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Six elephants fell to their deaths after trying to save each other from a waterfall in Thailand. The incident occurred at Khao Yai National Park in southern Thailand after a baby elephant slipped over a cliff and into the waterfall. Two other elephants found standing on a nearby cliff were rescued Saturday afternoon, Thai officials said on Facebook. Click our link in bio to read more. (📝: @olivianiland, 📸: Getty/Thailand Department of National Parks)
 #thailand #thai #elephant #elephants #nationalpark #waterfall #conservation #KhaoYai #KhaoYaiNationalPark #animals

2019-10-05 18:26

0 2147


Six elephants fell to their deaths after trying to save each other from a waterfall in Thailand. The incident occurred at Khao Yai National Park in southern Thailand after a baby elephant slipped over a cliff and into the waterfall. Two other elephants found standing on a nearby cliff were rescued Saturday afternoon, Thai officials said on Facebook. Click our link in bio to read more. (📝: @olivianiland, 📸: Getty/Thailand Department of National Parks) . . . #thailand #thai #elephant #elephants #nationalpark #waterfall #conservation #KhaoYai #KhaoYaiNationalPark #animals

arounddaworld._ (1699 dni)HAHAHAHA THIS IS FUNNY
hungry_the_stas (1699 dni)@gunnersaurus8 [Indians]
wanderlust_909 (1699 dni)That’s so sad, prayers 🙏
ishema5537 (1699 dni)Танюшка... если тебе#нужны денги то попробуй как я пора,ботать в инете... 40тыщ в неDелю всегда есть, ниче сложного ваще нету... почитай мой проифль, там всё есть
Wednesday marks one year since Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi, an outspoken reformist living in Virginia, was killed inside Saudi Arabia’s consulate in Istanbul. Saudi agents allegedly murdered and dismembered Khashoggi during his visit to collect marriage paperwork. His remains have never been located. Despite calls to investigate Saudi Arabia’s role in Khashoggi’s death, and CIA findings that have implicated the country’s crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, neither the White House, State Department nor the United Nations have done so. At a vigil for Khashoggi outside the former Saudi consulate on Wednesday, Khashoggi’s fiance, Hatice Cengiz, embraced Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, who owns the Washington Post. Agnés Callamard, a United Nations human rights investigator who wrote a report on Khashoggi’s death, attended the vigil and encouraged other journalists to “persist, insist, expose — for Jamal and the other Jamals around the world,” the Washington Post reported. Activists in France, Norway, Australia and other countries also staged protests to remember Khashoggi and demand justice for his murder. (📝: @olivianiland, 📸: Getty, Reuters)
 #jamalkhashoggi #justiceforjamalkhashoggi #journalist #freepress #freespeech #washingtonpost #saudiarabia #ksa #saudi #istanbul #turkey #pressfreedom

2019-10-02 23:11

0 110


Wednesday marks one year since Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi, an outspoken reformist living in Virginia, was killed inside Saudi Arabia’s consulate in Istanbul. Saudi agents allegedly murdered and dismembered Khashoggi during his visit to collect marriage paperwork. His remains have never been located. Despite calls to investigate Saudi Arabia’s role in Khashoggi’s death, and CIA findings that have implicated the country’s crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, neither the White House, State Department nor the United Nations have done so. At a vigil for Khashoggi outside the former Saudi consulate on Wednesday, Khashoggi’s fiance, Hatice Cengiz, embraced Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, who owns the Washington Post. Agnés Callamard, a United Nations human rights investigator who wrote a report on Khashoggi’s death, attended the vigil and encouraged other journalists to “persist, insist, expose — for Jamal and the other Jamals around the world,” the Washington Post reported. Activists in France, Norway, Australia and other countries also staged protests to remember Khashoggi and demand justice for his murder. (📝: @olivianiland, 📸: Getty, Reuters) . . . #jamalkhashoggi #justiceforjamalkhashoggi #journalist #freepress #freespeech #washingtonpost #saudiarabia #ksa #saudi #istanbul #turkey #pressfreedom

