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Mount Olive Robotics Team member Sameen works with students at Camp PEAK to show them how to drive a robot. our local high school robotics team attends Camp PEAK every year to teach younger students with special needs about the joys of working together to build robots used in competitions. the team travels and competes at locations near and far; some of the competitions include the Palmetto Regional in South Carolina as well as the Festival de Robotique in Montreal, CA. some of the videos are available on my website (link in bio)!

2019-08-13 17:34

100 3


Mount Olive Robotics Team member Sameen works with students at Camp PEAK to show them how to drive a robot. our local high school robotics team attends Camp PEAK every year to teach younger students with special needs about the joys of working together to build robots used in competitions. the team travels and competes at locations near and far; some of the competitions include the Palmetto Regional in South Carolina as well as the Festival de Robotique in Montreal, CA. some of the videos are available on my website (link in bio)!

can’t believe i forgot to show photos of the students at the school. never gonna get over this photo set: i love it way too much

2019-08-09 22:08

98 3


can’t believe i forgot to show photos of the students at the school. never gonna get over this photo set: i love it way too much

i was skeptical about this opportunity. i really was. i had spent years studying 4 different languages and suddenly i’m offered the opportunity to go to the one place where i not only don’t know their language, but i have extreme difficulty using anything i’ve learned previously. thank god i took it, though. i would’ve probably asked to stay in china if i didn’t have any academic work to do.

2019-08-05 17:05

99 7


i was skeptical about this opportunity. i really was. i had spent years studying 4 different languages and suddenly i’m offered the opportunity to go to the one place where i not only don’t know their language, but i have extreme difficulty using anything i’ve learned previously. thank god i took it, though. i would’ve probably asked to stay in china if i didn’t have any academic work to do.

homies came to explore the rooftops with me. definitely wish we could’ve hit more of them, but the ones we did get to were gorgeous

2019-08-01 22:29

83 5


homies came to explore the rooftops with me. definitely wish we could’ve hit more of them, but the ones we did get to were gorgeous

late night walks in Yuncheng are so peaceful. everywhere you go, a “ni hao” and a smile are well received, and almost always returned.

2019-07-28 23:09

76 9


late night walks in Yuncheng are so peaceful. everywhere you go, a “ni hao” and a smile are well received, and almost always returned.

sunset at the school campus with a dinner behind the hotel late at night. an absolutely beautiful start to the trip

2019-07-24 20:25

84 3


sunset at the school campus with a dinner behind the hotel late at night. an absolutely beautiful start to the trip

i just picked up a new lens for upcoming events and travel &&&& guess who was my first test model ❤️

2019-06-14 18:05

87 9


i just picked up a new lens for upcoming events and travel &&&& guess who was my first test model ❤️

been taking so many photos and whatnot, but uploading to ig has fallen off priorities LOL

2019-05-11 14:59

128 18


been taking so many photos and whatnot, but uploading to ig has fallen off priorities LOL

absolutely marveled

2019-04-29 23:24

91 7


absolutely marveled

city style

2019-04-16 22:27

82 3


city style

heard lotsa music but haven’t photographed a band in a while. anyone going on tour soon? :D

2019-03-16 18:42

104 11


heard lotsa music but haven’t photographed a band in a while. anyone going on tour soon :D

i had never set foot in a nursing home until yesterday. the magic of saying “yes”, and not asking questions can take one surprisingly far in life. super thankful i did just that and got to spend the day meeting some wonderful new people and taking these images

2019-03-11 18:26

128 19


i had never set foot in a nursing home until yesterday. the magic of saying “yes”, and not asking questions can take one surprisingly far in life. super thankful i did just that and got to spend the day meeting some wonderful new people and taking these images


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