

All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.

2019-07-05 16:55

991 90


All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.

We aim above the mark to hit the mark.

2019-06-28 18:20

658 26


We aim above the mark to hit the mark.

Be a fountain, not a drain.

2019-06-21 16:47

649 39


Be a fountain, not a drain.


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