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I serve the base 
 #danandshay #dan+shay #speechless #tequila

2019-09-06 19:40

99 15


I serve the base #danandshay #dan+shay #speechless #tequila

After hittin that snooze 3x

2019-09-01 21:30

97 4


After hittin that snooze 3x

Pleasantly surprised and impressed by this tswift album.  #taylorswift #archer #lover #jackantonoff

2019-08-28 19:38

146 17


Pleasantly surprised and impressed by this tswift album. #taylorswift #archer #lover #jackantonoff

Dreaming about my space pod in 2035

2019-08-21 21:33

186 6


Dreaming about my space pod in 2035

Always thought this was a genius melody and with both of them releasing music this past week, it seemed like a good time for a new twist on the original. #drake #rickross #AstonMartinMusic/ #ParisMortonMusic. #carepackage #portofmiami2 #teflondon

2019-08-15 21:29

154 41


Always thought this was a genius melody and with both of them releasing music this past week, it seemed like a good time for a new twist on the original. #drake #rickross #AstonMartinMusic/ #ParisMortonMusic. #carepackage #portofmiami2 #teflondon

Flagrant chest hair (don’t care). Got to stop by the New York office today to meet with some friends and hear about the new initiatives they have in the pipeline. 

2019-08-13 21:01

302 14


Flagrant chest hair (don’t care). Got to stop by the New York office today to meet with some friends and hear about the new initiatives they have in the pipeline. #spotify

It’s with heavy heart.... #thejoysofadulthood

2019-08-11 19:53

128 1


It’s with heavy heart.... #thejoysofadulthood

Later era Beatles is so much more sophisticated, that it’s easy to write off the early stuff as cheesy pop. But there’s some real gems in there. #andiloveher #beatles #thebeatles #nirvana #kurtcobain #montageofheck

2019-08-08 17:14

148 34


Later era Beatles is so much more sophisticated, that it’s easy to write off the early stuff as cheesy pop. But there’s some real gems in there. #andiloveher #beatles #thebeatles #nirvana #kurtcobain #montageofheck

Don’t block the box 

2019-08-06 22:46

218 10


Don’t block the box @wondercreativeco

They released a whitney Houston vocal into the world. #higherlove #whitneyhouston #kygo #jamesvincentmcmorrow #stevewinwood

2019-07-24 23:59

213 48


They released a whitney Houston vocal into the world. #higherlove #whitneyhouston #kygo #jamesvincentmcmorrow #stevewinwood

Drop in

2019-07-16 22:14

102 7


Drop in

Threw some harmonies behind Hozier’s “Work Song.” Feels like a chain gang anthem.

2019-07-09 21:23

166 31


Threw some harmonies behind Hozier’s “Work Song.” Feels like a chain gang anthem.


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