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EVRYTHNG CO$T @evrythngcost
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 #Repost @iamjusmurray with @get_repost
Wassup World! There is a brand new ministry at Travelers Church led by myself and Bro. Shaq Jones called B.A.R.S (Bold and Righteous Saints) Our ministry's first event will be an open mic/hip hop showcase featuring myself (Jus Murray) & Shaq Jones. We are looking for Hip-Hop, Poetry, & Spoken Word artists to join us on stage for our open mic segment! All are welcome if you have a positive message you want the people hear, and this is the place to do so. Please tag anyone you know who may be interested down below in the comment section or DM myself or Shaq. This is your opportunity to express your gift freely with NO JUDGMENT!! This is a competition FREE zone for all WHO GOT BARS!! One Mic, One Body, One Sound. Much Love & God Bless.

2019-09-15 01:18

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#Repost @iamjusmurray with @get_repost ・・・ Wassup World! There is a brand new ministry at Travelers Church led by myself and Bro. Shaq Jones called B.A.R.S (Bold and Righteous Saints) Our ministry's first event will be an open mic/hip hop showcase featuring myself (Jus Murray) & Shaq Jones. We are looking for Hip-Hop, Poetry, & Spoken Word artists to join us on stage for our open mic segment! All are welcome if you have a positive message you want the people hear, and this is the place to do so. Please tag anyone you know who may be interested down below in the comment section or DM myself or Shaq. This is your opportunity to express your gift freely with NO JUDGMENT!! This is a competition FREE zone for all WHO GOT BARS!! One Mic, One Body, One Sound. Much Love & God Bless.


2019-09-14 14:08

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Good luck bro praying for you

2019-09-14 13:04

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Good luck bro praying for you

 #Repost @realdlhughley with @get_repost
Don’t @ me about #WhitePrivilege !! This is a JOKE, and it’s far from a funny one!! #TeamDL #injustice #felicityhuffman

2019-09-14 01:28

14 0


#Repost @realdlhughley with @get_repost ・・・ Don’t @ me about #WhitePrivilege !! This is a JOKE, and it’s far from a funny one!! #TeamDL #injustice #felicityhuffman

 #Repost @syretajoglesby22 with @get_repost
I have known people to do more time for literally doing nothing. 14 days. Definitely can not say that White Privilege doesn't exist.

2019-09-13 22:14

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#Repost @syretajoglesby22 with @get_repost ・・・ I have known people to do more time for literally doing nothing. 14 days. Definitely can not say that White Privilege doesn't exist.

 #Repost @syretajoglesby22 with @get_repost
For the love of Tanya McDowell who was given a 5 year sentence for trying to give her son access to a better school system. The justice system is FLAWED .

2019-09-13 22:03

14 0


#Repost @syretajoglesby22 with @get_repost ・・・ For the love of Tanya McDowell who was given a 5 year sentence for trying to give her son access to a better school system. The justice system is FLAWED .

 #Repost @mandobeats with @get_repost
Reposted from @trapangerstephens ”Every minute someone leaves this world behind. 
We are all in “the line” without knowing it. 
We never know how many people are before us. 
We can not move to the back of the line. 
We can not step out of the line.
We can not avoid the line. 
So while we wait in line -

Make moments count. 
Make priorities. 
Make the time. 
Make your gifts known. 
Make a nobody feel like a somebody. 
Make your voice heard. 
Make the small things big. 
Make someone smile. 
Make the change. 
Make love. 
Make up. 
Make peace. 
Make sure to tell your people they are loved. 
Make sure to have no regrets. 
Make sure you are ready.”

2019-09-13 20:39

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#Repost @mandobeats with @get_repost ・・・ Reposted from @trapangerstephens ”Every minute someone leaves this world behind. We are all in “the line” without knowing it. We never know how many people are before us. We can not move to the back of the line. We can not step out of the line. We can not avoid the line. So while we wait in line - Make moments count. Make priorities. Make the time. Make your gifts known. Make a nobody feel like a somebody. Make your voice heard. Make the small things big. Make someone smile. Make the change. Make love. Make up. Make peace. Make sure to tell your people they are loved. Make sure to have no regrets. Make sure you are ready.”

 #Repost @jazzepha with @get_repost
This is your season, and a lot of people from your past are going to resurface as your blessings become obvious to the people in your path. But unfortunately they don't fit the "new you" and I'm not saying to act funny with anyone, just keep smiling and keep it movin! #wonthedoit #GODisTheGreatest #tbt

2019-09-13 12:30

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#Repost @jazzepha with @get_repost ・・・ This is your season, and a lot of people from your past are going to resurface as your blessings become obvious to the people in your path. But unfortunately they don't fit the "new you" and I'm not saying to act funny with anyone, just keep smiling and keep it movin! #wonthedoit #GODisTheGreatest #tbt

When you was there you don’t have to explain lol Make history and keep creating.

2019-09-11 20:35

18 3


When you was there you don’t have to explain lol Make history and keep creating.

That part #FOH

2019-09-11 20:12

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That part #FOH

Dam son it felt like we just spoke about your project. RIP LIL RAH #fuckcancer

2019-09-10 20:07

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Dam son it felt like we just spoke about your project. RIP LIL RAH #fuckcancer

Opportunity doesn’t wait for you so be ready.

2019-09-10 19:25

13 0


Opportunity doesn’t wait for you so be ready.


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