world_records_requests (1701 dni)We need help breaking the record for most pending requests on IG! Give us a follow.
hajer_al94 (1700 dni)مرحباً أيها العالم هناك شعب يقوم بثورة الآن، في شوارع العراق Hello world, there are people making revolutin now in lraq! Show your support for right of lraqi people to protest Peacefully! #Save_the_Iraqi_people ‏#Hello_world ‏#There_are_people_Making #Revolution_now_in_iraq ! ‏#Show_your_support_for_the #right_of_Iraq_people_to #protest_peacefully ‏#Save_the_Iraqi_people ‏#HELP_Iraq ‏#saveIraqi
ganoderma_ali_salamati (1699 dni)
A teenage protester was shot with a live police round in Hong Kong, the first such incident since mass demonstrations began in the city in June. Hong Kong’s police department confirmed an “open fire incident” had taken place around 4 p.m. local time on Tuesday, as protests erupted on the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The spokesperson said the protester who was shot was 18 years old, that his “left shoulder area” was injured, and that he was sent to hospital in a conscious state. Authorities had closed subway stations and malls and deployed water cannons and tear gas as thousands of protesters marched through the city. The citywide protests, which began months ago over a hated extradition bill but have since morphed into a wider pro-democracy movement, are the most direct challenge to the Chinese Communist Party yet. (📸: HKPUSU Press Committee via Reuters/ Campus TV HKUSU via Facebook / Getty)
 #hongkong #hongkongprotest #hongkong🇭🇰 #hk #china #china🇨🇳 #peoplesrepublicofchina #protests #democracy #prodemocracy #chinaday #nationalday #noextradition #noextraditiontochina

2019-10-02 01:20

0 265


A teenage protester was shot with a live police round in Hong Kong, the first such incident since mass demonstrations began in the city in June. Hong Kong’s police department confirmed an “open fire incident” had taken place around 4 p.m. local time on Tuesday, as protests erupted on the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The spokesperson said the protester who was shot was 18 years old, that his “left shoulder area” was injured, and that he was sent to hospital in a conscious state. Authorities had closed subway stations and malls and deployed water cannons and tear gas as thousands of protesters marched through the city. The citywide protests, which began months ago over a hated extradition bill but have since morphed into a wider pro-democracy movement, are the most direct challenge to the Chinese Communist Party yet. (📸: HKPUSU Press Committee via Reuters/ Campus TV HKUSU via Facebook / Getty) . . . #hongkong #hongkongprotest #hongkong🇭🇰 #hk #china #china🇨🇳 #peoplesrepublicofchina #protests #democracy #prodemocracy #chinaday #nationalday #noextradition #noextraditiontochina

kaptaincephilo (1700 dni)@woodencathedral please inbox me
kaptaincephilo (1700 dni)@angelicaa_cheung please inbox me
kaptaincephilo (1700 dni)@tamar_e_j please inbox me
ganoderma_ali_salamati (1699 dni)❤😍
A town in the southern Philippines has turned 30,000 discarded plastic bottles into a beautiful tulip garden in an attempt to raise recycling awareness and attract tourism. The garden, which opened last week, was built from bottles collected from 45 villages around Lamitan City. Some of the bottles were cut into the shape of tulips and painted red, yellow, pink, and blue, while others were shredded and mixed with concrete for the garden’s pathway 🇵🇭 ♻️🌷 (📷: Lamitan City Official)
 #tulipgarden #plastictulips #lamitancity #phillipineswaste #plasticwaste #planetorplastic #reduceplastic #recycling #recycle #zerowaste #environment #wastemanagement #savetheplanet

2019-10-01 00:25

0 285


A town in the southern Philippines has turned 30,000 discarded plastic bottles into a beautiful tulip garden in an attempt to raise recycling awareness and attract tourism. The garden, which opened last week, was built from bottles collected from 45 villages around Lamitan City. Some of the bottles were cut into the shape of tulips and painted red, yellow, pink, and blue, while others were shredded and mixed with concrete for the garden’s pathway 🇵🇭 ♻️🌷 (📷: Lamitan City Official) _ #tulipgarden #plastictulips #lamitancity #phillipineswaste #plasticwaste #planetorplastic #reduceplastic #recycling #recycle #zerowaste #environment #wastemanagement #savetheplanet

