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Mindy Weiss @mindyweiss
# 14348

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The moment that changes your life forever ... love you two @jordanmollyklein @jordanmoelis thx @celiosdesign @laurenkshap_mindyweiss 📷 @normanandblake

2019-08-19 04:23

1255 8


The moment that changes your life forever ... love you two @jordanmollyklein @jordanmoelis thx @celiosdesign @laurenkshap_mindyweiss 📷 @normanandblake

Last night we had 2 weddings and both of the families were dear friends. It was very difficult to miss this one but my team did a fabulous job taking over. @jordanmollyklein had a vision that I was so inspired by that at the pre set up I was like a kid in a candy shop. Thank you @celiosdesign for giving life to the inspiration pics and @laurenkshap_mindyweiss for stepping in and implementing the dream so beautifully! I think I drove my team crazy sending me videos and pics. More to come...

2019-08-18 14:13

14078 356


Last night we had 2 weddings and both of the families were dear friends. It was very difficult to miss this one but my team did a fabulous job taking over. @jordanmollyklein had a vision that I was so inspired by that at the pre set up I was like a kid in a candy shop. Thank you @celiosdesign for giving life to the inspiration pics and @laurenkshap_mindyweiss for stepping in and implementing the dream so beautifully! I think I drove my team crazy sending me videos and pics. More to come...

Mr and Mrs James Rosenthal !!! Last pic too blurry! Flowers @nancy_kaye dress @moniquelhuillier @meg_mindyweiss 📷 @johnandjoseph

2019-08-18 03:26

4562 36


Mr and Mrs James Rosenthal !!! Last pic too blurry! Flowers @nancy_kaye dress @moniquelhuillier @meg_mindyweiss 📷 @johnandjoseph

Our other rehearsal dinner on the beach! For @jordanmollyklein @jordanmoelis love all the white next to the sand. @celiosdesign @tacer_losangeles @latavolalinen @laurenkshap_mindyweiss

2019-08-17 15:46

1244 10


Our other rehearsal dinner on the beach! For @jordanmollyklein @jordanmoelis love all the white next to the sand. @celiosdesign @tacer_losangeles @latavolalinen @laurenkshap_mindyweiss

Nothing Sour about this rehearsal dinner for #jamesgotamaized @nancy_kaye @lonnie_images @resourceonelinens @meg_mindyweiss 📷 @johnandjoseph

2019-08-17 05:48

3965 50


Nothing Sour about this rehearsal dinner for #jamesgotamaized @nancy_kaye @lonnie_images @resourceonelinens @meg_mindyweiss 📷 @johnandjoseph

A rented log from @found was filled with life by @celiosdesign. Swipe left to see our hand folded napkin envelope where our guests took out a card to write a note to the baby! Don’t forget a cute pencil @amazon

2019-08-13 16:47

2473 24


A rented log from @found was filled with life by @celiosdesign. Swipe left to see our hand folded napkin envelope where our guests took out a card to write a note to the baby! Don’t forget a cute pencil @amazon

Nursery rhymes and roses.... @celiosdesign @andrew_mindyweiss

2019-08-13 02:24

2393 17


Nursery rhymes and roses.... @celiosdesign @andrew_mindyweiss

A tisket a tasket bouquets in a basket... @marksgarden 📷 @elizabethmessina

2019-08-10 04:48

1038 8


A tisket a tasket bouquets in a basket... @marksgarden 📷 @elizabethmessina

When you need a covering over the ceremony ...love this fabric treatment. @marksgarden @revelryeventdesign

2019-08-09 04:13

4381 46


When you need a covering over the ceremony ...love this fabric treatment. @marksgarden @revelryeventdesign

Congratulations! We have been celebrating together for 15 years! So happy to be a part of your life memories @melissaetorre 📷@ladoalexi #Repost @heidiklum
We did it ❣️
Mr.&Mrs. Kaulitz ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

2019-08-05 21:08

5387 51


Congratulations! We have been celebrating together for 15 years! So happy to be a part of your life memories @melissaetorre 📷@ladoalexi #Repost @heidiklum ・・・ We did it ❣️ Mr.&Mrs. Kaulitz ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


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