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Helena B. @helenaleli
# 433504

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Look here 👅

2019-04-22 17:47

325 17


Look here 👅

I was about to caption this as ‘my two personalities’ but to be honest the second is more like the standard one

2019-04-05 21:50

414 32


I was about to caption this as ‘my two personalities’ but to be honest the second is more like the standard one

Always a pleasure to come back #bamberglove ♥️ @moritz_ohm

2019-03-31 12:45

488 25


Always a pleasure to come back #bamberglove ♥️ @moritz_ohm

любовь (love)

2019-03-24 20:45

572 39


любовь (love)

Low key Jesus feels

2019-03-22 13:41

446 23


Low key Jesus feels

A not-so-vegan day featuring my rare facial expression of pure desperation caused by food 😂🍫🤦‍♀️ (swipe left)

2019-03-20 11:13

713 59


A not-so-vegan day featuring my rare facial expression of pure desperation caused by food 😂🍫🤦‍♀️ (swipe left)

How to take the most cliche Instagram pic - chapter II (people were really confused tbh)

2019-03-19 08:54

493 50


How to take the most cliche Instagram pic - chapter II (people were really confused tbh)

How to take the most cliche instagram pic - chapter I 😌

2019-03-17 10:47

427 38


How to take the most cliche instagram pic - chapter I 😌

Literally two seconds after this a bird shit on my pants 🙃 they say it’s good luck tho, let’s see...

2019-03-09 19:44

644 62


Literally two seconds after this a bird shit on my pants 🙃 they say it’s good luck tho, let’s see...

Chasing opportunities 👅

2019-03-03 10:42

609 50


Chasing opportunities 👅

The world is mad enough it’s okay to be a fool sometimes 🙃

2019-02-24 20:07

602 26


The world is mad enough it’s okay to be a fool sometimes 🙃

💭 The average person speaks at least 7,000 words per day and we seem to not always be aware of that every single one of those words carries its weight. We tend to be fast with sharing our thoughts but we don’t go as far as reminding ourselves that those words could stick with someone else for much longer. Everybody comes from different backgrounds and experienced different things that shaped them as a person and therefore perceive their environment in their own individual way. Something that’s a joke to you could have serious impact on your counterpart, so of course you can share what you think, but you’ve got to think first. #thoughtoftheday

2019-02-09 12:05

735 24


💭 The average person speaks at least 7,000 words per day and we seem to not always be aware of that every single one of those words carries its weight. We tend to be fast with sharing our thoughts but we don’t go as far as reminding ourselves that those words could stick with someone else for much longer. Everybody comes from different backgrounds and experienced different things that shaped them as a person and therefore perceive their environment in their own individual way. Something that’s a joke to you could have serious impact on your counterpart, so of course you can share what you think, but you’ve got to think first. #thoughtoftheday


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