202veronica (1700 dni)How does that help They used acrylic paint (because it sticks better to plastic) and I see what they where going for but this doesn’t get rid of the bottles. You just made colorful trash.
202veronica (1700 dni)@202veronica edit it sounded a little harsh, not say it’s ugly but it still doesn’t solve to pollution
chava.solis (1700 dni)@madisonn.abel correct me if I’m wrong, but I think it’s bad on both of those situations.
madisonn.abel (1700 dni)@chava.solis oh i was just wondering cause it’s not like i’m dumping it in the ocean but i do buy it sooo
Baloch, 26, was drugged and strangled in July 2016. Her brother, Waseem Azeem Baloch, admitted to her murder at a press conference, saying Baloch had brought “dishonor to the family name.” Baloch was a frequently provocative and divisive figure in Pakistan because of what she posted on social media. These posts ranged from the mundane — complaining of a headache — to the risqué — offering to strip for the Pakistani cricket team, but her singular refusal to be shamed by Pakistani society for what she wore, said, or did made her both iconic and reviled. The court that sentenced Waseem on Friday acquitted five other men, including Pakistani cleric Abdul Qavi. (📷: Ss Mirza/AFP/Getty)
 #justiceforqandeelbaloch #qandeelbaloch #qandeelbalochmurder #qandeelbalochtrial

2019-09-27 17:59

0 385


Baloch, 26, was drugged and strangled in July 2016. Her brother, Waseem Azeem Baloch, admitted to her murder at a press conference, saying Baloch had brought “dishonor to the family name.” Baloch was a frequently provocative and divisive figure in Pakistan because of what she posted on social media. These posts ranged from the mundane — complaining of a headache — to the risqué — offering to strip for the Pakistani cricket team, but her singular refusal to be shamed by Pakistani society for what she wore, said, or did made her both iconic and reviled. The court that sentenced Waseem on Friday acquitted five other men, including Pakistani cleric Abdul Qavi. (📷: Ss Mirza/AFP/Getty) – #justiceforqandeelbaloch #qandeelbaloch #qandeelbalochmurder #qandeelbalochtrial

_hermione_and_natasha_ (1701 dni)@theskysay mind taking a look at a map before commenting
rashi_priya_ (1701 dni)@madiha.reyaz Pakistani pig spotted 😂😂
ojviany (1700 dni)@javierfromdallas what do Israel do to Arabs
Trump is facing an impeachment inquiry, but what does that mean? @elamin88 breaks it down.

2019-09-27 00:35

0 23


Trump is facing an impeachment inquiry, but what does that mean @elamin88 breaks it down.

16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg accused world leaders of failing her generation in a powerful, damning speech at the United Nations Climate Action Summit. (🎥: United Nations TV) .
 #gretathunberg #un #unitednations #unclimatesummit #unclimateactionsummit #climatestrike #climatechange #climatechangeisreal #climatecrisis #climateactivist #climateaction #genz #globalwarming #activism

2019-09-23 20:45

0 1543


16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg accused world leaders of failing her generation in a powerful, damning speech at the United Nations Climate Action Summit. (🎥: United Nations TV) . . #gretathunberg #un #unitednations #unclimatesummit #unclimateactionsummit #climatestrike #climatechange #climatechangeisreal #climatecrisis #climateactivist #climateaction #genz #globalwarming #activism

