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Ole Smoky Distillery @olesmoky
# 65804

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Ready to walk on the wild side? Then we got three words for you - Chocolate Chili Moonshine. But this shot of sweet heat is only available at the Holler and the Barn. So come on down with your bad self.

2019-02-15 21:36

957 34


Ready to walk on the wild side Then we got three words for you - Chocolate Chili Moonshine. But this shot of sweet heat is only available at the Holler and the Barn. So come on down with your bad self.

We braved the bee stings for our latest and greatest flavor, Honey Charred Moonshine. This smoky, sweet, and smooth bad boy’s only available at the Barn and the Holler. So unless you know any beekeepers, you're gonna have to get your butt down to Gatlinburg.

2019-02-13 19:08

2511 100


We braved the bee stings for our latest and greatest flavor, Honey Charred Moonshine. This smoky, sweet, and smooth bad boy’s only available at the Barn and the Holler. So unless you know any beekeepers, you're gonna have to get your butt down to Gatlinburg.

Take a shot if you still have a VCR. #Respect #ItsComingBack #Maybe

2019-01-21 21:28

772 14


Take a shot if you still have a VCR. #Respect #ItsComingBack #Maybe

Just ‘cause you’re staying in doesn’t mean it has to be lame. Get yourself a jar of Mountain Java at a liquor store near you. Available now for a limited time.

2019-01-18 22:25

997 24


Just ‘cause you’re staying in doesn’t mean it has to be lame. Get yourself a jar of Mountain Java at a liquor store near you. Available now for a limited time.

Getting toasted has never been tastier. Introducing Amaretto Whiskey. We blended hints of sweet cherry with toasted almonds to make a whiskey worthy of your best shot. But you can only get this nutty bad boy at the Barrelhouse. See ya at the still!

2019-01-18 18:14

2624 127


Getting toasted has never been tastier. Introducing Amaretto Whiskey. We blended hints of sweet cherry with toasted almonds to make a whiskey worthy of your best shot. But you can only get this nutty bad boy at the Barrelhouse. See ya at the still!

How does your collection stack up? #ShowUsYourShines

2019-01-11 20:33

988 17


How does your collection stack up #ShowUsYourShines

Hunch Punch: Helping you unwind since 2014.

2019-01-06 01:28

918 31


Hunch Punch: Helping you unwind since 2014.

New year. New drink of choice.

2019-01-01 18:25

600 26


New year. New drink of choice.

Have fun tonight, shiners. Don’t do anything we wouldn’t!

2018-12-31 18:17

307 4


Have fun tonight, shiners. Don’t do anything we wouldn’t!

Merry Christmas from the most delicious whiskey on earth.

2018-12-25 21:58

1005 31


Merry Christmas from the most delicious whiskey on earth.

This holiday season save your nutmeg, buy Shine Nog. #EggNogDay

2018-12-24 19:25

828 28


This holiday season save your nutmeg, buy Shine Nog. #EggNogDay

Moonshine: Helping you pick up right where you left off with the old gang.

2018-12-21 19:08

335 2


Moonshine: Helping you pick up right where you left off with the old gang.


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