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Jeff Wehenkel @bootikijeff

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Started on the Boris Vallejo Tattoo model kit today. Coming along pretty good, trying to match the painting as much as possible.

2019-09-03 22:00

30 2


Started on the Boris Vallejo Tattoo model kit today. Coming along pretty good, trying to match the painting as much as possible.

Newest member of the Jungle Lounge family. This big boy is 10 feet tall.
Thanks for your wonderful work @lopeskreations

2019-09-01 00:59

79 3


Newest member of the Jungle Lounge family. This big boy is 10 feet tall. Thanks for your wonderful work @lopeskreations

I finished painting Bub. Model kit from Monsters in the woods.

2019-08-27 18:23

101 10


I finished painting Bub. Model kit from Monsters in the woods.

Prepping for a Jungle Lounge party tomorrow night.

2019-08-23 22:24

111 9


Prepping for a Jungle Lounge party tomorrow night.

Second trip to the Mai Kai this week. Truly a magical place.

2019-07-25 22:25

108 7


Second trip to the Mai Kai this week. Truly a magical place.

Finished a model kit from Cellar Cast. This kit must be 24 years old sculpted by Steve West. Based on the painting Primeval Princess by Boris Vallejo. I tried to match the color scheme of the oil painting as much as I could. Very satisfied with the final result.

2019-06-26 04:04

106 9


Finished a model kit from Cellar Cast. This kit must be 24 years old sculpted by Steve West. Based on the painting Primeval Princess by Boris Vallejo. I tried to match the color scheme of the oil painting as much as I could. Very satisfied with the final result.

I've put the Part 2 sculpture on the back burner. I feel like his wound detail is too heavy handed. I'd love to hear some feedback from my sculptor friends.

2019-06-14 19:43

79 4


I've put the Part 2 sculpture on the back burner. I feel like his wound detail is too heavy handed. I'd love to hear some feedback from my sculptor friends.

I dont bake very often, but had to give @christinatosi birthday cake recipe a go. Love how it turned out.

2019-06-10 03:37

74 2


I dont bake very often, but had to give @christinatosi birthday cake recipe a go. Love how it turned out.

Have some Wonderfest withdrawal, this will help.

2019-06-08 22:03

35 1


Have some Wonderfest withdrawal, this will help.

Pulled out some older painted kits by Thomas Kuntz (@haxanthrobo ) and started punching up the details. It was so great meeting Tom this past weekend, I hope the post Wonderfest enthusiasm lasts.

2019-06-05 01:44

82 3


Pulled out some older painted kits by Thomas Kuntz (@haxanthrobo ) and started punching up the details. It was so great meeting Tom this past weekend, I hope the post Wonderfest enthusiasm lasts.

New addition to the headhunter area of the Jungle Lounge.

2019-05-20 23:45

116 10


New addition to the headhunter area of the Jungle Lounge.

First Zira casting getting some paint
 #sculpture #planetoftheapes

2019-05-17 21:07

103 7


First Zira casting getting some paint #sculpture #planetoftheapes


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