levarforever (1699 dni)Yeah you shouldn't be up there misinforming the public and terrorizing children. CO2 is not a pollutant and will not destroy the world. And we are nowhere near apocalyptic levels like Venus' atmosphere. We are at 0.04% in our atmosphere. You could double and triple that and we still won't be at dangerous levels or see any significant warming. Do you intend to get rid of your smart phone, computer, transportation, and other things that depend on mining of rare earth metals and carbon fuels to to protect the future of humanity
hesamedinrezakhani87 (1699 dni)👍👍
septicnihil (1699 dni)Nah she didnt
hans_jvh (1699 dni)Ik, you’re a puppet of the radical left
Thousands of people around the world walked out of school and work on Friday in a massive youth-led movement to draw attention to the climate crisis. It is the third global youth-run climate strike this year, and this week's event comes ahead of the first-ever Youth Climate Summit in New York. The climate strike, which is now just over a year old, began with 16-year-old Greta Thunberg going on strike every Friday in August last year in Stockholm — and grew into a movement that has spurred hundreds to thousands of kids to strike regularly. Other climate movements, most notably Extinction Rebellion in the UK and the Sunrise Movement in the US, have tapped into growing frustration about a lack of climate action. Here are just a few signs from some of the protests in places around the globe. Send us the best photos you've seen 🌍 (📷: Getty) -

 #world #climatechange #climatestrike #protestsigns #protest

2019-09-20 20:16

0 234


Thousands of people around the world walked out of school and work on Friday in a massive youth-led movement to draw attention to the climate crisis. It is the third global youth-run climate strike this year, and this week's event comes ahead of the first-ever Youth Climate Summit in New York. The climate strike, which is now just over a year old, began with 16-year-old Greta Thunberg going on strike every Friday in August last year in Stockholm — and grew into a movement that has spurred hundreds to thousands of kids to strike regularly. Other climate movements, most notably Extinction Rebellion in the UK and the Sunrise Movement in the US, have tapped into growing frustration about a lack of climate action. Here are just a few signs from some of the protests in places around the globe. Send us the best photos you've seen 🌍 (📷: Getty) - #world #climatechange #climatestrike #protestsigns #protest

drytoothpastelol (1703 dni)@mindremote it’s basic science that climate change is also natural. The two ice ages weren’t the fault of man but of nature
mindremote (1703 dni)@drytoothpastelol you should tell climate scientists your ground breaking discovery! They didn’t take into account the earth’s climate cycles when coming to the FULL consensus that global warming is caused by human green house gases, oh wait... yeah they did.
drytoothpastelol (1703 dni)@mindremote ground breaking discovery Nigga it’s basic science maybe if you took a science class you’d know something but obviously you don’t so you believe what you want to believe. Everything animal creates green house gasses retard
Vincent Tremeau is a photographer based in Dakar, Senegal, whose work focuses on raising awareness around humanistic issues across the globe. His ongoing series of portraits, One Day, I Will, asks displaced children living in refugee camps a single question: What do you want to be when you grow up? Tremeau follows this question by asking each child to build a costume designed after their chosen profession. “I remember a girl who started crying as she told me her story. So I began to think of how I could tell the stories of these children in a way that would focus on possibilities for their future rather than trauma of the past and daily survival.” The result is a powerful series of images that capture the dreams and ambitions of the world’s youth. (📸: Vincent Tremeau) .
 #senegal #refugee #africa #iraq #syria #refugees #refugeeswelcome #refugeecamps #refugeecrisis #refugeestories #photography #portraits #girlpower #girlsinstem #girlsintech #whenigrowup #girlswithgoals

2019-09-20 02:42

0 162


Vincent Tremeau is a photographer based in Dakar, Senegal, whose work focuses on raising awareness around humanistic issues across the globe. His ongoing series of portraits, One Day, I Will, asks displaced children living in refugee camps a single question: What do you want to be when you grow up Tremeau follows this question by asking each child to build a costume designed after their chosen profession. “I remember a girl who started crying as she told me her story. So I began to think of how I could tell the stories of these children in a way that would focus on possibilities for their future rather than trauma of the past and daily survival.” The result is a powerful series of images that capture the dreams and ambitions of the world’s youth. (📸: Vincent Tremeau) . . . #senegal #refugee #africa #iraq #syria #refugees #refugeeswelcome #refugeecamps #refugeecrisis #refugeestories #photography #portraits #girlpower #girlsinstem #girlsintech #whenigrowup #girlswithgoals

twizzytwainz (1699 dni)@harrongrady come
India has banned the production, sale, import, and advertising of vaping products as part of an initiative to stop the “impact of e-cigarettes on the youth.” Violators will be jailed for up to three years, and fined up to $7,000, the government said. Existing users, however, will not face penalties. Juul had been planning to launch in India, home to more than 106 million smokers — second only to China — by the end of this year. (📸: Getty, Reuters)
 #indiavapingban #indiavapes #vaping #vapes #india #vapelife #vapegram

