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AJ Childers @1030pm

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Blink once, shame on you
Blink twice, bearded spirit to haunt your selfies till the end of your mortal life
Blink thrice, enjoy some Chick-fil-A Chick-n-Minis... on the house
 #chickfila #ad #13

2019-09-13 17:54

49 0


Blink once, shame on you Blink twice, bearded spirit to haunt your selfies till the end of your mortal life Blink thrice, enjoy some Chick-fil-A Chick-n-Minis... on the house #chickfila #ad #13

Is this #greekrush or a #pettingzoo? Or #both

2019-09-08 18:21

47 3


Is this #greekrush or a #pettingzoo Or #both

 #throwback to me and my married man... well, not married to me... he has a wife... and just to be clear, I'm not his wife... she is female... I am not.
Anyways, congrats on tying the knot muchacho! I was there through live steam and covered my eyes during your kissing scene, hehehe
 #happybelatedweddingday #congrats #TarTarSauce #Tarannosaurus #Tarzan #Tarantula #Target #Tart #andBenjamin

2019-09-06 18:00

51 0


#throwback to me and my married man... well, not married to me... he has a wife... and just to be clear, I'm not his wife... she is female... I am not. Anyways, congrats on tying the knot muchacho! I was there through live steam and covered my eyes during your kissing scene, hehehe #happybelatedweddingday #congrats #TarTarSauce #Tarannosaurus #Tarzan #Tarantula #Target #Tart #andBenjamin

My workin girl is workin it! #wcw #werk #queenofdairy

2019-09-04 21:07

69 5


My workin girl is workin it! #wcw #werk #queenofdairy

My final college transformation hair cut picture (I guess I didn't change much sophomore year) #theendofanera #senior #mecrushmonday

2019-09-03 01:59

45 1


My final college transformation hair cut picture (I guess I didn't change much sophomore year) #theendofanera #senior #mecrushmonday

 #Igor. #slappinsticks. #eaglemania2019.

2019-08-31 04:30

67 0


#Igor. #slappinsticks. #eaglemania2019.

Today I had to do one of the hardest things I've had to do... leave for college, but without her. It's gonna be hard not having that sweet smile brighten up my long, rough, boring days, but it'll be comforting to know she's only a phone call away. I'm excited to start my senior year, but I'm definitely looking forward to getting this semester over with, so I can come home to the best hugs around! I love you Jordan, and I'll be back soon enough (so don't get impatient and find a new boyfriend while I'm gone) #wcw #missya #beeb #collegetime #senior #heregoesnothing

2019-08-22 11:32

75 6


Today I had to do one of the hardest things I've had to do... leave for college, but without her. It's gonna be hard not having that sweet smile brighten up my long, rough, boring days, but it'll be comforting to know she's only a phone call away. I'm excited to start my senior year, but I'm definitely looking forward to getting this semester over with, so I can come home to the best hugs around! I love you Jordan, and I'll be back soon enough (so don't get impatient and find a new boyfriend while I'm gone) #wcw #missya #beeb #collegetime #senior #heregoesnothing

Always the selfer but never the selfie #existential #selfie

2019-08-09 22:25

65 0


Always the selfer but never the selfie #existential #selfie

If you also want to make these faces when watching our camp video, then go check it out on YouTube and experience the weirdness! Link is in the bio #camprules #volcano #plottwist

2019-08-07 16:15

42 2


If you also want to make these faces when watching our camp video, then go check it out on YouTube and experience the weirdness! Link is in the bio #camprules #volcano #plottwist

Bottom brother lies down for a nap
Middle brother lies upon his lap
Final brother tops tower with slap
Bottom brother lies and cries in trap
And then he dies.

A poem by AJ Childers #poetry #tragedy #bronaps

2019-08-05 15:47

58 1


Bottom brother lies down for a nap Middle brother lies upon his lap Final brother tops tower with slap Bottom brother lies and cries in trap ... And then he dies. A poem by AJ Childers #poetry #tragedy #bronaps

Me and Jordan made this... and we didn't burn the house down! What a success #chickenalfredo #wearechefs #success

2019-07-30 05:20

42 1


Me and Jordan made this... and we didn't burn the house down! What a success #chickenalfredo #wearechefs #success

Merry NOT-Christmas Day! #notmychristmas #Jesusonlyhas1birthday #bahumbug

2019-07-26 04:16

45 4


Merry NOT-Christmas Day! #notmychristmas #Jesusonlyhas1birthday #bahumbug


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