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Minecraft @minecraft
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The looming crisis of losing track of a million different pattern combinations has been averted!

2019-07-24 16:00

130977 1890


The looming crisis of losing track of a million different pattern combinations has been averted!

Don’t let the dolphin’s adorable looks deceive you! If you drop an item in the ocean, this magnificent mammal will bounce your things around like a never-ending game of water polo.

2019-07-19 16:00

196616 2630


Don’t let the dolphin’s adorable looks deceive you! If you drop an item in the ocean, this magnificent mammal will bounce your things around like a never-ending game of water polo.

Steve was looking forward to a quick dip to search for some sweet loot and hang out with dolphins… but of course a bunch of drowned had to show up! Better hold on tightly to that sword, Steve. #jrpg #pixelart #minecraft

2019-07-13 21:00

185904 2373


Steve was looking forward to a quick dip to search for some sweet loot and hang out with dolphins… but of course a bunch of drowned had to show up! Better hold on tightly to that sword, Steve. #jrpg #pixelart #minecraft

We’re breaking into song and dusting off some dance moves, because we’ve hit 1 MILLION FOLLOWERS on Instagram! A big, blocky hug to all you wonderful people for reaching this milestone with us!

2019-07-05 16:00

199429 5841


We’re breaking into song and dusting off some dance moves, because we’ve hit 1 MILLION FOLLOWERS on Instagram! A big, blocky hug to all you wonderful people for reaching this milestone with us!

Not only does the Shulker Box bear a strong resemblance to the mischievous Shulker – it’s just as mobile! All the items stay stored, even if you break it.

2019-07-04 17:00

155288 2126


Not only does the Shulker Box bear a strong resemblance to the mischievous Shulker – it’s just as mobile! All the items stay stored, even if you break it.

Marching right into a Pillager Outpost may have seemed like a bad idea, but Alex had her favourite bow and an arrow ready to fly. The Pillagers never stood a chance! #jrpg #pixelart

2019-06-28 15:00

123618 1527


Marching right into a Pillager Outpost may have seemed like a bad idea, but Alex had her favourite bow and an arrow ready to fly. The Pillagers never stood a chance! #jrpg #pixelart

It's never been easier to cut corners now that we have the stonecutter! #minecraft

2019-06-22 16:00

147907 2478


It's never been easier to cut corners now that we have the stonecutter! #minecraft

Is that a kind villager in the window of that woodland mansion? Yay! Let's just go say hello and... AHHH he’s got an axe!!! #minecraft

2019-06-16 16:00

136069 2178


Is that a kind villager in the window of that woodland mansion Yay! Let's just go say hello and... AHHH he’s got an axe!!! #minecraft

What could be better than shovelling snow outside your igloo or getting chased by a polar bear on a beautiful wintery morning? Snowy tundra has it all! #Minecraft

2019-06-11 16:00

110108 1150


What could be better than shovelling snow outside your igloo or getting chased by a polar bear on a beautiful wintery morning Snowy tundra has it all! #Minecraft

Fight your way through an all-new action-adventure game, inspired by classic dungeon crawlers and set in the Minecraft universe! Up to 4 friends can play together in local and online co-op. Minecraft Dungeons is coming to PC, consoles and Xbox Game Pass in spring 2020. Sign up to learn more at redsto.ne/minecraftdungeons!

2019-06-09 21:13

132017 3175


Fight your way through an all-new action-adventure game, inspired by classic dungeon crawlers and set in the Minecraft universe! Up to 4 friends can play together in local and online co-op. Minecraft Dungeons is coming to PC, consoles and Xbox Game Pass in spring 2020. Sign up to learn more at redsto.ne/minecraftdungeons!

Why are Alex and Steve posing for the camera, you ask? Because it’s #BestFriendsDay, that’s why! Give your BFF a real hug and a blocky fistbump!

2019-06-08 16:01

167832 4603


Why are Alex and Steve posing for the camera, you ask Because it’s #BestFriendsDay, that’s why! Give your BFF a real hug and a blocky fistbump!

The journey is the reward! In our recent poll, 53% of you prefer to start a new adventure by exploring the world! 
Off you go then. Safe travels!

2019-06-07 15:59

81281 910


The journey is the reward! In our recent poll, 53% of you prefer to start a new adventure by exploring the world! Off you go then. Safe travels!


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