2019-09-19 00:12

0 697


India has banned the production, sale, import, and advertising of vaping products as part of an initiative to stop the “impact of e-cigarettes on the youth.” Violators will be jailed for up to three years, and fined up to $7,000, the government said. Existing users, however, will not face penalties. Juul had been planning to launch in India, home to more than 106 million smokers — second only to China — by the end of this year. (📸: Getty, Reuters) – #indiavapingban #indiavapes #vaping #vapes #india #vapelife #vapegram

starnbarbie (1710 dni)I knew it was some wrong with it
evakahwaji (1710 dni)@karennatallah we can use that
amms_meme_daddy (1703 dni)@robxwallace Yes you soyboy faggot, there is something known as a real man. You’re not one. You fucking degenerate.
Denmark’s government has bought the country’s last four remaining circus elephants - Ramboline, Lara, Djunga, and Jenny - so that they can retire. A ban is also expected to be implemented later this year that will outlaw circus animals 🐘

2019-09-18 00:55

0 179


Denmark’s government has bought the country’s last four remaining circus elephants - Ramboline, Lara, Djunga, and Jenny - so that they can retire. A ban is also expected to be implemented later this year that will outlaw circus animals 🐘

rubie_hart (1703 dni)Can we now work on the Faroe Islands issue
melissaboyd.17 (1701 dni)♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
yfw.alex (1701 dni)good
Thousands of high school and college students formed human chains throughout the city on Monday in support of protesters calling for democratic reforms and an investigation into police behavior. The Hong Kong government has denounced the “illegal behavior of radical protesters.” Hong Kong is controlled by mainland China, but was promised certain rights when Beijing regained the territory in 1997. China said Monday that any form of secessionism would be “crushed,” and has blamed ongoing protests on foreign interference, Al Jazeera reported. On Sunday, protesters intended to march peacefully to the US consulate to call for US support for the protests, but Hong Kong police fired tear gas hours later at protesters who vandalized subway stations and set fires. Photos of a young boy being bloodily beaten in a subway station by police also sparked anger on social media over the weekend, TIME reported. (📝: @olivianiland, 📸: @reuters) .
 #hongkong #hongkong🇭🇰 #hongkongprotest #hongkonger #china #protests #democracy #students #hongkongprotests #chinese #extradition #noextradition #hk #policeviolence

2019-09-10 23:38

0 117


Thousands of high school and college students formed human chains throughout the city on Monday in support of protesters calling for democratic reforms and an investigation into police behavior. The Hong Kong government has denounced the “illegal behavior of radical protesters.” Hong Kong is controlled by mainland China, but was promised certain rights when Beijing regained the territory in 1997. China said Monday that any form of secessionism would be “crushed,” and has blamed ongoing protests on foreign interference, Al Jazeera reported. On Sunday, protesters intended to march peacefully to the US consulate to call for US support for the protests, but Hong Kong police fired tear gas hours later at protesters who vandalized subway stations and set fires. Photos of a young boy being bloodily beaten in a subway station by police also sparked anger on social media over the weekend, TIME reported. (📝: @olivianiland, 📸: @reuters) . – #hongkong #hongkong🇭🇰 #hongkongprotest #hongkonger #china #protests #democracy #students #hongkongprotests #chinese #extradition #noextradition #hk #policeviolence

imtik461 (1716 dni)Craving for FREEDOM.......the basic human rights that "rich" mainland China doesnt have
_ggordon.l (1713 dni)@greentea_addiction I agree, what pisses me off the most is that the main stream media is portraying the Chinese government and HK police as corrupted and evil, like boiiii the fuck do u know what has been happening in Hong Kong


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