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Asparagus making a come back some extremely sweet almost corn like flavour, with honey butter & banga emulsion, preserved kumquat & smoked fermented cassava. A dish that taps into all aspects of taste.

2019-06-07 12:22

725 8


Asparagus making a come back some extremely sweet almost corn like flavour, with honey butter & banga emulsion, preserved kumquat & smoked fermented cassava. A dish that taps into all aspects of taste.

Red Mullets cured, dried and blistered over coals, with wood fired rice and a custard made of the fish liver.

2019-06-04 23:14

417 9


Red Mullets cured, dried and blistered over coals, with wood fired rice and a custard made of the fish liver.

North Sea lobsters confit over the grill & lobster miso bisque with heirloom peas & grilled pickled shiitakes. Big flavours last night @chambreseparee

2019-06-03 10:05

1051 16


North Sea lobsters confit over the grill & lobster miso bisque with heirloom peas & grilled pickled shiitakes. Big flavours last night @chambreseparee

Holstein beef, maybe the best in the world, grilled over wood with a sauce of the reduced bones, bieber chilli & new season gherkins. On the side, baby eggplant slowly cooked over the coals all day, brushed with hazelnut butter & beef garum.

2019-06-02 22:54

1133 14


Holstein beef, maybe the best in the world, grilled over wood with a sauce of the reduced bones, bieber chilli & new season gherkins. On the side, baby eggplant slowly cooked over the coals all day, brushed with hazelnut butter & beef garum.

Slow grilling chillies & leeks, breaking down Holstein beef bones for our beef, bieber & gherkin sauce tomorrow night @chambreseparee

2019-06-01 14:14

580 11


Slow grilling chillies & leeks, breaking down Holstein beef bones for our beef, bieber & gherkin sauce tomorrow night @chambreseparee

Heirloom Austrian peas via @ansonmills confit until tender with grains of selim, to be served with our lobster & smoked bacon.

2019-05-29 10:17

443 4


Heirloom Austrian peas via @ansonmills confit until tender with grains of selim, to be served with our lobster & smoked bacon.

Tonight’s spread of mind blowing seafood on our tasting menu. The favourite, lightly cured and grilled John Dory with a sauce of its roe, chrysanthemum & coffee.

2019-05-28 21:34

1089 9


Tonight’s spread of mind blowing seafood on our tasting menu. The favourite, lightly cured and grilled John Dory with a sauce of its roe, chrysanthemum & coffee.

Ikoyi x Chambre Séparée this June 2 in Ghent. Bookings open tmrw for Pantera (2)!

2019-05-25 15:56

133 1


Ikoyi x Chambre Séparée this June 2 in Ghent. Bookings open tmrw for Pantera (2)!

Gigantic soles cooked all the way on the bone for lunch today, with a smokey vinaigrette and grilled sorrel from the Namayasai farm.

2019-05-25 14:07

610 4


Gigantic soles cooked all the way on the bone for lunch today, with a smokey vinaigrette and grilled sorrel from the Namayasai farm.

Kabu turnip in pristine condition and a love for the pure connection between fish and vegetable umami.

2019-05-17 22:40

542 3


Kabu turnip in pristine condition and a love for the pure connection between fish and vegetable umami.

Lobsters raised on a mineral rich diet in highly oxygenated water yields and incredibly red and sweet flesh. Carefully grilled and confit for the rest of this week Numbers are limited, so if you’re keen to try our lobster please book in earlier in the evening as they run on a first come first serve basis!

2019-05-14 23:40

389 5


Lobsters raised on a mineral rich diet in highly oxygenated water yields and incredibly red and sweet flesh. Carefully grilled and confit for the rest of this week Numbers are limited, so if you’re keen to try our lobster please book in earlier in the evening as they run on a first come first serve basis!

Works in progress.

2019-05-12 20:16

600 6


Works in progress.


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